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When should BFC start to develop a CMx3 engine ?

When should BFC start to develop a CMx3 engine  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. When should BFC start to develop a CMx3 engine

    • Right after they finish the Bulge game
    • Let them finish Bulge and Modules for CMRT and CMBS first
    • They can use the CMx2 engine as long as they like, its fine for me
    • I doubt there will ever be a CMx3 engine...
    • I think they should have started long ago and we should already have CMx3 by now !

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Also, when comparing a high fidelity sim to mainstream games with regards to optimization...Mainstream games can take optimization shortcuts CMx2 can not. There is a reason why nobody does relative spotting. If you can name one game that uses relative spotting and has fluent loading times and optimization, I'd be interested.


I'm guessing Arma3 wouldn't run very smooth if it used relative spotting.

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I have both games installed and CMSF overall runs better then CMBS on my pc.


Actually that' s the case for me too. Probably because CMBS has more complex and detailed textures, 3D models, etc. They both run nicely in general, but during very large battles, i get more FPS in CMSF.


One thing i would wish BFC to improve in CMx2 is its use of hardware. I have an Intel I-7 with 8 x 4,0 GHz cores, 16 GB RAM and a GeForce 580 with about 1,5 GB VRAM and CM uses only a tiny fraction of all that computing power (1 core and max. 4GB RAM). 64- bit and multicore suppport, that' the No.1 engine features i wish for, the rest is not as important for me as getting the Bulge game, CMRT, CMFI & CMBS modules.

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Of course CMSF runs better than CMBS, there are simpler models (in terms of damage calculation), no shaders and generally less detailed maps.

But if you bought CMSF in the first day it was released you should remember how terrible was the optimization (allah's fist?).


Now I can run CMSF/RT very smoothly (much better computer than 7 years ago), and even crank up texture sizes like I did.

But I also hope there will be multi-core support in the future. (this will also lead to more stuff to be implemented)



Finally, comparing CM games to blockbusters with hundreds of millions Worth Investments is Always a wrong way to deal with the subject, those titles are streamlined to be usable even by different platforms.

Edited by Kieme(ITA)
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Of course CMSF runs better than CMBS, there are simpler models (in terms of damage calculation), no shaders and generally less detailed maps.

But if you bought CMSF in the first day it was released you should remember how terrible was the optimization (allah's fist?).


Now I can run CMSF/RT very smoothly (much better computer than 7 years ago), and even crank up texture sizes like I did.


Did you double the pixels of the bitmaps?

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What has this forum turned into?!? Some kind of static, entrenched warfare between the Old Breed and The New Generation. People ask questions (some legitimate, some not) and then the flame war starts. It perfectly illustrates the point that time is a flat circle and that this will go on forever and ever.


Haha, It has.

I think that when they finally disappear, combat mission will also die out as a franchise as well.

To pave a way for better things? For another company to take up the torch? Some say some already have? Who knows? All I know is that I don't want it to die out, but it seems incapable of evolving as the world evolves around it.

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Sure GTOS and other games have a stuff that CM doesn't have, and some stuff they do better. But OVER ALL, CMx2 beats them all hands down. As an example you cant be lacking in infantry combat the way GTOS does and take on CM. Doesnt matter if you have flares for night fighting. Sure its a nice edition that I hope we will see in CM one day but its not a game breaker that unrealistic/undetailed infantry combat is. The realism and ToEs and ToOs CM has is unrivaled and with the editor you can pretty much portray any battle.  


CM is not perfect and it is ever evolving. Saying it has not had progress for 8 years is just ignorant and statements like that will naturally be challenged.  

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textures are not a problem, models are. anything above fast models = not gona work very well



I run all setting at maximum, and HD textures. So the problem is not for everybody. I don't even have a 5000$ rig.

Edited by Kieme(ITA)
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I have both games installed and CMSF overall runs better then CMBS on my pc.


How large are the maps in CMSF compared to Black Sea? I never played Shock Force, but I do play CMBN and there was a major increase in map sizes beginning with Red Thunder. That didn't happen because people got sick of small maps, it happened because of engine optimizations that made huge maps feasible that weren't before.

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Sure GTOS and other games have a stuff that CM doesn't have, and some stuff they do better. But OVER ALL, CMx2 beats them all hands down. As an example you cant be lacking in infantry combat the way GTOS does and take on CM. Doesnt matter if you have flares for night fighting. Sure its a nice edition that I hope we will see in CM one day but its not a game breaker that unrealistic/undetailed infantry combat is. The realism and ToEs and ToOs CM has is unrivaled and with the editor you can pretty much portray any battle.  


CM is not perfect and it is ever evolving. Saying it has not had progress for 8 years is just ignorant and statements like that will naturally be challenged.  

all they do regarding 'progress' is change the name of the title,add 6 new vehicles,make campaigns that are nowhere near interesting as multiplayer experience and dont fix problems that were present  8 years ago and make 50 maps out of which 35 are crap


if you really think couple new targeting mechanics ,broken shaders and holes(decals) on tanks are major improvement then its fine (over the course of 8 , or should i say 10 years soon)

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Haha, It has.

I think that when they finally disappear, combat mission will also die out as a franchise as well.

To pave a way for better things? For another company to take up the torch? Some say some already have? Who knows? All I know is that I don't want it to die out, but it seems incapable of evolving as the world evolves around it.

I'm not worried about survival of the CM franchise. But what worries me is this almost sectarian behavior between the "factions". Maybe as the time passes the new generation will evolve into the old breed and the circle will continue uninterrupted.

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I play CM since CMAK (CMx1) and played CMSF (Brits & Marines), CMBN, CMBS. I consider myself "old breed" because of that but my age is what separates me from the 40+ guys here.

Thats maybe the reason i have a different view of CM and how it should have evolved.


you ve said before you were an actual infantryman. which is it? 17 y.o in your parents basement or ex infantryman?

That was a joke...

26 years old and active infantryman.

Ha, and if you wonder why i have so much time currently to post here...i got injured (knee) during a exercise last week. :D

Edited by Wiggum15
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I play CM since CMAK (CMx1) and played CMSF (Brits & Marines), CMBN, CMBS. I consider myself "old breed" because of that but my age is what separates me from the 40+ guys here.

Thats maybe the reason i have a different view of CM and how it should have evolved.


That was a joke...

26 years old and active infantryman.

Ha, and if you wonder why i have so much time currently to post here...i got injured (knee) during a exercise last week. :D

Does Germany still use conscription? 


So here is your list of Combat Mission Fails and why the game is broken for you

Now can you tell me how snow will be modeled ?

Will there be different snow tiles simulating deep snow ?

Will it actually look like deep snow or will it just be flat ?

Okay, so these are primarily a graphics complaints. We'll just give that to GTOS - advantage GTOS


Will there be reworked trench-foxhole models and other forms of protected fighting positions (overhead protection) ?

As you may or may not be aware, from both a fog of war and a player control aspect there is a code limitation that makes what you are asking for difficult if not impossible to do in CM. Does GTOS have full FOW fighting positions that are deployable by the player in it?


Will there be "reinforced/prepared" buildings ?

I am going to assume that you mean something that the player can deploy or influence during set up. Once again though there are code limitations that make this difficult if not impossible to do in the game. If you mean something that could be placed by a scenario designer on the map in the editor then I'm sure it could be done. If the player can't control where the reinforced buildings are located that makes it harder for the player to integrate such buildings into their defenses. So GTOS has reinforced buildings that are deployable by the player too then?

Will there be "snow" weather, i mean actuall snow i can see falling ?

That's already in the game. It isn't 3D so it just falls on the screen but it is there. If GTOS has 3D falling snow I'll give that one to GTOS.

Will the buildings be recycled from the Normandy game or are they all/mostly new models ?

There are two categories of buildings in the game - modular and independent. The modular buildings will probably always be the same, but perhaps with different facades. More independent buildings would be nice, but there are staff limitations and creating stuff in 3D takes a lot of time. Most buildings in most places tend to have similar characteristics so why reinvent the wheel every game?

Will the infantry movement (formations !) get a update ?

Will the TacAi be improved ?

Will there be a "Use Road command" ?

Will there be new AI trigger features ?

Is there a new feature that enhances the gameplay like "action phase SOP's" ?

So GTOS has all of that does it? Pretty amazing game


Will night combat (Flares/LOS) be improved ?

Yes, this would be nice to have. No doubt about it.


How much of the content is recycled (1944 again again...) ?

Well as an "infantryman" (assuming anyone can put any credence to anything that you say) I expect you would know that the equipment is what the equipment is. If the game is set in 1944 the game will have equipment from 1944. That seems self evident to me.

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make campaigns that are nowhere near interesting as multiplayer experience


You should keep that for yourself. What makes you think you are entitled to such kind of generalization???

I enjoy multiplayer a lot, but also the campaigns and single missions. CMSF nato campaign is an act of beauty (and I personally enjoyed the british one too), not to mention CMBS campaigns.

Just because you don't like them doesn't mean it's a useless thing or something people don't like.


The good part is that BFC will keep making them in future titles, so I belive most of the user base likes them.

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I have 25/35 FPS on a 2x2km map with a tank battalion on it.

thats what i have and i am nowhere near satisfied ,it should be 30 fps minimum ,and if we are talking about ideal fps (provided system requirements on the site are actually realistic ) it should be 60 fps Non stop, droping to 55 in rare cases

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Given the fact that the difference between 30 and 60 FPS is barely visible, you are just bashing for no reason.


Optimization can be improved (multi-core) but if it's the case it's not just to run on huge FPS.


If you really can't play at 30 it's your problem.

Edited by Kieme(ITA)
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Given the fact that the difference between 30 and 60 FPS is barely visible, you are just bashing for no reason.


It doesnt matter in CM but it does matter in Shooter games where you need a fast reaction time. Have you ever played Counterstrike?

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If you really can't play at 30 it's your problem.

No, its 100% a engine problem because of bad optimization.


Does Germany still use conscription?



Does GTOS have full FOW fighting positions that are deployable by the player in it?



So GTOS has reinforced buildings that are deployable by the player too then?



So GTOS has all of that does it? Pretty amazing game

It has infantry formations and a "Use Road" command.


Well as an "infantryman" (assuming anyone can put any credence to anything that you say) I expect you would know that the equipment is what the equipment is. If the game is set in 1944 the game will have equipment from 1944. That seems self evident to me.

I just think its cheap from BFC to always use the same year for their games (CMBN, CMRT, Bulge)...sure that helps them to recycle content and save work but i as a customer want something fresh, something truly "new" !

We cant have engine improvements because BFC has no time/money, fine. but at least give us some fresh scenarios and gear to play with (france'40 or the winter-war).

Edited by Wiggum15
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