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Release The Game ___ Now


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Yep. Very sad. Working with Dan/Dani was one of the geek highlights of my career at EA. That, and working with Bill Budge on the remake of Pinball Construction Set for the Sega Genesis. I spent a week at Bill's house in the Oakland, California hills during final testing and tuning. It was a blast!

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Seven Cities of Gold indeed! Only people over 40 (like me) probably know this. What a fun game that was. Atari 800XL, I loved that computer.

It was one of the first games I really fell in love with. Sailing across oceans and watch the map develop. Seems like ages ago. Wait, it is ages ago - which means I'm old now....

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Let me put it this way Battlefront. You have two choices

1 Either you can release the game now. Tonight even if you have to work through the night!

2 Or you can spend the next week or two reading increasingly loud cries fro your loyal (and increasingly impatient customer who would love nothing better than istant deployment to ze Russian Front.

Then you can get on wiith Black Sea which your loyal customers also cannot wait to see!!!

The choice is yours :D

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2 Or you can spend the next week or two reading increasingly loud cries from your loyal (and increasingly impatient ) customers who would love nothing better than istant deployment to ze Russian Front.


You know they're used to it, right ? ;)

I actually suspect they have a copious supply of artillery earplugs.

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You are just as old as I am, if you are old, that means that I am old too :(

I'm so old I remember my cavemen clubbing other caveman to death in the original

Age of Empires. Now that's old. At this point I'm just hoping to live long enough to get a couple of hours with CMRT before I expire.

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I'm so old I remember my cavemen clubbing other caveman to death in the original

Age of Empires. Now that's old. At this point I'm just hoping to live long enough to get a couple of hours with CMRT before I expire.

Pfft. I remember my first game on the PC. An old relic by the name of "Silent Service II" by the now defunct Microprose (and Red Storm Rising by Microprose). Now THAT'S old!!! :)

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I'm so old I remember my cavemen clubbing other caveman to death in the original

Age of Empires. Now that's old. At this point I'm just hoping to live long enough to get a couple of hours with CMRT before I expire.

Did your cavemen club other cavemen with a fire burning in the background ?

Thought so. Not really old then... icon_lol.gif~original

Ahhh, Age of Empires. Many enjoyable hours.

PS: Who played Wizardry on the Apple IIe ?

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Me! I bought Wizardry 1 for My Apple II (I didn't even have a IIe) at a computer software convention in San Francisco. Back then, software conventions were 75% games. That was the best game ever, for its time.

Age of Empires? Silent Service? So, what, you guys are like 40? You think that's old?

Pfah! What about SSI's 50 Mission Crush? Or Baltic 1985? Those were the earliest wargames around.

Who remembers playing games on their Commodore PET? Warlords anyone?

Will CMRT ever get released? The March deadline has come and gone. I'm so sad.

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I got my Commodore PET with 4K of RAM in 1978 and had to write my own games, as there virtually none available. When I upgraded to 32K I was sure I could never run out of memory, but within a month I had written a game that used every byte.

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Me! I bought Wizardry 1 for My Apple II (I didn't even have a IIe) at a computer software convention in San Francisco. Back then, software conventions were 75% games. That was the best game ever, for its time.

Age of Empires? Silent Service? So, what, you guys are like 40? You think that's old?

Pfah! What about SSI's 50 Mission Crush? Or Baltic 1985? Those were the earliest wargames around.

Who remembers playing games on their Commodore PET? Warlords anyone?

Will CMRT ever get released? The March deadline has come and gone. I'm so sad.

Ah Wizardry! I still fire it up on an Apple II emulator from time to time---Tiltowait, better than a small tactical nuke! BTW 40 is a very distant memory, but 71 is the new 40.

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Tiltowait!!!! Oh my gosh, that was the best spell name!

Cymru - yeah, I had a book called "The Big Book of BASIC Computer Games". It had the BASIC code for 100 games. I typed in Star Trek, the grid based tactical game, all 20 or so pages of straight code, in very small print. Talk about syntax errors galore. Debugging was half the fun. And when I finally got it to run, it was like so damn satisfying. What a game that was.

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Who remembers playing games on their Commodore PET? Warlords anyone?

Will CMRT ever get released? The March deadline has come and gone. I'm so sad.

Yes! I wasted many happy hours playing Warlords.

The first computer I owned was a Sinclair ZX80, it came with a whopping 1KB of RAM. Not to be limited by this, I bought the amazing 4KB expansion module!

Later on I got 16KB. All very well, except a complete program took forever to save to cassette, and oh the frustration if 15 minutes into loading a program it errored and you had to start again.

My earliest computer game experience was playing Star Trek on an IBM system 360.

I too am ultra-sad about the tardiness of CMRT. It's April 1st in my timezone. I believe the reason for it not being released is despite the game itself being ready, not all scenarios are. Which is ironic because the first thing I want to do is create a scenario or two to experiment with triggers - I won't be playing any scenarios at first. Give it to me without scenarios, I don't care! Scenarios can come later...

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I too am ultra-sad about the tardiness of CMRT. It's April 1st in my timezone. I believe the reason for it not being released is despite the game itself being ready, not all scenarios are. Which is ironic because the first thing I want to do is create a scenario or two to experiment with triggers - I won't be playing any scenarios at first. Give it to me without scenarios, I don't care! Scenarios can come later...

Hmmm, judging from your handle, you sound like being based in Melbourne or Victoria. Would you like to do some WEGO TCP/IP games when CMRT comes out?

Cheers (for real)!

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