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Combat Mission and Steam

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Holy bust my drawers and shake my legs. Look what I found on GamersGate




Now, the 64 dollar question is how come you use Gamersgate and not Steam?

Those are previous distribution deals, probably all through Paradox.

My understanding is that some actions on Paradox' part lead to the current stance against bigger distribution partners.

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Can't agree with that I'm afraid. I work in a software house, we release every week. This is a methodology known as Continuous Integration. If your delivery method is as straightforward as the Steam updates process (as opposed to having your userbase check for patches on your website), it would tend to encourage a higher frequency of patching. For me, Battlefront's patching has everything to do with their delivery method. There are probably minor fixes to QB AI plans etc in the upcoming patch for CMRT, which could be a minor patch release. But it is not a good look, or good for your users, to have a dozen or more patches to download from the website. So we wait.

. Crusader Kings 2 has 2 different types of DLC. Graphical enhancements that cost a few dollars, and new "campaigns" that contain both new content and engine enhancements. Steam also manages the dependencies between DLCs.

And how many programmers do you have?

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One way to make some noise on Steam and/or GOG could be to release the three classics on those platforms so people might get curious and search for newer versions :)

Saw in the other thread (the one how you found out about CM) that one spotted the CMBO on GOG and got into this hobby that way.

Either way personally I am happy with buying CM directly from Battlefront. I have nothing against steam and own like 100+ games on their service, goes faster to download the games then to go to a shop and buy a physical copy (that might be out of stock).

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I'm going to do a proper write up once everyone stops responding/the thread dies. However, from what I've read so far nearly everyone here is a relic of the early to mid 2000s. The newest people are circa 2010.

Which is what I expected, but is still a little unfortunate. Although once again this is the forum population. So we don't really know super well how this conforms to the rest of the CM community.

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I am a strong supporter of Steam; i've used it since public release and i own ~150 games on it. Steve, et al. know best what they don't like about Steam from a business perspective and as long as they have the most current information they know better than I. But as a customer i would infinitely prefer Steam as their distributor and patch management system. It has 75 million users for a reason.

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I'm going to do a proper write up once everyone stops responding/the thread dies. However, from what I've read so far nearly everyone here is a relic of the early to mid 2000s. The newest people are circa 2010.

Which is what I expected, but is still a little unfortunate. Although once again this is the forum population. So we don't really know super well how this conforms to the rest of the CM community.

What do you mean "relic of the early to mid 2000s"? I have underwear older than that. I started computer gaming circa 1982.

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Digital distribution makes you scared of physical media: http://techreport.com/news/26624/time-to-import-those-old-games-to-digital-services

I myself have an extremely dim view of Valve, seeing as they are bordering on a monopoly in digital game distribution, they are the most overrated developer of all time who make the most overrated games of all time and get praised despite making nothing but FPSs, their fanboys who threaten to pirate games if they don't come out on Steam (Amnesia: The Dark Descent GOTY (I think) and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition come to mind), and their idiotic handling of Steam Machines. Their handling is so incompetent that Alienware and CyberPower PC are releasing their Steam Machines with Windows instead of SteamOS.

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Infants suckling on the teats of Steam. Wouldn't know a CD Rom if it changed their diapers. Have only heard of floppy disks from stories their grandfathers told around the Cathode Ray Tube.

Heh, this is a pretty childish way to go about making your point on the internet. The irony is strong here.

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Infants suckling on the teats of Steam. Wouldn't know a CD Rom if it changed their diapers. Have only heard of floppy disks from stories their grandfathers told around the Cathode Ray Tube.

Plus, I bet not one of them can make a "boot" disk with several ways to setup XMS or EMS or conventional memory. :P

Yep they got it "easy as toddlers" but then they still scream when they pop something in an it doesn't work. Back in OUR day we made it work. :P

Remember "basic"? hell we typed in our own games.

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well,i tell you,using steam saves me money

with the outrageous price for certain PC games down under,normally half the price in the US.

i find the game i like on steam and my mate gifts me a copy at US prices,i paypal him the dough,and i save 40-50 bucks.

always a way to skin a cat:)

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This is the most comically tragic display of childishness I have seen in a long time. Reading through this discussion was a laborious task made more difficult by the silly insistence that somehow with age this community is more reasonable. A community cringing from Steam because their afraid of change! Metathesiophobia is not an argument - its a sad excuse made sadder by the fact that as older gamers you should know better! Gentlemen very little will change with how you actually play and whom you interact with. Games aren't some kind of exclusive club anyways - the bigger the community the more developers have to create a successor. I think we all can agree that more sales would benefit the game and allow for more wonderful products to reach you and other gamers who enjoy them. We all enjoy this game and its OK to let others enjoy it with the exposure steam would offer.

... Also if I have to hear another terrible pun about being older and better I swear... Those puns were bad when you were children and were forced to listen to them - they're still bad.

von Luck

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Plus, I bet not one of them can make a "boot" disk with several ways to setup XMS or EMS or conventional memory. :P

Yep they got it "easy as toddlers" but then they still scream when they pop something in an it doesn't work. Back in OUR day we made it work. :P

Remember "basic"? hell we typed in our own games.

I've spent hundreds of hours writing code in Assembler, Intel X86 and Sun SPARC, I've done the boot disk thing on a 486, 286, and Tandy 16, so don't think I'm impressed by the fact that you remembered a few terms from PC gaming 20 years ago. I also don't see how you walking up hill in snow both ways to play games has any bearing on this discussion.

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Heh heh. Computers, iPads, handphones, (hell, ANY technology,) are second nature to the younger generation. My nieces and nephews are all far more tech savvy than I'll ever be. It's a wonderful world.

I have bought quite a few games from Steam in my time. Matrix Games had been dead set against it for a long time as well and yet they have recently released the Distant Worlds bundle package on Steam and, surprise, surprise, it sold really well, just like the pro-Steam crowd said it would. The world didn't end. The important thing is to make Steam optional because there is a lot of Steam hate out there. Don't see BFC doing this though ;)

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Plus, I bet not one of them can make a "boot" disk with several ways to setup XMS or EMS or conventional memory. :P

Yep they got it "easy as toddlers" but then they still scream when they pop something in an it doesn't work. Back in OUR day we made it work. :P

Remember "basic"? hell we typed in our own games.

I did all that myself. Frankly give me Steam any day of the week over spending all my gaming time making boot disks, c:\, manually patching from game magazine 5 inch floppies, 20 megabit hard drives requiring constant installations and deletions to free up space and the rigmarole involved in new hardware installations that would melt a software engineers head.

The past is a foreign country. Thank god for that. We can now be gamers instead of working a second job in IT as our hobby.

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This is the most comically tragic display of childishness I have seen in a long time.

It is the type of childishness that has destroyed many a game system or community as the 'new blood' is scoffed at by the 'old hands'.

History has shown that 'old hands' slowly leave or die-off - without new entrants the game or community slowly circles the drain until it eventually becomes unsustainable.

I'm watching it happen in slow motion lately with the owners of the Battletech IP. It's a well trodden path.

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@SgtHatred & von Luck

I was merely making an attempt at humor. Calm yourselves, and stay away from any thread that has "Peng" in the title. Gotta love when FNGs come on here and get all "holier than thou".

I believe everyone has already voiced their opinions and made any points they wanted to make regarding CM being on Steam. Further argument/discussion is basically pointless, IMO. Rest assured that BFC is aware of the existence of Steam, they know approximately how many people use Steam, and that they have considered all the pros and cons of putting CM on Steam. Steve probably read the first page or two of this thread, then lost interest.

Personally, I have nothing against Steam, and own about a dozen games on Steam. If CM goes on Steam, fine with me. If not, no biggie. I'm not convinced that CM would be a big seller on Steam anyway, because of it's steep learning curve, difficult UI, and unforgiving nature. I think a lot of people might buy it, not really understanding what it is, and become frustrated quickly.

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If not, no biggie. I'm not convinced that CM would be a big seller on Steam anyway, because of it's steep learning curve, difficult UI, and unforgiving nature. I think a lot of people might buy it, not really understanding what it is, and become frustrated quickly.

Not following the logic here - by that point they've already bought it.

Nor do I get the steep learning curve thing - I could reel off a dozen big selling games that have a much steeper curve than CM. Just about everything by Paradox for example.

Difficult UI? - have you played Graviteam Tactics / Achtung Panzer Operation Star ? Sells on Steam now and the forums are not full of people throwing their toys out the pram.

I've been computer gaming since 1983 and have been there and done it with DOS boot disks in the 90s and having to wait for patches to appear on magazine CDs. Nothing to be mourned from those days. The only thing that hasn't been a change for the better is developers releasing games in Alpha, IMO.

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well,i tell you,using steam saves me money

with the outrageous price for certain PC games down under,normally half the price in the US.

i find the game i like on steam and my mate gifts me a copy at US prices,i paypal him the dough,and i save 40-50 bucks.

always a way to skin a cat:)

Same can be said for GamersGate, GOG.com, and others.
This is the most comically tragic display of childishness I have seen in a long time. Reading through this discussion was a laborious task made more difficult by the silly insistence that somehow with age this community is more reasonable. A community cringing from Steam because their afraid of change! Metathesiophobia is not an argument - its a sad excuse made sadder by the fact that as older gamers you should know better! Gentlemen very little will change with how you actually play and whom you interact with. Games aren't some kind of exclusive club anyways - the bigger the community the more developers have to create a successor. I think we all can agree that more sales would benefit the game and allow for more wonderful products to reach you and other gamers who enjoy them. We all enjoy this game and its OK to let others enjoy it with the exposure steam would offer.

... Also if I have to hear another terrible pun about being older and better I swear... Those puns were bad when you were children and were forced to listen to them - they're still bad.

von Luck

Not at all. They're just asking why Combat Mission needs to be on Steam. I can't blame them for not wanting to get involved in a virtual monopoly on digital game distribution. It's ironic that the same people who whine about how much trouble YouTube or Microsoft have been since they've had a monopoly have no problem whatsoever with a Valve gaming dictatorship, especially when the people who have no problem with this are Linux users.
It is the type of childishness that has destroyed many a game system or community as the 'new blood' is scoffed at by the 'old hands'.

History has shown that 'old hands' slowly leave or die-off - without new entrants the game or community slowly circles the drain until it eventually becomes unsustainable.

I'm watching it happen in slow motion lately with the owners of the Battletech IP. It's a well trodden path.

Hasn't happened yet to one community in particular that meets those criteria.
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They're just asking why Combat Mission needs to be on Steam. I can't blame them for not wanting to get involved in a virtual monopoly on digital game distribution. It's ironic that the same people who whine about how much trouble YouTube or Microsoft have been since they've had a monopoly have no problem whatsoever with a Valve gaming dictatorship, especially when the people who have no problem with this are Linux users.

Because Valve/Steam adds an incredible amount of value to games. I have 412 games on Steam (thanks cheap humble bundles). Having those games on Steam makes my life easier.

Steam gives an incredible amount of added value that makes it worthwhile. The Steam almost monopoly does not hurt me. All my friends who play games have Steam accounts so we can easily arrange games, I can easily reinstall and uninstall any game I own. A number of my games use Steam for multiplayer which is a ton better than just about any other service. A lot of them use Steam to save my settings and saved games to the cloud so I can access them on any computer. A number of my Steam games use the workshop to make it much easier to download mods. Oh and I can now stream games from my gaming PC to my living room TV.

On top of all that I get to have every single one of my games behind a single service. Why would I want to have my games split between Steam, GamersGate, Direct2Drive, Impulse, Games for Windows Live, Desura, and GameStop when I could just have them on Steam?

gog.com is my only real exception that I'll make. Some games I do appreciate having DRM free so I have a decent sized collection their, but it is nowhere near what I have on Steam.

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