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ALLIED Battle Report - The Gamey SOB Challenge

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How have you kept those ATG ahead of your infantry, Bil? And can you elucidate the "why?" of it? They seem like... suboptimal choices for a meeting engagement in steep terrain with limited concealment opportunities, but they also seem to be much further forward than I'd've thought possible in 4 minutes...

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Bil is the wind direction towards your base line? Looks like smoke drifting towards you? I am guessing we are going to see some smoke used in this game? What wind direction would you have preferred?


I'll have to check but I think the wind is either nonexistent or very light... I would like to see it moving left to right from my point of view... 


How have you kept those ATG ahead of your infantry, Bil? And can you elucidate the "why?" of it? They seem like... suboptimal choices for a meeting engagement in steep terrain with limited concealment opportunities, but they also seem to be much further forward than I'd've thought possible in 4 minutes...


I didn't mean for the ATG to be up front like that... it got ahead of the infantry as it was towed by the truck much faster than the infantry could travel and its getting pushed into position a lot quicker than I suspected... as this is an ME I think it'll be okay as he also needs to move forward, and if he's moving through his thick woods like I am then he will have trouble getting all his combat power on line too.. my infantry will pass the gun by in a turn or two.  I mainly want to cover the dead ground in front of his Panthers in case he moves them in there... should not have visibility into the areas his tanks are now sitting.  These guns can kill a Panther from the side... if they get the opportunity.

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I didn't mean for the ATG to be up front like that... it got ahead of the infantry as it was towed by the truck much faster than the infantry could travel and its getting pushed into position a lot quicker than I suspected... as this is an ME I think it'll be okay as he also needs to move forward, and if he's moving through his thick woods like I am then he will have trouble getting all his combat power on line too.. my infantry will pass the gun by in a turn or two.  I mainly want to cover the dead ground in front of his Panthers in case he moves them in there... should not have visibility into the areas his tanks are now sitting.  These guns can kill a Panther from the side... if they get the opportunity.

Ah! I missed that they'd started off towed. So your intent is to try and use them like big bazookas?

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As bazookas? Bah. Standoff weapons mean that you've ceded the moral high-ground to your opponent. They should be used as wheeled spears! Bill should beat the drum for a 120 bpm pace, then double up to ramming speed for the last 40m. Nothing like a Panther on a spit! Aye, that'd strike fear in your oppo's heart.




But it is an interesting tactic to think about: close support by ATG, especially if you have two groups, each of which could protect the other's flank.

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The Fifth Minute


The contacts on Finnochio Ridge have resolved into an HMG team and a mortar team.  The HMG team quickly began laying fire into the woods I am moving through (no casualties)... the mortar team I believe is setting up.



My mortar teams on the S Road Ridge did fire a few rounds, both of which fell short.  They will concentrate on the enemy teams on Finnochio Ridge next turn.  Knocking out these enemy teams would be a good return on investment for these mortars.



Also identified this turn were two more UI infantry teams moving up Finnochio RIdge and another on the right side of Doug's AO... 



Panther 2 is in a ridiculously good position, not only did it open fire on my ATG (causing three casualties)...



...it also fired on my lead recon team causing one casualty,,, 



I think I have been very sloppy and not really engaged in this fight to this point.. time to tighten up and start paying attention.  This is a challenging map for sure (I did not choose wisely I guess), and I am outgunned, at least as far as AT capability goes... I believe I should be fine with regards to infantry and infantry support.


First thing I need to so is come over the top with my M10 and at least try to make Doug re-position his Panthers... they are very well sited and they are seriously hampering my maneuverability.

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No images this turn.. basically my M10 is having some serious issues with the slope on the ridge and never got into position.  A few more infantry contacts appeared next to the Finnochio objective... my ATG is pulling back out of its exposed position and still lives.  


One thing, the terrain is giving my armor fits... I need to be patient with them. 

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No images this turn.. basically my M10 is having some serious issues with the slope on the ridge and never got into position.  A few more infantry contacts appeared next to the Finnochio objective... my ATG is pulling back out of its exposed position and still lives.  


One thing, the terrain is giving my armor fits... I need to be patient with them.

You gotta love the AI path finding at times, that or you scream at the pixel truppen!!!!

I would guess a bit of rock messing with the tracks....

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The Seventh Minute


I had quickly moved my M10 from the crappy location it was on laterally across the ridge to hopefully take advantage of the clearing smoke screen left by my Shermans... it spotted, fired on, and got a partial penetration on Panther 2.. so now I expect Doug will rethink the idea of keeping his Panthers in such an exposed position.  I don't think either Panther ever spotted the M10...   




On Finnochio Ridge my mortars finally caused some damage taking out the HMG Doug had setup there... several rounds landed near the mortar team as well, but no casualties were noticed, in fact it is now set up and ready to fire.  I will be converging my mortar fire (joined by one 60mm mortar that has this enemy mortar spotted)...




I am feeling better about this game... I don't know if my M10 actually caused any damage, but that wasn't the point of engaging his Panthers... I want him to think twice about their current positions and perhaps place them under cover.. that kind of fight would be to my advantage.   I want to engage his Panthers at very close range with my Shermans.. but really I want to use my Shermans against his infantry and use the M10 to snipe at and keep the enemy armor busy. 

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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I need to dig out charts but I am not sure how good M10 is vs frontal armour on the Panther, I am guessing Bil you are happy it can do some damage, and as shown it got a hit.


The height and the angles might make it better for you?


Getting the Shermans down that slope is going to be fun.....

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Well the M10 has a better chance than a Sherman will. Like I said I just want to mess with his head at this point and maybe he'll start moving those things around more, who knows what will happen then... The angles might indeed be in my favor, the height difference already saved one of my Shermans from getting knocked out and I'm sure it'll work the other way too.

By the way my Shermans are already down the slope and are in the valley moving up to support my infantry force.

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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By the way my Shermans are already down the slope and are in the valley moving up to support my infantry force.


If you have time it would be good to see where they are and approach they took?  (I guess we will find out in due course). I had thought they might still be on ridge line?

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The Eighth Minute


To answer Holien's question first... this image shows the path of my Sherman platoon which got off the S Road Ridge behind the smoke screen they laid after one of them got hit by Panther 2... they are moving very slowly off road, I figure it'll be two or three turns before they are in position and ready to provide support to my forward infantry.



Before pulling back over the ridge into a safe position my M10 spotted Panther 1 reversing.. it fired and hit the Panther, this round like the other two that hit this tank... bounced.



It appears that Doug had at least one of my mortar teams spotted as we had a bit of a mortar battle this turn... his fire caused five casualties over the two teams I have on the line... his took many very close rounds and I do not know whether it has been knocked out or is just cowering.



Following is an overview of the situation... there appears to be about a platoon's worth of infantry moving on the left most objective.. in fact Doug had one team that was much closer than I expected him to be.. this team used its high ROF small arms to take out my lead team (HQ team - ATG Platoon HQ).  Other teams that I have IDed are noted on the map.




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Thanks for the update and grapics, beautiful as ever... 


Bil, I did not think you could get the Shermans down that slope as ground looked a bit rocky, nice move and avoided the road... Now I see what you are doing and can guess at some approaches you might take...


That M10 certainly is landing the blows, sooner or later one will get through and then the game changes totally...


I presume your two mortar teams are still functional and have ammo left?


Trying to work out what mortar teams you have? Is it 3 x 60mm and 2 x 81mm?

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