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Western Modern Technology is tits

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I've played almost nothing but CM WWII titles for the last 2-3 years or so. I just reinstalled Shock force and ran through a couple scenarios winning easily. Maybe it was the scenarios i played or maybe it was the level playing field i've been on for the last couple years but CMSF seems relatively "easy" at this point. Not to say there aren't more challenging scenarios out there but, the ease with which you can shoot and manuever on the modern battlefield against less efficient opposition is definitely apparent. I would say that playing the WWII titles has made me a better modern day player. Anybody else have the same experience?

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Could a mod please remove one of the double posts?

yes, seen enough distinguished tits on this particular day:D

you can indeed say that the modern CMSF is relatively easy. But 2 things. 1 is you're playing against a mostly insurgent force instead of say soviet russia in a full blown war. 2 is victory criteria often includes troop condition and casualty threshold etc, so it's like playing with one hand bound behind.

personally!, having an IFV that can actually "F" makes a difference for me, after all those dead gunners.

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I've played almost nothing but CM WWII titles for the last 2-3 years or so. I just reinstalled Shock force and ran through a couple scenarios winning easily. Maybe it was the scenarios i played or maybe it was the level playing field i've been on for the last couple years but CMSF seems relatively "easy" at this point. Not to say there aren't more challenging scenarios out there but, the ease with which you can shoot and manuever on the modern battlefield against less efficient opposition is definitely apparent. I would say that playing the WWII titles has made me a better modern day player. Anybody else have the same experience?

Lets wait for CMBS Roy...

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I restarted playing CMSF recently. Am pleasantly surprised that even without the latest CM2 v3.0 triggers, the CMSF scenarios and campaigns that were made in the year or two before CMBN was released (and since then) seem superior and more fun and interesting to play than many of the ones we have gotten with later CM2 releases.

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It's a mixture. On one hand, modern technology is far more lopsided. Western tanks could hit a fly speck while moving 2 km away and IR and NVG make it hard to ambush western enemies even at night or under the guise of smoke. On the other hand, everything is far deadlier, even on the Red side. There are RPGs everywhere, and eventually one of them is going to get you if you're careless.

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Up until CM:RT and now the 3.0 versions of BN and FI this has been true across the board.

And as far as I know there aren't many scenarios in BN of FI that utilize triggers.

True, but there have been TACAI changes in patches for later CMX2 titles that came later than the last patch for CMSF. These alone would improve the CMSF experience.

I am really looking forward to the QB Force Purchase changes etc coming to CMSF. There is so much content in that title, it is frustrating that a lot of it is quite inaccessible unless you go into the Scenario Editor.

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Nick (Stagler) I'm pretty sure you're going to be my first victim. As to all the other commenters I agree with everything you'll have said. Probably a combination of early scenario design and the fact that I wasn't overly cautious with my Soldaten? Anyways, i'm just stoked to have the modern stuff at my disposal after a long hiatus and wanted to vent my glee here on the ol BF Forums.

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...having an IFV that can actually "F" makes a difference for me, after all those dead gunners.

Oh yes, the Bradley with its 2 TOW tubes and applique ERA packs is a great killing machine. Not even in the same class as the good old german SdKfz-style vehicles.

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Oh yes, the Bradley with its 2 TOW tubes and applique ERA packs is a great killing machine. Not even in the same class as the good old german SdKfz-style vehicles.

I thought the Bradley was a god of war for IFVs, until I used the CV90s in the NATO module (Dutch forces). Man, that thing is a beast against other IFVs.

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I am amazed at the BMP3M. 105mm gun, 30mm autocannon, and three MG's.

Oh and did I mention its 8 ATGM's and that it can carry about 9 troops plus a huge amount of ammo and RPG's etc.

Other than you can't use it in close combat with a tank, it's a real monster. I wonder why the Russians got rid of he 105mm in their latest versions.

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Thinner... armor? Don't have an answer to that one!....

Didn't the ruskies invent the IFV concept. All in all whilest the US is in the forefront of aviation technology, it seems as though the situation is a bit reversed on the armor department. I feel the yanks were only able to make it up with $$.

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Indeed Western Tech rocks. Unfortunately for us our enemies have taken noticed and gone back low tech means like hostage taking-just like they did in the 70's when hijacking airplanes was in vogue.

Our enemies kidnap the unwary and unfortunate and use social media to publish the murder of their victims. They are waging a tech war on a different non-conventional level. We use drones, smart bombs and smart ground forces. Our enemies use hostage taking, ransome and social media. Their foot soldiers are low tech peasants for the most part.

The Western powers had better wake up and realize open borders and uncontroled multiculturalism is a recipe for disaster. England is going to try and rehabilitate Islamic terrorists who return after fighting in the Middle East? Really? I find it unbelievable they allow Islamic fundamentalists to preach destruction of the West from within it's borders. Unless I'm mistaken even the US or Canada doesn't tolerate this sort of behavior.

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The more they behead, the more bombs they are going to get - i dont think that ISIS' propaganda department doesnt know that the US wont tolerate this sort of behavior. Maybe they want to lure the US into another costly ground engagement in the Middle East.

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I am amazed at the BMP3M. 105mm gun, 30mm autocannon, and three MG's.

Oh and did I mention its 8 ATGM's and that it can carry about 9 troops plus a huge amount of ammo and RPG's etc.

Other than you can't use it in close combat with a tank, it's a real monster. I wonder why the Russians got rid of he 105mm in their latest versions.

The BMP-3 and 3M is equipped with a 100mm 2A70 low pressure gun, not 105mm, although the GLATGM it fires shares commonality with that fired by the 115mm equipped T-62 series.

The difference between the 3 and 3M is the Bakcha-U fighting compartment/turret. Both have the 100mm gun and autocannon combo but the 3M better target acquisition capability, and although AKD disagrees with me on this as the 3M is not an official Russian designation, this is the British designation given to that build of the vehicle within the defence community and its reporting products.

Currently in CMSF, the Syrian BMP-3 cant really scratch the bradley because of its ERA. Mostly the Arkan fires and hits ERA and does minimal damage, then the Bradley returns fire with the TOW and knocks it out in one hit.

Thats if your lucky enough to spot the Bradley first without optics as good, which is unlikely most of the time unless you have dismounts ahead of your vehicle in concealed observation positions.

However when engaging strykers/other BMPs, and dismounts the BMP-3 trumps the Bradley. The HE power of the 2A70 gun and autocannon combination is deadly.

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"...open borders and uncontrolled multiculturalism is a recipe for disaster."

Yup. It's destroyed my beloved L.A. And when I go back to London, UK I can barely recognize the area I grew up in. It looks like India-Pakistan with storefronts in foreign languages (and a bit of East Europe mixed in). You hardly see any Anglos in certain areas.

"Maybe they want to lure the US into another costly ground engagement in the Middle East."

Again, it was a brilliant strategy to help bankrupt the US and take the west into economic tailspin. Why not try it again? (The greed of Wall Street, Banks and Real Estate pros also contributed of course.)

We're heading into the fight for our lives and our culture and we're still playing "political correctness" games. When will our wonderful leaders in the west wake up? (Yes, it's hard to believe I am also an immigrant and the child of immigrants/displaced persons and I have always been considered quite liberal/progressive.)

Stagler: Thanks for the clarification. I misread the 105mm from my CMSF game. CMSF is where it is designated 3M btw.

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