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New Mission - Into the Green

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How do you get the AI's troops to stay in place when creating your own mission?

Nothing is guaranteed with the AI ...!!!

As a starter for 10 you have to consider soft factors if you want people to stay in place so rule number 1 with that side of it is to ensure that you set motivation at a high level when you purchase the unit.

Other than that it should be pretty simple - just place the unit where you want it to be or give it an order to go to the place you want it to be and it should stay there.

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And here is the inspiration ...


‘Once on his feet the lead soldier jumps up and down to try and get his load seated and as comfortable as possible. You can’t ever get it comfortable, there are just degrees of discomfort. He shrugs his shoulders and clicks his head side to side, working out a few kinks but ultimately going through his own pre-match ritual and getting his game face on. He is the point man. The very first man in this whole snake that will weave its way out into the green zone and actively hunt out the enemy. I can’t see his face but I know him. A young nineteen year old private. He has probably been out of basic training less than a year, yet already he is in the middle of a war ….

On all the patrols that I led I never once saw the point man as much as flinch. When told to go, he shouldered his load, tightened a few straps and headed straight out. As I watched him disappear into the darkness, the feeling of humility and honour overwhelmed me. I was humbled by his bravery but, most of all, I realised what an incredible honour it was to command men such as these …

That lone soldier is the bravest man I have ever met’.

From the book Company Commander by Major Russell Lewis MC who commanded B Company 2 PARA operating from FOB INKERMAN in the summer of 2008.

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Draft orders for the mission:

Situation: Enemy Forces

The enemy within the AO is well-equipped, motivated, adaptive and effectively controls the population, more so now that the poppy harvest has been gathered. This means that they enjoy significant support among the population and will be able to count on Tier 3 fighters. Capabilities include, indirect fire, PPIED, CWIED and RCIED as well as direct fire. Typical sub-groups of five fighters are equipped with AK-47, RPK/RPD LMG and RPG-7. Tier 2 strength in the area is assessed as approximately 50 fighters, Tier 3 fighters could be double that number. Detail on recent enemy activity is shown on the Operational Map. Reporting received in the last few hours indicates suspicious activity in compounds A101 – A108 where Sangar sentries have identified groups of 2-3 individuals equipped with long-barrelled weapons. Elements of the FSG which are returning from Sangin on another task reported seeing a column of technicals in the desert. The FSG did not engage the technicals for fear of a Blue on Green incident, suspecting them to be either ANA or ANP vehicles. Subsequent ICOM chatter identified these technicals as enemy vehicles. They are currently unlocated but could arrive in the AO in the next two hours.


Situation: Friendly Forces

A platoon from the ANA Tiger Team with an OMLT section and MFC has patrolled from CP Jundi to force concentrate for this task. Additionally, CO 2 PARA has come forward with his TAC HQ with the intent of accompanying this patrol and no doubt assessing our performance and that of the ANA. The patrol is now formed up on the HLS in FOB Alma and ready to depart on task pending final orders and ammunition issue. There will be four groupings for this task as follows (see also the TASKORG diagram on the Tactical Map):

Assault Group:

OC B Coy and TAC HQ

5 Platoon/B Coy/2 PARA

6 Platoon/B Coy/2 PARA

ATK Det/B Coy/2 PARA (mounted on WMIK)

Sniper Pair/B Coy/2 PARA

5 Sect/9 PARA Sqn RE

Tac Party/G Bty/7 PARA RHA


Support Group:



Sniper Pair/B Coy/2 PARA

1 Platoon/Tiger Team/1 Kandak ANA



FOB Alma Group:

2IC B Coy

4 Platoon/B Coy/2 PARA

3 Sect/9 PARA Sqn RE

4 Sect/9 PARA Sqn RE

CP Jundi Group

HQ 1 Kandak ANA

Coy HQ Tiger Team ANA

2 Platoon/Tiger Team/1 Kandak ANA

3 Platoon/Tiger Team/1 Kandak ANA

FOO/1 Kandak ANA

MFC/1 Kandak ANA

Offensive support assets on call are B Coy, 2 PARA’s 81mm mortar detachment, 3 x 105mm Light Guns of G Bty, 7 PARA RHA and a Harrier pair (C/S RECOIL 11).


Situation: Terrain and Weather

The terrain in the AO is mostly agricultural green zone interspersed with a number of high walled compounds. Routes through the AO comprise mainly of single vehicle tracks with numerous choke points. With the exception of the small high features in the desert upon which FOB Alma and CP Jundi are located, the ground is mainly flat with only small variations in elevation. The main points to note for the ground are:

The choke points which are likely to be the focus of enemy IED attacks combined with indirect and direct fire attacks.

High walled compounds which are likely to be used by the enemy for overwatch and as defensive positions.

Irrigation ditches which will provide both covered avenues of approach and fire positions.

It is 0530 hrs on 16 Jun 08 with sunrise due in the next 30 minutes. The temperature is warm, the sky is clear and there is no wind. These conditions initially favour friendly forces due to our superior NVG capabilities but from sunrise, this advantage will be negated.


Mission: Overall Description

ATTACK: B Coy Gp is to clear target compounds NLT 0800 hrs IOT disrupt the enemy and set the conditions for stabilisation in the Upper Sangin Valley.


1. Assault Compound A124 (Touch 350 VPs).

2. Assault Compound A137 (Touch 350 VPs).

3. Assault Compound A138 (Touch 350 VPs).

4. Defend FOB Alma.

5. Defend CP Jundi.


Execution: Commander’s Intent

My intent is to conduct a deliberate approach to the target compounds engaging enemy elements as they are encountered. Once in the vicinity of the compounds, we will conduct violent assaults destroying any enemy forces in the compounds. As part of the long-term goal of securing the population, collateral damage is to be kept to a minimum (1100 VPs) and offensive support assets should only be used on identified targets away from civilian objects. In order to remain balanced for future operations, ammunition consumption is not to exceed 75% (100 VPs) and casualties are to be kept to an absolute minimum (5% 600 VPs). Endstate will be all objectives achieved and the patrol safely back in FOB Alma.


Execution: Basic Plan

Your choice OC B Coy but I suggest that you maintain the groupings in the suggested TASKORG and the suggested scheme of manoeuvre, both shown on the Tactical Map. Due to the profusion of IEDs and RPGs, I suggest that your WMIK mounted Atk elements ensure that they maintain standoff distances. Your engineers are important in this mission and it is suggested that you use them to effect entry into the target compounds. Ammunition resupply is also a consideration and I suggest that you bomb up before you leave the FOB as the green zone is too dangerous for undefended and unprotected vehicles. DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO denude the defences of FOB Alma and CP Jundi as any enemy incursion in these areas will totally undermine our claims to be able to secure the population. Any enemy incursion to 150m of either location would be a major propaganda victory for them (200 VPs).

Designer’s notes

‘Once on his feet the lead soldier jumps up and down to try and get his load seated and as comfortable as possible. You can’t ever get it comfortable, there are just degrees of discomfort. He shrugs his shoulders and clicks his head side to side, working out a few kinks but ultimately going through his own pre-match ritual and getting his game face on. He is the point man. The very first man in this whole snake that will weave its way out into the green zone and actively hunt out the enemy. I can’t see his face but I know him. A young nineteen year old private. He has probably been out of basic training less than a year, yet already he is in the middle of a war ….

On all the patrols that I led I never once saw the point man as much as flinch. When told to go, he shouldered his load, tightened a few straps and headed straight out. As I watched him disappear into the darkness, the feeling of humility and honour overwhelmed me. I was humbled by his bravery but, most of all, I realised what an incredible honour it was to command men such as these …

That lone soldier is the bravest man I have ever met’.

This passage from the book Company Commander written by Major Russell Lewis MC was one of the main inspirations for this mission. Another excellent book that provided inspiration is Honourable Warriors by Major Richard Streatfeild MBE. Both officers commanded companies operating out of FOB Inkerman in the Upper Sangin Valley.

The map itself is entirely fictional but is modelled on the ground around FOB Inkerman in the Upper Sangain Valley, likewise the mission is fictional but the conditions and forces available are based on reality. The main reason for this is that I have tried and failed to generate an accurate map of this area on two occasions and, without the benefit of the special editor overlay found in the newer CM titles, it is quite frankly a chore to generate an accurate map.

My intent has been to design a realistic mission as well as present an interesting and enjoyable tactical challenge which I hope you will enjoy.

Finally – I reiterate the point made in the execution paragraph – DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO denude the defences of FOB Alma and CP Jundi – STICK to the Groupings indicated, otherwise you will not gain the full enjoyment of the mission.

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Here is my impressions of Into The Green. This isn't an AAR per se, as I don't want to spoiler it for those considering on playing it.

The map is a large area, relatively flat, with intermittent vegetation and numerous compounds. Your task is to patrol out and check on three of those compounds where reported hostiles have been sighted.

The map is large and generous, allowing numerous approaches to the three objectives and therefore, lots of options for fire and maneuver for your forces.

This is an infantry action mainly though you have a few vehicles. It is a patrol scenario - basically go out, see if you can find the bad guys and eliminate them if possible.

It is a very nice scenario. From the tactical map in the briefing, you know where some enemy positions may be but for the most part, the enemy locations, intentions and strength is largely unknown. Pay attention to the mission brief as it is important for giving you a picture of what to expect.

An enjoyable scenario with periods of waiting anticipation as your forces carefully pick their away across the map, never knowing if your going to step on an IED or get hit in an ambush, punctuated by periods of short brutal close range engagements when the enemy does show himself.

The scenario has two AI plans but I only experienced one. Personally, I found the scenario easy to accomplish in the time frame and with careful maneuver and units supporting each other with fire support. This is a scenario where 'breach entries' with engineer charges pays dividends.

I went out with the two maneuver elements in the briefing ( you are told to leave the other two elements to secure the two friendly compounds) and examined the three suspect compounds and actually managed to get all my forces back into the friendly perimeters in the 2.5 hour time frame with no casualties.

A very good scenario about conducting patrol operations against insurgent forces. I enjoyed it and I hope you do to.

For Combatintman - I had to cease fire after the time ran out. I met all conditions and got a total victory but didn't force a surrender. Perhaps I didn't kill enough bad guys? I got full points for not causing any collateral damage, so I don't think that was an issue. Just letting you know.

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Blackmoria - I should have made it clear in the briefing I that once you've nailed the three compounds that you've probably done enough.

Sounds like it played out for you pretty much as I hoped it would and (with the exception above) that the briefing gave you the information you needed without dispelling the fog of war.

I am glad you enjoyed the moments of tension as you advanced to contact - that is the 'feel' of ops over there that I really wanted to convey.

Thanks a lot for your comments.

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  • 2 months later...

I have Into The Green loaded up and ready to cross the line of departure. Are any mods recommended for this one? Most of my force specific mods are for US TOE. Vanilla is fine but I like to take screen shots as I work my way through a mission so I thought I would ask before starting.

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I’ll be having a crack at this over the Christmas Holidays.


I’ve not been able to play CMSF for a long while as my licences went down with a goosed computer, but those lovely BF people have unlocked them again for me, so I’ll be crossing the line of departure very shortly.


Well that’s if my 19 year old (back from Uni and eating his head off) lets me – his chosen career path is the military, he’s joined the UOTC and has played with the SA80 (he dreams of getting his hands on a Jimpy) so he has an ‘emotional’ investment in CMSF.

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