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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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Slow going, due to my lack of turnability. That's been resolved. I'll get some pix up tonight. Shall I update without screenshots?

Another vote for No!

@Tempestzzz and John K.: I know, but I absolutely hate watching shows or movies on a computer. I have to check Apple TV/Netflix to see if they have them available. I did about a year ago and they didn't.

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Turn 33:00 to 32:00

The more things change...

First, this is a horrible internet connection. I could do better with a tin can and some string. But I digress.

I'll start with a brief overview: Bil tries a little flank recon on my back left corner. He starts to soften up the town with long range fire while his grenadiers keep moving in.

Oh, and I have a man with a piat, don't I?

Let's look at the sneaker flanker. Now, these barely qualify as graphics, but then, that's the price of playing on a netbook.


Some of my lads take exception to this probe. They're outmanned, outgunned, and out armored. But none of that matters: they fight for me.





Let's take a look at these fine lads...

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Turn 33.00 to 32.00 cont...

The lads:


Sure, this is small. But, so has everything else been up to now. My tank losses? Sure, they hurt, but they had no effect on the terrain objectives. Sad, but true. I'm whittling his manpower down every turn, and the real fighting hasn't started yet.

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33.00 to 32.00

Piat man.

My piat man near the windmill is PERFECTLY positioned to nail Bil's jaggie 4. Let's watch:





This was a big missed opportunity. I don't know why this guy didn't get a sound contact or pop his head up and get a visual contact. THAT would've been nice.

The jaggie moves off...safe.

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33.00 to 32.00, odds and ends


Orange boxes are Bil's big hitters. 2 jaggies, a wirbelwind, and a panther. The other panther is by the dunes. He's got various AA tracks scattered about.

The lower box shows the jaggie which started by the windmill and never got fired upon by my piat man. The linear bocage could be a trap for my men. I've been blowing gaps in them so I don't get caught. My A Company support line, a little further south in the wheatfield, has slowly been stripped down in anticipation of this phase of the battle. I'm using my jeeps to move the vickers and brens. I'll leave a sniper or two, a mortar, and a piat. A bit of bait, and a something to spring a surprise. So far all my piat surprises have failed. Try, try, again...


The main event is about to start! I want to chew up Bil's infantry, then somehow find a way to use one of my piats to kill a tank.


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Excellent work against the 251. Bil would be screwed were it the 251 and crew only, but as it is...

"Hans ist kaput, aber Fritz kommt! Ach du lieber! Fritz ist tot. Zwei gefallen! Ulrich vor! Nein! Nein! Schutze Ulrich, nach die maschinengewehr. Raus!"

And so it goes in the days of their deaths.

Brought to you by the Royal Ordnance Factory!

Too bad about the stealth Jagdpanzer IV. Now, if had been a captured Sherman, I bet your PIAT guy would've seen it and nailed it. Drat that low profile!


John Kettler

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This was a big missed opportunity. I don't know why this guy didn't get a sound contact or pop his head up and get a visual contact. THAT would've been nice.

The jaggie moves off...safe.

What was the morale status of Pete the Piat Man? How did that dunderhead fail to hear the jaggie? I mean seriously, there is obviously a problem with sound modeling. At least it is another opportunity for you to run on over to the BFC Bug Department (BBD) and file another complaint before they release CM:MG

Edit - just checked the morale status of Little Pete, it is "Nervous" (although he has a +2 modifier) which could explain it. Maybe to much tea?

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That's frustrating. I've never found a way make men laying in vegetation that blocks LOS move up one elevation level to kneeling. If you want a kneeling man to go prone you just give a hide order but there is no way to do the opposite without moving him.

Kapt. Ken could have tried giving an Area Target order or possibly an Armored Cover Arc.

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Kapt. Ken could have tried giving an Area Target order or possibly an Armored Cover Arc.

Under most circumstances you cannot target an area or enemy unit the friendly unit has no LOS to. A covered arc would not have changed the soldier's prone position.

Of course, I'm assuming the PIAT guy had no LOS to the Jpz. If he actually did have LOS then it is disturbing that he couldn't spot it.

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That's frustrating. I've never found a way make men laying in vegetation that blocks LOS move up one elevation level to kneeling. If you want a kneeling man to go prone you just give a hide order but there is no way to do the opposite without moving him.

You can get the men to go prone by giving a SLOW order in the same AS, so one does not necessarily need to give a HIDE order. This will preserve better spotting than HIDE. One can get them to go to a knee if giving anything, but SLOW in the same AS. Depending on the terrain they will take the knee for a sec, then go prone again (at least in testing). In other terrain I think they may stay on the knee, but I haven’t tested this last one.

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One of the reasons it's so hard to play the game. There are all these tricks needed as nothing like this is in the manual. Only some seem to have found them.

Why not have a stance option? For example, they could hunt to the wheat field and then on the waypoint you could set the kneeling stance. For people that think there are already too many orders, they can choose to ignore the stance option.


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You can get the men to go prone by giving a SLOW order in the same AS, so one does not necessarily need to give a HIDE order. This will preserve better spotting than HIDE. One can get them to go to a knee if giving anything, but SLOW in the same AS. Depending on the terrain they will take the knee for a sec, then go prone again (at least in testing). In other terrain I think they may stay on the knee, but I haven’t tested this last one.

I just tested this in a wheat field using US forward observer teams. I used Slow on teams that had at least one guy kneeling and Move on teams that were all prone. In both cases it appears that the ending stance is random with the odds more heavily weighted towards prone, so it's a risky technique if you need them to be prone. But it could be useful in that it at least gives some chance to get prone men off the ground.

I would be in favor of a default prone/kneeling/standing/none toggle.

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The Piat guy should have heard the tank. If the sound modeling is done correctly when a prone pixeltroop hears something, then he should get up to take a look. As I mentioned previously his morale was Nervous with a +2 modifier which may have affected his eagerness to get up and look around.

Also my earlier suggestion of an Area Target order would be to get the pixeltroop to at least take a look around prior to firing, at which point he would spot the tank.

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That's an option too. The downside is that until they spot the tank they will be walking around, which is more likely to get them spotted in return.

I've used the tactic in similar situations before to great effect and have never been spotted prior to getting a shot off so I don't think there is much risk of being spotted during a one AS hunt. Yeah, it's anecdotal, but given the results I've had I have no reason to test it :)

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The Piat guy should have heard the tank. If the sound modeling is done correctly when a prone pixeltroop hears something, then he should get up to take a look. As I mentioned previously his morale was Nervous with a +2 modifier which may have affected his eagerness to get up and look around.

Also my earlier suggestion of an Area Target order would be to get the pixeltroop to at least take a look around prior to firing, at which point he would spot the tank.

Hmmm... I wonder if being Nervous should give a pixeltroop a spotting bonus... kind of a hyper-aware state.

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