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The Peng Challenge: Thread Blunder

Joe Shaw

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What on Gods green earth are you trying to say? Still huffing spray on jock itch medicine?

Read recently where your government might authorize the euthanasia of mentally deficient people . I thought of you and cried, run my little retard run.

My gawd, Watcher. What is your major malfunction!?

You would not recognize superior rhyming if it hit you in the face like a load of piss from the bucket.

You are beyond repair I fear.


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Great news lads, NG Cavscout has finally managed to send a file.

Now to be sure he put it in the wrong dropbox, no doubt hoping I'd overlook it and thereby gain himself a few more days of reprieve from his inevitable defeat at my hands ... again.

And, as a professional trainer, I was tempted to just leave it in the wrong place and point out his error at another time to drive home his mistake. But then I remembered that I was dealing with NG Cavscout and as a member of House Rune he'd already made the biggest mistake of his life so this really wouldn't be a good learning experience.

So I pulled the file, loaded it and ran the turn.


That's right, no straight up "mano a mano" or even "tank a tank" for him, no sir, having lost two of his vaunted T34/85s in the same turn he petulantly started pounding a poor defenseless wooded area to splinters just out of spite.

Now granted there may ... or may not ... have been elements of my forces in those woods but what kind of cavalryman would stoop to such inhumane tactics ... obviously one "schooled" (if I can use that term in the loosest possible manner) by House Rune.

Still, it WAS a turn ...


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Careful there Fred, you know how sburke gets all fired up and nasssty when his master is belittled. Gets all raised up on his little hind legs and bares his teeth and growls, so he does. Could give you a wee nip on the ankle if you're not careful.

I didn't know Nidan1's name was Fred, but I have to say I am quite impressed with his charity work in India.

Maybe he can take you there...and leave you.


As for the rest, my Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House is quite capable of dealing with you himself. A little weed killer and the place would look a whole lot better.

Edited to correctly bold though he doesn't deserve it - and here we go again back to bowel movements. It seems this place is named the CessPool for good reason.

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Not your best work there, Sparky.
By the way Nidan1, sburke is an Official Squire of the CessPool and therefore worthy of having his name bolded ... just like your name ... stupid name though yours is.

Watcher (spelt but not bolded) is a mere Serf to the CessPool as a Hole and therefore his name is NOT bolded.

Sorry, is this getting too complicated for your retired mind?


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By the way Nidan1, sburke is an Official Squire of the CessPool and therefore worthy of having his name bolded ... just like your name ... stupid name though yours is.

Watcher (spelt but not bolded) is a mere Serf to the CessPool as a Hole and therefore his name is NOT bolded.

Sorry, is this getting too complicated for your retired mind?


It's only complicated for the feeble minded such as yourself. Need to talk to your health care specialist and up your meds.

Okay ... What the hell ... By the powers vested in me by the Olde Ones in convex met, I hereby Doeth proclaim that the Serf known as Watcher (spelt but not bolded) is now and shall be considered a Squire of House Rune and of the Cesspool.

Much good may it do him with NG Cavscout as his liege. The poor lad will be yet another in a long line of Latchkey Squires foisted off on us by an uncaring and unwatchful Liege but what can you do.

Good luck Watcher, you're going to need it.

Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT

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By the way Nidan1, sburke is an Official Squire of the CessPool and therefore worthy of having his name bolded ... just like your name ... stupid name though yours is.

Watcher (spelt but not bolded) is a mere Serf to the CessPool as a Hole and therefore his name is NOT bolded.

Sorry, is this getting too complicated for your retired mind?


Humbug! complicated concepts seem to throw you as well.

For me its just easier not to bold either one of them for now. Maybe at some point you will come to your senses (I doubt it), and proclaim just who is a serf and who is a squire. I know its been a long time for you Joe, but you should be up to speed again in a few decades.

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It's only complicated for the feeble minded such as yourself. Need to talk to your health care specialist and up your meds.

Or decrease them ... my Gawd what the hell was I on when I did THAT? That must have been that trip to Denver when I ... well, no need to get into specifics.

Pity, there's nothing for it I suppose ... fine Watcher ... by which I mean not fine at all.

It still doesn't excuse Nidan1, but then nothing excuses him.


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Or decrease them ... my Gawd what the hell was I on when I did THAT?


Probably the shock of picking that no account loser sburke what a disappointment that must be. I mean if there was a contest for loser he would come in second. Why? Because he's a loser even then. You could have waited and upped the quality of the Shavian House with a different pick, say PutzerMike maybe. Then again maybe not, but alas and alack House Rune outplayed you yet again.

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Not that I care the least bit about this little playground for the mentally unstable, but is there an up to date description somewhere about what Houses there are (or were) and what idjits are enrolled in them. Are only the House of Ruin and the Shabbyan House present in this pit of foulness?

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Moriarty, have not seen him in a looong time. We need new Houses me thinks. The old ones are largely moribund it seems. This place needs an update.

Heck, I may start one my own. The Floydian House. Only prog rock lovers and scenario makers may join. The elite. Bad ass. The creme de la creme (pardon my English).

Anyone interested in becoming my Serf? To pass the test you need to make a decent scenario. The other Houses here can play it (H2H) and tell you it is utter rubbish (meanwhile playtesting it, while not even knowing it). Heck, it may even be uploaded in the repository for the greater good of the entire community (outreboarders, yuck) after the crowd here has trashed it.

Justicar? What sayest thou, O mouldy one? Great plan right?

*ducks to evade the feasc..., fec..., eh, poop slung at him*

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