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CMRT - BETA AAR - Soviet Side

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I wanted to share with you some of my thoughts on the terrain, and how I plan on approaching this battle.

First of all I have quite a few options in this battle.. I could feasibly move on one or more of the following avenues of approach and I will be scouting them all:


Even though my setup zone is spread across the width of the map, I will be setting up my entire force in the woods as indicated...

Avenues of Approach (AOA):

Axis Red is a sweeping move through the open ground to the left of the woods. I expect this route to be well covered and perhaps this is where he will deploy his armor or AT guns to block such a move. My intent on this action would be to blow through the town and seize Objective Red. This would be a mounted attack with my armor and tank riders.

Axis Yellow-1 would move directly on the town to seize Objective Yellow in the town (note: there are two Objective yellows.. this is an error in the map for the allied objectives, this objective should be named Objective Blue).

Axis Yellow-2 Another attack on the town objective... yellow-1 and yellow-2 do seem too direct for my taste... but I will have to wait until I see how the enemy is deployed before I decide whether this is a good approach or not.

Axis Yellow-3 this approach would be a deep attack bypassing the town and attempting to seize Objective Yellow in the north. I like this route, as if I can achieve a breakthrough the payoff could be dramatic.

Again, which AOA I choose will depend of course on enemy deployment and movements.

Key Terrain

The key terrain for this battle, at least in the opening stages are as indicated on this map. Control of this terrain is vital for the success of my attack, at least the key terrain on the AOA I ultimately choose.


Observation and Field of Fire

This image shows the key positions along Axis Yellow-2/3... from these two positions, my opponent can cover with fire any advance across the open danger area between these two wooded areas.


This image illustrates the key positions necessary to cover the flank of any advance along Axis Yellow2/3 and across the danger area that would need to be crossed for Axis Yellow-1.


The Axis Red route is interesting. There are several positions that allow my opponent to cover the route, but the LOS would be very patchy and fleeting. The terrain undulates and could provide good hull down positions and perhaps some good covered approaches. It would dilute Elvis's combat power tremendously to cover this approach completely.


Now, with all that being said a few well placed mines could make any advance difficult and time consuming.. hmmm.. perhaps I do need a platoon of Pioneers.

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While I really love the ISU-152 for the mean look and big bang it would probably only shine if Elvis goes for something really static with fortified positions and maybe Bunkers...

Precisely. My take on the SU-152 and ISU-152 is that they were semi-specialized pieces of equipment intended to provide on-the-spot medium artillery for overcoming fortified positions and lines. As with all armies, they probably got used for other purposes as well whenever they were available and HE was needed, but they weren't running around looking for armor to shoot up or attacking targets that could be handled by lighter weapons. But if Elvis puts bunkers in buildings (is that possible in v3 ?), you may wish that you had brought one along.


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Some considerations:

I would tend to reject Axis Yellow 1 out of hand. The reason being that an attack up the middle makes it easier for the defender to shift forces to concentrate on the area under attack, all things being equal. If he has any reserve, there is a very good chance that he has placed it behind the center of his line—once again all things being equal—as that makes moving it to a threatened area faster. So going up the middle means running into it sooner, possibly before you as the attacker has had time to seriously attrite his front line forces. In any event, clearing that central woods is apt to be a slow, costly process that could eat up your infantry before you even get close to the objectives.

Axis Red would appeal to me if I were attacking with an armor heavy force as it offers fewer impediments to rapid movements. On the other hand, if the defender has covered that zone with long range AT assets, you might lose your armor before it had gotten very far, although the undulations that you mention might be a help there.

Axis Yellow 2 shares some of of the problems of Axis Yellow 1 and IMO is only a slight improvement on it.

Axis Yellow 3 has its own problems, but probably offers the best compromise. The attacker is only contending with the defender's left flank forces, and moving reinforcing forces from his right flank is going to be time consuming for him.

All that is, as I wrote, assuming that all things are equal, and of course they never really are. The screenshots do not permit a detailed look at the terrain (for instance, until it was mentioned, I had no notion of the undulations of ground along Axis Red and the possible cover they could offer). Also, communications may be better behind one of the defender's flanks allowing freer movement on that side. Also, all this analysis could get knocked into a cocked hat if the defender anticipates the attacker's moves correctly and lays his defensive plan accordingly.


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Bil, once you have conducted your terrain analysis will you play like a Russian, trading security for speed and punching after a feint, or play like a capitalist and advance cautiously, trading momentum for troop preservation?

Thought the ISU-152 was designed as a stop gap kitty killer, The 152mm HE should obliterate most things it hits, the trouble is hitting things with an artillery piece is tricky.

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Finally received the file back from Elvis. I just completed my purchases and they are as follows (changes from my earlier list are bold):

One IL-2 - strafing (aircraft requirement)

• Tankodesantniki Company (-) (SMG) - Two Platoons

Pioneer Platoon (-) - Two Squads

• T-34/85 Platoon (3 tanks)

• Two - ISU-122

• OT-34 (flamethrower requirement)

• Two rifle companies

• Battalion Support @ 6 HMG teams and 6 82mm mortars

• One Supply Platoon @ four trucks

Total spent:


Purchases from the editor (Note the yellow text, I added this text to highlight that you have the option, when purchasing the Supply Platoon to identify the type of ammo each truck will carry, infantry, SMG, MG, or weapons.):


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I've basically seen the Same Route of Approachs and Key Positions when planning a little mockup attack plan. That feels good :D

Don't wanna comment too much on Tactics though, as I have a very clear plan for what I would do as the Attacker. ^^

Just saying that I personally would commit a little more and use scouting mostly to be able to change plans, instead going for a speedy and aggressive push whenever I can do it reasnoably.

edit: I really like the Engineers, and that theres SG43s.

could you maybe tell us what quality your units are roughly? cause they're really dirt cheap (which I love ^^ )

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Why limit yourself to just one route? Use them ALL!

This is more my thinking too that a multi prong attack should be used. I would stick more to the woods to close the distance, but perhaps not attacking up the middle till Yellow-3 is in postion trying to take that objective first. I like how all the Yellow spear tips form a semi circle envelopment around the objectives. The woods side look like it will be harder to move the armor in postions for good support though.

I like the way this map looks. Good luck Bil.

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Oh another quick question: is there a reason you didnt take the Tank Plattoon integrated into the command structure of the tank riders?

Nope. ;)

Note: when I got onto the map with my force I noticed I had forgotten to make the mortars on-map, so I had to re-do my purchases.. I still spent 3500 points exactly, had fewer rarity points spent and had to adjust some of my infantry values down to account for the extra points the on-map mortars cost me. Also, the unit's may or may not be in the same hierarchy as listed in my screenshot above (i.e. 3rd Rifle Bn is now 2nd Rifle Bn).

Made one minor change, the last truck that had the Weapons ammo I changed to MG ammo as it was carrying 50mm mortar rounds and AT rifle rounds, neither of which I need.


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I will get into my scheme of maneuver later.. but rest assured I do plan on scouting on all routes to test the defense. My normal plan of attack entails spreading my attack as wide as possible to make the defender have to stretch and thus thin out his line, making a penetration more likely in the spot I intend to concentrate.

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Katyusha preliminary bombardment on the build up area followed up by hordes of OT-34 carrying SMG troopers FTW!!! :D

That's hardly sporting.. ;)

Sporting Nyet

Truly the "Russian Way" DA !!!


Seriously though seeing a red thunder attack wouldn't be inappropriate for a beta AAR! ;)

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I wanted to take a minute to highlight the Rifle Platoon. This formation contains a lot of bodies (34) and a lot of firepower.. they will be great in the woods where the German long range firepower will be negated. Also these squads can split (all squads can now split), however the split teams will come at a high cost to morale if they are separated from the Squad leader team.

Plt HQ/1st Squad:


2nd Squad:


3rd Squad:


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I wanted to take a minute to highlight the Rifle Platoon. This formation contains a lot of bodies (34) and a lot of firepower.. they will be great in the woods where the German long range firepower will be negated. Also these squads can split (all squads can now split), however the split teams will come at a high cost to morale if they are separated from the Squad leader team.

Plt HQ/1st Squad:


2nd Squad:


3rd Squad:


Thanks Bil, I have never seen what a Soviet Rifle platoon looks like so this is very enlightening! All those SMG's will cause a real headache for the Germans!

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Hello Bil...Thanks for this AAR.

One question...

Why did you choose to remove ALL antitank rifles squads from the two rifle companys ?

My thinking...If Elvis decides to place some armoured cars with 20mm guns in the village to oppose your infantry from advancing north into the village from the large wooded area to the south (yellow 1 and 2)...I think thoose sneaky AT-assets would come in very handy...

By looking at the map he ought to be able to protect those armoured cars from flanking shots by hiding them besides some of the buildings (more or less forcing you to deal with them from the front)...

Maybe sacrificing a SG43 or two...

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Well I figured I had enough AT support.. and I would rather have the HMGs than the AT rifles... I know what use the HMGs will be, the AT rifles could end up being wasted points. I am not worried about whether there might be Arm cars or not somewhere... I'll sniff them out if they are there and deal with them then.

Thanks for the question.

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