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I like to play as the Syrians/Jihadis. I guess that's why I liked Shock Force. I like the setting and can't wait till they return to it again.

Also, your post reminds me that I've still never really played CM H2H before. I've never played it with CMx2 at least. Now that I think of it, I vaguely remember playing a couple hotseat CMx1 games with my brother ages ago. I've never had anyone else to play with...

...anyone looking for an opponent by chance?

I may take you up on this...I'll have to see. I have 15 CM games going at the moment as well as a full time job and like to do things in my spare time besides gaming. I do want to try Shock Force h2h sometime and I have all the modules.

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I may take you up on this...I'll have to see. I have 15 CM games going at the moment as well as a full time job and like to do things in my spare time besides gaming. I do want to try Shock Force h2h sometime and I have all the modules.

Oh my. How could you keep track of so many games and not forget what the situation is in each one?

I have all the CM games and modules except for the NATO one for Shock Force. I always wanted to try that one though but never got around to it, since CM is such a time sink.

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Oh my. How could you keep track of so many games and not forget what the situation is in each one?

I have all the CM games and modules except for the NATO one for Shock Force. I always wanted to try that one though but never got around to it, since CM is such a time sink.

Must have good memory and multitasking skills. I also manage my own investments and keep tabs on the markets, overall economy and global political, economic and social trends. I've pump out 1-2 sometimes 3 turns a day after work and 1-8+ turns on the weekends depending on my opponent as well as is I'm doing something else.

Work is also mentally challenging. Your brain is like any other muscle. Use it or lose it.

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Must have good memory and multitasking skills. I also manage my own investments and keep tabs on the markets, overall economy and global political, economic and social trends. I've pump out 1-2 sometimes 3 turns a day after work and 1-8+ turns on the weekends depending on my opponent as well as is I'm doing something else.

Work is also mentally challenging. Your brain is like any other muscle. Use it or lose it.

Well I bet you'll probably beat me then, especially if you manage investments and keep track of political, economic and social trends. And global trends too. There's no way I could possibly compete with that.

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Well I bet you'll probably beat me then, especially if you manage investments and keep track of political, economic and social trends. And global trends too. There's no way I could possibly compete with that.

Why do you say that? I just starting playing this h2h just recently. I'm still learning and not afraid to say I make mistakes and suffered some crushing defeats. I am getting better. One thing I do know and that is I'm better on the defense than I am attacking.

The big attraction of CM is I can find really good players who can really put up a great challenge-better than the AI. I don't mind if I lose, so long as I have fun and get challenged. Sometimes when I'm losing I challenge myself to see how hard I can push my remaing men and inflict as much damage as possible, but sometimes I've had to wave the white surrender flag and hold my head in shame. What I will never do is just dissapear on an opponent. Thats dishonorable.

I have a couple of opponents where we agree to not keep score or report. That way we can try battles that we know are unbalanced. It also allows us to refight a tough battle until one is satisfied with their results as well as try out different approaches.

Don't sell yourself short. You're probably better than you think. Probably a better player than me too :)

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Very true Childress, CmBB frustrated, "stuck in the past" players abound,...

Ah, yes, the glories of the CM1 series! They were so good at it! And how could they have dared to leave out **** or ****!

A couple of years ago on another forum, after the release of CMBN, I and a couple of other posters defended Battlefront against a horde of angry jihadis. Emotionalism ran high. There was a palpable atmosphere of personal betrayal. It was the strangest damn thing. But amusing in its own way.

One of the grievances, among many, was the DRM. A poster listed a number of wildly popular games that employed protection schemes. That elicited a shrug- may as well complain about the weather. But on the part of BFC, unforgivable! Or the premature release of Shock Force 1.0. Which was six years ago and fixed many times over. BF got no credit for that. Or the prickly attitude of some of the moderators. Frankly, if I were Steve , I'd consider hiring Vito to have some of the more obnoxious whiners whacked. (just kidding ;))

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CMx2 = the only games I play. I think they're the best games out on the market for what I enjoy.

I think that this thread will get overwhelmingly positive reviews being as how you posted it on the battlefront forum. People wouldn't be on this forum if they did not enjoy the game.

For what it is worth -exactly how I feel !!!!!!!! Jim

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CMx1 groupies seem to suffer from 'first girlfriend syndrome'. They've idealized their first love to such an extent that nobody could possibly measure up in comparison... not even the first girlfriend! I was as in love with CMx1 as anyone, but those rare times when I go back for a nostalgic game its a painful experience. Three potato-headed marionettes representing 12 men? Ouch!

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Youtube comment: "Simulation games, like Combat Mission generally gather the most intelligent, polite, and friendly gamers that exist.". Enough for me to keep reading this forum. And buy the games.

Vai että ystävällinen foorumi, hah. Täällä foorumilla löytyy niin paljon ylikasvaneita lapsia jotka saavat paskaraivarin jos joku edes vihjaa että heidän rakas pelisarjansa tai pelituottajansa eivät ole täydellisiä ja maailman parhaimpia.

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A couple of years ago on another forum, after the release of CMBN, I and a couple of other posters defended Battlefront against a horde of angry jihadis. Emotionalism ran high. There was a palpable atmosphere of personal betrayal. It was the strangest damn thing.

Since I have many better things to do than to tramp all over the web seeking out malcontents, I don't really know much about their demographics. But I do wonder how many of the more vocal critics are people who behaved badly and got themselves banned from this board and now carry a grudge against BFC. Otherwise I am kind of at a loss to understand the particular vitriol that apparently gets expressed.

But then, I never really understood the bad feelings that grew up between Feldgrau and Axis History Forum either. Maybe I am just too innocent.


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CMx1 groupies seem to suffer from 'first girlfriend syndrome'. They've idealized their first love to such an extent that nobody could possibly measure up in comparison... not even the first girlfriend! I was as in love with CMx1 as anyone, but those rare times when I go back for a nostalgic game its a painful experience. Three potato-headed marionettes representing 12 men? Ouch!

LOL, I just can't play CM1 games anymore, the mouse wheel does it for me. But groupies? Seriously, I don't know any CM1 groupies, I do know a few BF groupies though and at times it makes me smile that some posters attitudes can change in a heartbeat depending on the latitude of the post they're replying too.

I'm not bothered about reviews. Why? Well, who will read a review and buy CM? I've not seen CM games advertised anywhere on the web except the BF site and so why would that influence anyone to buy anything? It seems like new players either stumble upon the game or are introduced by a friend. I have introduced dozens over the years who had no idea that these games existed.

So in a world of other games and nn WW2 things, why wouldn't people not enjoy a simulation experience.

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When I come across a game I know nothing about Metacritic is one of the first places I check. Burying your head in the sand thinking it's irrelevant I think is doing CM and BF a disservice.

No matter how niche a game CM is BF is a business and needs to sell units. Plus expanding the player base is not a bad thing IMO.


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Otherwise I am kind of at a loss to understand the particular vitriol that apparently gets expressed.

Yes, a mystery wrapped in an enigma. You could consider the reaction a 'noumenon', which, unlike a phenomenon, is not directly accessible to observation. At the very least it merits an article in Psychology Today- make that Psychopathology Today. The hilarious aspect is that majority of the most vociferous posters seems to have purchased all the BF products.

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When I come across a game I know nothing about Metacritic is one of the first places I check. Burying your head in the sand thinking it's irrelevant I think is doing CM and BF a disservice.

No matter how niche a game CM is BF is a business and needs to sell units. Plus expanding the player base is not a bad thing IMO.


Fair enough...

As for me and I suspect many other people out there when I don't know something and want to find out more I goggle, bing get a number of results and start to drill down from there. Can also go to youtube and see what I can dig up there. Then there is the tried and true gaming review sites.

Metacritic is not the one stop be all. Its a place I never go to. Yours and other people mileage may vary.

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Jesus - you mean people actually take notice of meta critic ? To me its a useles piece of garbage with regard to any kind of sensible gauge of how good something is.

I find it to be somewhat useful actually. Not by looking at the scores as a reliable gauge of how good something is, but by reading the reviews themselves, especially the negative reviews. I find that I can learn a lot about something or whether I will enjoy it by looking at what kind of people hate it, and why.

Sometimes I find reading or watching reviews of things more interesting than the things themselves. I don't watch movies or TV very much, but I like watching movie review shows or looking at rottentomatoes or whatever.

Why do you say that? I just starting playing this h2h just recently. I'm still learning and not afraid to say I make mistakes and suffered some crushing defeats. I am getting better. One thing I do know and that is I'm better on the defense than I am attacking.

The big attraction of CM is I can find really good players who can really put up a great challenge-better than the AI. I don't mind if I lose, so long as I have fun and get challenged. Sometimes when I'm losing I challenge myself to see how hard I can push my remaing men and inflict as much damage as possible, but sometimes I've had to wave the white surrender flag and hold my head in shame. What I will never do is just dissapear on an opponent. Thats dishonorable.

I have a couple of opponents where we agree to not keep score or report. That way we can try battles that we know are unbalanced. It also allows us to refight a tough battle until one is satisfied with their results as well as try out different approaches.

Don't sell yourself short. You're probably better than you think. Probably a better player than me too :)

I tend to get stomped by the AI a lot. If I don't constantly abuse the saving and reloading system then I will lose all the time. Or maybe get a draw or minor victory with crippling losses instead. I think my biggest weakness is that I get impatient, or anxious, because of every mission being on a time limit. Sometimes I feel like Douglas Haig or something, thinking just one more push will do it men! One more big push and breakthrough! Then I feel bad for my little men when they advance into the grinder and get chopped into little pieces.

It's fun to lose sometimes though, and try to make a glorious last stand. I think it would be fun to play an unbalanced multiplayer battle actually, and try to recreate some historical engagement. Like maybe seeing how far one can advance into the Monte Cassino meat grinder or something. I'm not one who cares about winning all the time.

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I find it to be somewhat useful actually. Not by looking at the scores as a reliable gauge of how good something is, but by reading the reviews themselves, especially the negative reviews. I find that I can learn a lot about something or whether I will enjoy it by looking at what kind of people hate it, and why.

And this is basically how I use it too. See the proportion of good to poor reviews and what people's complaints are and whether they are consistent across various sites. It is fairly simple to spot genuine vs axe grinding reviews.


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Vai että ystävällinen foorumi, hah. Täällä foorumilla löytyy niin paljon ylikasvaneita lapsia jotka saavat paskaraivarin jos joku edes vihjaa että heidän rakas pelisarjansa tai pelituottajansa eivät ole täydellisiä ja maailman parhaimpia.

Toi linkkaamas alotuspostaus ja sitä seuraavat viestit oli kirjotettu sen verran vittuilevaan, rölläävään ja lapselliseen sävyyn etten yhtään ihmettele sen saamaa vastaanottoa.

Kiukuttelu ja asiallinen palaute on kaks hyvin erilaista asiaa.

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