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New CMRT Campaign: The Cross of Iron

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Thanks for all the comments and suggestions guys. I am making notes on things to look at and correct which I will do once everyone that would like to leave any feedback does. To answer a few questions that have popped up. Hister to answer some of your concerns I will check that double objective showing up in the first mission. This was brought to my attention by another player and knowing its there will drive me nuts until I fix it. As far as the other mods I just wanted to acknowledge the ones that I use or was used in the campaign. To have included all of them would have made a nightmare download. I assume most players are using most of Aris vehicle mods though there are other high quality ones available. I personally play using all of his and I highly recommend downloading them.


As far as the first mission goes without spoiling to much it was designed mainly as a survival mission. The objectives are there but mainly for the Germans to obtain enough points to get to the next level. The artillery barrage was meant to be brutal as it was for the Germans who experienced it first hand. The AI tends to mix it up each time I played it so it appears to be random in its effectiveness. The Russians will push hard to reach the objectives and eliminate your force so that may be why they are overrunning the barrage. I will look at that also in an update. The exit zone is simply to pull units out towards the end as a simulated retreat and to get a few more points. The main idea is to take out as much of the Soviet forces as possible and still keep as much intact as possible for the next mission. In my first trial run of that scenario Clauss's tank to a direct artillery hit within the first minute killing him and effectively ending the campaign lol. So anything can happen.


But keep the suggestions or bug notes coming and I will make every effort to get them corrected.

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Thanx for even quicker then quick reply. :D

I didn't understand from the text if I should push all my units to the exit as fast as possible to save them from the onslought or remain in the trenches and shoot Ruskies. Maybe make a stronger hint in the mission description? Maybe it's just me playing with it late and there is good enough hintand I missed it.

In any case, your campaign made me miss 3 hours of sleep due to me playing it way over the time when I should have went to sleep due to early work shift I have (waking up at 5.30 am). You should be proud. ;) Hope I don't fall asleep behind the desk which would enable those puny kids to overrun my trenches, haha. :D *(I'm a teacher in elementary school.)

Edited by Hister
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Hi Hister

Just want to point you - and everyone else - to a nice little feature in the new forum software: A special function for spoiler text.



This is the hidden spoiler text.


Nice, eh? :)


Unfortunately, it is rather hard to find. But here it is:


Chose "More Reply Options". Then choose the third icon from the left - in the upper left hand corner. "Special BBCode"


16447791431_c84f5c2a31_n.jpgspoiler 1


Then in the roll down menu choose "spoiler".


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And Bob´s your uncle!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just played through (multiple times) the first mission - always to the same result - total defeat. Looking at the points scored and because you have an exit zone for the Germans anything that does not exit counts as KOd. Hence no matter how many Soviets you kill you'll lose. Also I think you don't have any points allocated for the Soviet units. I ko'd 37 tanks and got 0 points for that. I only got 100 points for the condition of my survivors (I lost six tanks). So I'm thinking the points scoring is a bit off here. Shame as it looks a great campaign idea.


However I'm not sure though that it's possible to get through the first mission. Be interested to hear how others get on.

Edited by George MC
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Thanks for the input George MC. I will look at the point issue and try and reallocate to make it easier. I made the first one tough to try and replicate what the opening attack was like for the Germans. It took me a few tries to get past it in testing myself. However I dont want it to be a frustrating experience so I will rework the first battle and post soon. I know most plyers have been playing BS of late but has anyone else had this issue on the first mission.

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Here is a dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/s/bp2j5c693zyw5ds/The%20Cross%20of%20Iron.cam?dl=0 to The Cross of Iron cam file only. I have made a few adjustments in the first mission to make it easier to achieve a victory based on George MC's input. The exit zone has been relieved of duty so is no longer factored in. I have allocated points to russian armored units destroyed as well as increased points for holding the main objective. I also corrected a few map issues brought to my attention earlier. The first mission is the one I struggled with the most while designing this campaign and it went through many adjustments so your input is key to helping make this campaign a good one. Hopefully the other missions will be mostly issue free but let me know if there are any other problems.


Simply delete the old cam file and copy this one into the CMRT campaign folder and it should work seamlessly with the modtags already in your Data/Z folder.

Edited by dragonwynn
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Just downloading it now :)


Right let's see if I can make it through. TBH the first playthroughs were very exciting. Saw me 'Alamoing' in some woodland with Tigers rear to rear fending off marauding T34s! The on-going arty barrage does lend the whole action a real sense of hell!


Right. That's it downloaded.


Panzer marsch!

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Sorry to say but the scoring is still goosed in the first scenario by the looks of things.




As you can see I took out 46 Soviet tanks for the loss of two. Clauss survived - yet I lose 4000 points for some reason because the Soviets secured him?! It looks like the scoring for Clauss is bust. He is down as a 'destroy' objective not a 'spot' objective or some such thing?






He is still alive - see this screenshot. Crew all intact.




It's a full on opening scenario - so I hugely enjoyed playing it. You really have to be careful with your Tigers and operate very tactically. No going head on with the hordes - you need to keyhole and think about protecting your Tigers from fire from multiple angles. In saying that it does not take much for it to go from going fine to disaster.


A screenshot of the carnage.






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Ok George MC I may have found what created the bug. There was one square from the exit zone I failed to delete on the map so that still showed up under the German objectives. Clauss is set as a destroy objective so they should have to kill him to get the points as was the case in my testing. I uploaded the new file to my dropbox here https://www.dropbox.com/s/bp2j5c693zyw5ds/The%20Cross%20of%20Iron.cam?dl=0. Please give it a one more try and see how it does. I assume other players have suffered the same fate lol so I hope this fixes it. The scoring in this campaign is similar to my Poppies campaign in CMBN so its puzzling why its not working.

Edited by dragonwynn
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Ok apparently using the exit zones bugs the missions to automatically give the Soviets the 4000pts for securing Clauss unless you exit him from the zone. As Clauss is a leader and would never abondon his men in such a traitorous way I have changed the exit zones to occupy zones (staging areas with points). The second mission as well as several others have exit zones and all have been changed. I am not sure why this is, perhaps I am not using exit zones correctly (no surprise) but hopefully this will eliminate this issue. The corrected cam file is in the dropbox link in the above post. Sorry for this issue as it did not appear in my original testing.

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