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Everything posted by Watcher

  1. I’m gonna regret doing this, and I have this feeling God might send me to hell for it, but I gotta say BOO job well done. Short, snappy, true, and put in such breathtaking clarity that an obvious truth becomes a simple phrase. Great avatar for you and says it all. In fact every post should have this and should be be required by The Olde Ones. Yea, like The Olde Ones have a cognitive moment at all. I submit to you that if they did would they have put Justicar Joe in charge of justicating.? Would they not have asked him to bring the justicating up a level and get the med dose right? I rest my case. Back to just watchin
  2. Good catch, which is more than I can say about Justicar Joe taking you in. You realize of course that just by being associated with the Shavian House everyone automatically deducts 20 IQ points from you and justifiably so.
  3. So on the flip side do any of my buddsey wudseys or palsey walseys want to have me besmirch your very existence and engage in a little pixel guy fight on the side? Have room for 1, it’s a hobby not a career.
  4. Methinks ng cavscout is a little tardy on the response to my astute observation of him. I can only assume he’s having a hard time finding someone to read it to him. Look it’s hard to disrespect you as you obviously saw my fiery spark from the beginning and wanted the reflecting glow to somewhat radiate on you but for crying out loud Car54, stop existing on a diet of coffee and donuts. The sugar/caffeine rush is affecting what you attempt to pawn off as coherent thinking. I hereby and heretofore and herein after, do refute and disavow any membership to the House Rune. I am now rogue and should I be sent to Coventry then so be it. A larger band of misfits in one place on the web would be hard to find, not that you’d want to. This thread is truly as the overused adage says “a target rich environment” From so called Justicar Joe to the so called human Stuka, and all the ones in between down to useless sburke. Yes the same sburke who imagines himself a glorious Knight in shining armor atop his fiery steed only to be revealed by any mirror to be a Squire wearing a pissbucket on his head and sitting on donkey. So Sad …..so very very sad. The Olde Ones doing their best to fight through the senility that afflicts them and recall the beginnings. Really!!!!! Same scenarios over and over hundreds of times?? Now I enjoy a game of CM as much as the next guy but draw the line at joining a cult. You people were the type of kids that it takes an adult to truly appreciate. You know the one, that one that wants to play candy land for the 25th time in a 4 hour time span. Next you’ll explain the pushing bits of cardboard or perhaps miniatures around fictional kingdoms, while inhaling of the ghastly aromas created by the infantile diets of your fellow gamers, listening to each other screech like monkeys about the interpretation of page 22 LOS subsection C………………………………… Not that it was a total waste of time, it did soften the pain of being shunned by girls and having a family that barely tolerated you. And I just gotta say this about Justicar Joe who I do believe in real life is a politician and not a banker although who could tell the difference. PutzerMike the Dutch Boy Paint guy comes waltzing in looking like Carol Channing on steroids and proclaims in his header something about a flop house and ol Justicar Joe is too busy leading the Cesspool kazoo band (sburke soloing on the cheek flute) around in pompous self-deification whilst not actually doing any justicating. He epitomizes everything substandard about you dullards and in fact might actually be the perfect choice.
  5. This is a test and only a test, which is probably all most of you can handle test wise.
  6. Admit it, you probably got your points on a separate Ipad with charts and tendency algorithms. Oh no, you got me big guy, that'll teach me.
  7. No I have not finished the third yet and heretofore and post haste do declare my desire to battle Nidan1 should he so desire conflict and malicious slander. Ng cavscout how could you possibly give ammunition to the enemy and think that was a smart thing to do? PutzerMike was correct? Please explain to your squire so that I might learn what in hell was going on in your apparently deficient cognizant thinking ability. Never ever ever say anything remotely positive about any other House. Who trained this guy, who’s squire was he? P.S. to sburke, nice selfie.
  8. Stuka and sburke having their little point fight , no it's not cute it's disgusting.You poor pathetic excuses for sentient life. I can only think that the diseases that ravage your bodies have finally taken their toll on what little functioning grey matter your skull encases. You actually care what the people here in the Cesspool think of you? Try to think about that for even a nanosecond if your befuddled existence can accomplish it without sending you into cardiac arrest
  9. I knew he was still alive, conspiracy theory my butt.
  10. Please don’t think your local tradition is one practiced by cultured civilizations. I can only surmise you shackle dragging descendants of penal colonists started this in order to marinate your food before cooking. Which also explains the heavy beer consumption of Oddstraylians , which is motivated by wanting to wash the taste out of their mouths. But it doesn’t explain why if a fly lands in their beer they pick it up between two fingers while shaking it vigorously screaming “spit it out you little bastard”
  11. Can't always be on the cutting edge now can I? So who did you steal it from so I may give proper credit where it's due?
  12. It wasn’t until this post that the realization two people could be that mentally deficient and still be able to breathe was understood by me. Understanding sarcasm is obviously well beyond your abilities. But then I would imagine waste elimination without messing is also beyond your capabilities. Both you and Stuka are strong arguments for the case of infanticide. Never in human history has the world been so afflicted by two maroons of such magnitude at the same time. It’s apparent to all that suffer from the experience of wading through your attempted posts that you only gargled and then spit from the fountain of knowledge. When I force myself to read your posts I feel a nameless dread. Well, there probably is a long German name for it, like Gesch-pooklichkeit or something, but I don't speak German. Anyway, it's a dread that nobody knows the name for, like those little square plastic gizmos that close your bread bags. I don't know the name for those either. And to think you’re the Justicar, how sad for the CessPool,….. are you sure Boo isn’t the real one? He at least can tie his shoes, granted it’s only the simple bow and it takes 20 minutes, but think of all the effort and years put into the learning. Whereas you, having the intellectual ability of pigeon droppings, are maxing out your resource’s walking and keeping the heart beating at the same time. An honor for sburke to be a knight in the Shavian House? I would say surely you jest but as humor and jest are concepts you apparently have no understanding of I won’t. sburke would be better served to be initiated into the Mickey Mouse Club, certainly the intellectual conversation would be at a significantly higher level. But then he’s probably a charter member already.
  13. You still here? Done playing squat tag in the asparagus patch are ya? In all honesty I want to know when we start voting people off around here because you are in contention for first place in that category, a ranking I’m confident that has never been experienced by you before. When you are dead, you don't know you are dead but other people do. It's the same Stuka, when you are stupid, and given the evidence presented if stupidity was a disease you’re in the terminal phase. Comprehension is not your strong suite is it? The post was obviously way over your head. But then when you’re nothing but a worm with limbs anything is over your head. See if you can comprehend this you spazmatic toe jam licking zit sucking waste of human flesh. If I have ten cakes and you ask for one how many do I have left................that’s right 10. You drooling picking pork rinds and juju beans off your I love Dora tee shirt pocket pen protector wearing retarded crackhead. Many geeks have a suboptimal sense of personal hygiene, but you reek to a level normally associated with mass graves. I’m sure you used to live an active life- played football, tennis, did car racing. Sometimes played poker and pool. But when your computer broke, everything ended. Your idiocy, and that of Justicar Joe, far exceeds anything I've had the displeasure to encounter before. Why you both weren't executed at birth I'll never know. I’m still expecting one of you to post a.... make $75 hr at home ad.
  14. Report to my liege ng cavscout. My attempts at searching the archives proved too great a task. YOU read some old Justicar Joe posts and tell me if his mental deficiency ,even then, was more than any man could bear. I thank you for the honor of possible Knighthood in the Illustrious House of Rune but am not ready for the honor. I have yet to draw victorious blood in a match. But Justicars ramblings aside it was an enlighting journey and will spend time there when I feel the urge, so basically never. The Knight and Squires of old were plenty and the battles intense in those days. What Happened???? Where are all these guys? Did they all just drop dead or did they die of boredom? Now obviously to those that think (which leaves the Shavian House at a distinct disadvantage) I’m not asking for a poster by poster headcount but rather the reasons you think the ol’e gray mare ain’t what she used to be. Ah, it must have been a glorious time, the smell of the box when you opened the first truly significant wargaming machine OOOOOOH RAAAAAAAA! I’m betting there were wet pants in half to three quarters of that bunch. I know now the true meaning of the Night of the Refreshing Monkey, you sly dogs you. The shiver up your leg as your clumps of hero pixels hurried to their assigned tasks. The almost spiritual enlightenment of a Sherman taking the sweet shot up the ole kazoo of a badly maneuvered Tiger. I hear tell some guys even passed out. I hate to spread rumors but what else can you do with them? To have been a part of that must have been something special. I’m just sad that the old ones still here can’t remember where they put their glasses let alone 15 years ago. But if Justicar Joe could let us lowly squires understand the history of the Houses it would be great tradition to aspire to. I beg thee Knight of House Rune have council with him and say unto him, “Justicar Joe how bout you step up and Justicar something. Its more than strutting around wearing the Grand Poohba Hat. And do us all a favor, drop the hamster entourage.” And one last question my Liege. Is it just me or does Nidan1 remind you of a mole that pokes its head up out of the hole, barks , and then scurry’s back down to his hole?
  15. I was remiss in not reporting to my Liege ng cavscout on the Battle between Goodness in its purest sense against the most despicable of evil. Yes my Liege, I refer to Shavian House, the pox supreme and malodorous odor that infests the CessPool. The following is my report sire. In my best drunken Irish imitation I can only say “Whale Oil Beef Hooked”. Once again sburke you have bested me and are 2 for 2.. Video games are awesome because they let you try out amazing fantasies. For example, in The Sims, you’re able to have both a job and a house, how nice for you. Someday if I choose to retreat full time to my basement and relinquish the thought of a normal life I too may become a master at this game that no doubt has profound implications in your otherwise drab and uneventful existence….. Just Kidding! You boasted how you were gonna kick my butt and I will concede you put your money where your mouth is. Though that must have been a sad moment for you when you had to remove it from the Justicars butt in order to do accomplish it. You are indeed a (choke….adequate….gag) opponent. You have shown you can maneuver a superior position (game 1) or a superior force (game 2) into a winning conclusion. I could say some stupid “your mom” joke but that would be too easy……but then again so is your mom. Tonight in celebration of your great victory you’ll probably party like its 1999. Which means you’ll stay in your basement drinking 2 liter bottles of Mountain Dew and watch Steel Magnolias for the 100th time just like you did back then. Hey buddy, there’s a fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness”. Oh I’m sure you finish an occasional book now and again, but then your hands cramp after all that coloring and you need to take a break from it. As you sit there moving your Lego man which is holding a Crunchy Cheetos that you’re pretending is a little caveman’s club across your desk, remember I’m just kidding. So congratulations on your victory, job well done. PS: Of all the lies I've told in my life, "Just kidding" is my favorite.
  16. I have an idea(look it up) Howsabout One Pukey "I'm so great because my non life allowed me to be here since like forever" Mike sends the ever humble but ever capable Watcher a setup of whatever your jellied brain cells can put together. If that's too much to ask, have the hairy fat smelly balding woman with one tooth that is your caretaker help you. You know the one that wears her support hose rolled up only to her mid calf and has that crush on you? But only after she wipes the drool from your lips and the dung from below the hips off, wouldn't want you to blame that unpleasantness on the thrashing you'll get. You see that's why it's called the Peng Challenge Thread. See,.. I challenge a no account scumbag (you) to defend your honor (don't bother looking this up , you have none) on the glorious pixelated field of honor. If the saying may the best man win has any truth in it whatsoever your surrender will also be accepted in lieu of the game.
  17. There are some standing in here? None the less, PuckerMike does seem to be a bit er a lot slow on the ways of the Cesspool. The stupid is strong in this one.
  18. You should have probably used a different example, but then that would have required the cognitive thinking ability above a charcoal briquette, and judging from your posts, apparently well beyond your capabilities. I’ll admit Mickey D’s is not what I would consider our finest hour, but then what does it say for a province such as your little area to import same said food? In fact according to my calculations your superior Dutch culture has one every 67 square miles while uncouth Americans only have one every 277 square miles. But then we don’t have the cultured palate of enjoying our fries smothered in mayonnaise like you do. Mayonnaise??? My guess is ketchup is reserved for filet mignon.
  19. Couldn't let this one slide, Lord knows I tried. So am I to use the culinary expertize of the British as a guide to reach taste bud Nirvana? In what can only be compared in texture and taste to Klingon food we have these little nuggets of supreme cuisine. Bubble and squeak, spotted dick, bangers and mash, toad-in-the-hole and two words: Jellied eels. I'll put that on my to do list, right below Skewered shishka -dog from Southeast Asia which used to be on the bottom.
  20. PUUULEASE spare me the ghastly details of your happiness.[sERIOUS] have fun[/sERIOUS] (hope I done good on the serious Joe, unlike that worthless twit of yours sburke) Did you Know that is impossible to say "Good Eye Might" without sounding Oddstraylian? I know I know the phrase makes no sense, which is exactly why it sounds Oddstraylian.
  21. I take full responsibility for this big red inflamed oozing pimple that has attached itself to our nether regions. I was the last attendant of the CessPool, but quite frankly we all stumbled when it came to the sanitary non-standards here. Spitting little chunks of Gluteus Maximus on the floor after you just hammered an obnoxious poster, is not only unsanitary , but it draws flies. (ex. PanzerMike) It’s not the red meat that’ll harm ya but rather the green and blue chunks that’ll do ya in. And it’s the green ones that flies enjoy so much, ain’t that right PanzerMike? Anyway now that it’s loose in here I game for suggestions on extermination procedures. My thought was to fool him into thinking we actually liked him. Then we say we are fixing a treat for him and would he like to lick the bowl before we wash it. Then we flush him down.
  22. Probably the shock of picking that no account loser sburke what a disappointment that must be. I mean if there was a contest for loser he would come in second. Why? Because he's a loser even then. You could have waited and upped the quality of the Shavian House with a different pick, say PutzerMike maybe. Then again maybe not, but alas and alack House Rune outplayed you yet again.
  23. It's only complicated for the feeble minded such as yourself. Need to talk to your health care specialist and up your meds.
  24. What on Gods green earth are you trying to say? Still huffing spray on jock itch medicine? Read recently where your government might authorize the euthanasia of mentally deficient people . I thought of you and cried, run my little retard run.
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