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Two Russian Igla-S Teams fire at a fast mover in a PBEM game.



Join ADA and shoot for the sky.  Uncle Ivan wants YOU!  


Regrettably both missiles missed what was later learned to be one of two F-15Es prowling the battlefield. Also the Igla-S when bought on the quick battle purchase screen under special teams comes with one missile.  By the end of the battle the two F-15Es accounted for nine destroyed BMPs and T-90s.


Lesson: Buy a Tunguska.       

1) seems that air power in CMBS is quite effective. Nice to see...unless one is on the receiving end of course. ;)

2) I also noticed that Igla teams have 1 missile only. Is that the case for those purchased as teams, or the ones included in formations as well?

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1) seems that air power in CMBS is quite effective. Nice to see...unless one is on the receiving end of course. ;)

2) I also noticed that Igla teams have 1 missile only. Is that the case for those purchased as teams, or the ones included in formations as well?


The BMPs of the Air Defense Platoon have extra missiles for the Igla-S Teams.  Each team has one missile.  Each of the three BMPs have four.  So 21 missiles for nine teams / launchers.  Just over two missiles per team.  Guess you have to remember to use the Acquire command before the dismount.  



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Maybe you don't need to acquire, it is possible that these missiles behave like some other assets and will get automatically shared between the storage vehicle and the teams if these two are close enough.

It's even likely (as any other ammunition is). If they're close enough. But do you really want the AAA teams clustered withn 16m of their ride?

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Hey, couldnt you buIld an ammo sharing chain? Team A is within 16 meters of the BMP and shares ammo witrh the BMP. Team B is within 16 meters of team A but not within 16 meters of the BMP. Yet, because the BMP and team A are sharing ammo, team B has access to the BMPs ammo. Team C is within 16 meters of team B but not within 16 meters of the BMP or team A. Yet, because the BMP and team A and team A and team B  are sharing ammo, team C has acces to the BMPs ammo.


I mean:


BMP->shares with->A->shares with->B->shares with->C




BMP->shares with->C?


Has anyone tried that?

Edited by agusto
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Russian AA troops can only carry two Igla's at a time, as they carry the launchers, not just the missiles. They become quite overburdened with two launchers however and can only move on move. In the game I'm playing it also doesn't seem as if they can discard used launchers and still carry them around.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Russian AA troops can only carry two Igla's at a time, as they carry the launchers, not just the missiles. They become quite overburdened with two launchers however and can only move on move. In the game I'm playing it also doesn't seem as if they can discard used launchers and still carry them around.


The Igla-S launchers are reusable just like the US Stinger.  There are no extra launchers in the BMPs.  Just four extra missiles.  The Igla-S Team is just one soldier.  So under most circumstances I don't think you would want the one soldier carrying more than one launcher.  Or any need to discard just the one launcher.  Except maybe when you were out of all missiles that were available in that particular battle.  Once that single soldier Acquires any type of ammo the only way to get rid of the ammo is to shoot it or share it (As Womble said ammo sharing distance is two action spots or 16 meters) with another soldier / unit in the same platoon.  Any equipment the single soldier takes (launcher, AT weapon etc..) that soldier is stuck with for the duration of the battle.  Unless he is KIA and the equipment is something that can be retrieved during buddy aid.    


In the case of an infantry fire team that Acquired ammo and equipment the team can recombine with its parent squad.  The next time the squad splits into teams the ammo and equipment will distributed among the various teams dependent on the type of split.  Assault Team, Anti-tank team, Scouts etc.  However Igla-S Teams and US Stinger Teams do not have this spilt / recombining option.   

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funny my one igla use got a kill. i usually get tunguskas but strelas are good they just cant hit uavs. usually my core besides armor unit for ukr or russ is the batt. tac. grp bmp pref with era. i dont use ap at all its for wusses :) then i set ahout deleting all the Bmp2ms or 3ms fr two companies andmperhaps prunjng the tjird. then i delete 2/3s the igla force amd all but one bmp. i delete the ags bmps. usually delere engineer team. usually add some foxjss and mixed minds. i add a khriz and a sturm td. perhaps 2 khriz. i delete all the bmp in atg plt leaving ome. it willale ferry troops to move.the launchers. i put the veh. on the uaz. srty vehicle usuay cheap btr variant. arty for russ inusuall

y pixk 2nd 152mm choice for Ukr. i pick 122mm. 120 mortars and sometomes theyre preumed 1 tNk Nd truck per unit or all trucks etc.i usually pick two armor 331,units. one with t72b3 no aps duh. and T90AM. then i delete the majority of tanks hntil i hacw a few of both. Ukr i pikxm t64 bulat or bv depending on sobriety, and some oplots. i add 2 ukr skifs amd 2,cprsars or for russ 2-3,at14,ibusually alwaysbdelete the air guy unless i get planes. i often buy f15e unit for US and su25 for ukr or russ. theyre the cheapest and both give good bang for your luck. also dknt remember a great su25 trick is taergetting light on us armor like abrams teyre cannons devastate abrams sub systems which can be all the diff in tank battle.


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Maybe you don't need to acquire, it is possible that these missiles behave like some other assets and will get automatically shared between the storage vehicle and the teams if these two are close enough.


Yes.  I think they do get shared.  When inside the BMP Igla-S teams will show as having one launcher and five missiles each since they each are counting the four extra available missiles.  This can be misleading.  If you have five Igla-S teams in a BMP you might think you had 25 missiles.  (Don't ask how I know that)  :P  So if the team is set up two action spots (16 meters) from the vehicle I think they would share the missiles still in the vehicle.  


With modern precision artillery, drones and attack helicopters I have noticed that some of my vehicles that I thought were safely tucked away in the rear will suddenly explode.  I have not tried it but would be concerned that an Igla-S unit within sharing distance of said vehicle may suffer collateral damage.  My TACSOP is to Acquire the missiles and move away from the vehicle. :)      

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Hey, couldnt you buIld an ammo sharing chain? Team A is within 16 meters of the BMP and shares ammo witrh the BMP. Team B is within 16 meters of team A but not within 16 meters of the BMP. Yet, because the BMP and team A are sharing ammo, team B has access to the BMPs ammo. Team C is within 16 meters of team B but not within 16 meters of the BMP or team A. Yet, because the BMP and team A and team A and team B  are sharing ammo, team C has acces to the BMPs ammo.


I mean:


BMP->shares with->A->shares with->B->shares with->C




BMP->shares with->C?


Has anyone tried that?


LOL.  That almost made my head hurt thinking about it.  :D  I guess in theory it might be possible.  I have not tried it but think I will just for the fun of it.  

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I am sure it is worth a try.  My prediction is it will not work because sharing does not acquire. 


So, if you have an MG team near a BMP with lots of ammo the MG can fire away and it has access to the BMP's stores but it never acquires 500 or 1000 of rounds it just uses them by the mag or belt.  So an additional MG team that is near the first but too far away from the BMP will be able to share the ammo that the first team has but not what is in the BMP.  Once that first team is out of its own ammo that it can share with the second team all they now have is what is in the gun and at that point I do not believe the second team can get that because there is no excess to ammo that is loaded only to the supply.  The same will apply to the SAM teams.  They will be able to share the excess that their neighbour has but never the round in the launcher.  Given that the team near the BMP will never take more rounds than it needs to fill the launcher there will never be any excess to share with the next team down the line etc. etc.


That is my prediction based simply on observing ammo sharing from time to time.

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That would be the logical approach IanL. But the game mechanics could work different. If a units ammo count is not some sort of function but just stored as a single integer and the game does not differ between the ammo that is stored in the BMP and the ammo that the infantry units carry, it might work. I am having the picture of a CMBN mortar platoon in my mind: If the whole platoon is bunched up, the ammo count of each unit say it has about 60 shells. If they are dispersed, each unit only has about 20.


But all this is academic, the only real way to find it out is to try it.

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The BMPs of the Air Defense Platoon have extra missiles for the Igla-S Teams.  Each team has one missile.  Each of the three BMPs have four.  So 21 missiles for nine teams / launchers.  Just over two missiles per team.  Guess you have to remember to use the Acquire command before the dismount.  




Right, so the formation works fine but if you buy individual teams, you're going to be a one-shot wonder. 

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OK I just tried it. A chain of ingla launchers can share along the chain. Saves and screens will have to wait for tomorrow but it works like this. If everyone is chained along and they all fire their first missiles the first guy will have access to 4 missiles the next will have access to 3 the one after 2 etc.

Edited by IanL
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OK I just tried it. A chain of ingla launchers can share a long the chain. Saves and screens will have to wait for tomorrow but it works like this. If everyone is chained along and they all fire their first missiles the first guy will have access to 4 missiles the next will have access to 3 the one after 2 etc.


Good job Ian.  I would not have guessed that it would actually work.  With nine launchers in the platoon that could be a long chain.  18 action spots or 144 meters.  Also then I guess all three BMPs could be positioned within sharing distance of that first Igla launcher?  Then the first guy would have access to 12 missiles etc.  Not that this is very practical in a shooting game environment but it is interesting to see how the game mechanics work.     

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i usually get tunguskas but strelas are good they just cant hit uavs. usually my core besides armor unit for ukr or russ is the batt. tac. grp bmp pref with era.

i often buy f15e unit for US and su25 for ukr or russ. theyre the cheapest and both give good bang for your luck. also dknt remember a great su25 trick is taergetting light on us armor like abrams teyre cannons devastate abrams sub systems which can be all the diff in tank battle.  


I thought I had replied to this yesterday but I don't see my reply in the thread.  Sorry if this ends up being a double post.


I think a Tunguska is a must for most Russian TOE purchases.  (Unless your playing infantry only or something)  And I have first hand experience of how devastating F-15Es can be. :o   That circles back around to my first point.  I should have had a Tunguska.  Next time.  :)     

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