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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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Artistic dispute! Artistic dispute! This can only be solved by an engineer.

Carry on.

If you can't fix it with a hammer, it must be an electrical problem. I think we can fix this with a hammer, if not 10,000 volts ought to do it.

Kudos on taking out that Panther commander. I love shooting TCs. Those Panzer uniforms don't look half so snappy with a bit of gore on them. I can just hear the crew "I just got this dry cleaned for the company dance tonight! You just had to stick your head out and play Col. Hessler from that stupid American bulge movie didn't you!!"

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Ok Wicky its time we two painters start giving Ken some advice that will help him win this game beyond what will make his eyes move across the UI more easily. Ken, Its time to break out the PAINT ROUNDS ala “Kelly’s Heroes”! Use the pink ones to hit that panther! It will cover all it’s optics blinding it forcing the next tank commander to have to climb out, and wipe it off. You can then hose that commander too. Also, it will demoralize that crew. How tough do you think they will feel fighting in “The Pink Panther”? not to mention all forms of cammo will be screwed.

Even better, and I am not joking here imagine rounds filled with napalm coming in a rain from a quad 20mm that could stick to a tank. That would make any crew wish they remembered to put on “depends diapers”. The fire, and smoke should create enough blindness, and panic. I wonder if the allies ever experimented with such a weapon? The problem I guess would be to get enough of it packed in a shell to get the effect desired, but if it were enough rounds like from a quad 20mm perhaps something like that would be effective. It sure sounds nasty, and something I would not want to be on the receiving end.

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Re the paint: look up D-Day Oklahoma. Several thousand paintballers from around the world. I've done it. Twice.

I'm currently waiting for Bil.

If he had a pair, he'd use his right side group to sweep through the dunrd, spraying fire against the Ardennes before they debouche in my rear. His other group should go straight at the town.

Instead, my pilots will debauche in the town

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Instead, my pilots will debauche in the town... Give the boys a rest. They earned it. You have ridden them hard Ken.

Buzz, could I ask you for a favor? When you quote somebody, could you indicate more clearly that that is what you are doing? You might put quotation marks around the passage you are quoting or simply use the quote feature of the board software as I am doing here. I would appreciate not having to stop to puzzle out which words are yours and which originated with somebody else.


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Buzz, could I ask you for a favor? When you quote somebody, could you indicate more clearly that that is what you are doing? You might put quotation marks around the passage you are quoting or simply use the quote feature of the board software as I am doing here. I would appreciate not having to stop to puzzle out which words are yours and which originated with somebody else.


Sorry for the confusion Michael.

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He needs this young artist on his side to camouflage his AFVs



Awesome! I love work like that. It reminds me of another artist (Asian guy, don't recall his name) who paints himself to blend into surroundings then photographs it.

I read a book recently called "Secrets of the F.B.I.". They actually have artist who do work like this for their “breaking and entering” teams. The artist will paint a section of a facade of a building on a screen to blend like this. The agents raise the screen to hide behind it to do their entry. When done they lower it, and are gone.

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Dear God, I may be too late. This thread has devolved into an arty thread. And not the good kind of arty. I only hope no one mentions mimes. That would be a sign of the end!

Onto the GAME!!!

I'll post pix in a bit. But, first, a summary: Bil is a gamey edge-hugging bastidge! In a good way! If he's resorted to that tactic, I know I've got him stumped. The next turns will have even more dodgy tactics and tricks.

I liked this turn. Again.

As I said, pix in a bit...


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... Bil is a gamey edge-hugging bastidge! In a good way! If he's resorted to that tactic, I know I've got him stumped. The next turns will have even more dodgy tactics and tricks...


Hmmm... that sounds like something I was muttering to myself back in the days of... White Manor! and we both know how that turned out for me :)

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Well, as a gamey edge hugger myself I'm glad to see Bil working it.

I'm working on the screenies while I quaff a few pints in a pub on Boylston in Boston. That may make me prone to hyperbole, mixed metaphors, exaggeration, and orders to my men which may not be in their best interest.

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I read a book recently called "Secrets of the F.B.I.". They actually have artist who do work like this for their “breaking and entering” teams. The artist will paint a section of a facade of a building on a screen to blend like this. The agents raise the screen to hide behind it to do their entry. When done they lower it, and are gone.

That is not a new trick and was surely not invented by the FBI. Several years ago a friend lent me a book on visual illusions in the movies, and one of the topics it covered was something very similar to what you describe. Sometime during the second or third decade of the last century, a movie director wanted to include a shot of a two story house, but only had a one story house available. So he commissioned an artist to make a full-sized painting of a second story on canvas. The canvas was hung and the camera was carefully sited so that everything blended together and presto! an instant two story house.


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Turn 48:00 to 47:00

(I dedicate this series of screenies to the woman in the bar wearing the red t-shirt and ray bans. May the screenie images linger in your minds as long as her finger lingered upon my knee.)

In the Town Center...

(edited to make even clearer that these images look ugly because my laptop barely has a video processor. )






Now, the above screenies are, indeed, a bit low res. Beauty isn't skin deep! (Unless you're the woman wearing that red t-shirt in a Boston pub...)


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And a long shot...


My two Piat teams between the windmill and the dunes have Cover Armor arcs. I don't want them to be distracted by infantry. That may leave them vulnerable. Sigh. If they die, I may have someone else grab their piats.

Over on my left, the Piat team which went in circles took a hit and lost the Piat man. I'm moving the platoon HQ up to provide first aid. Well, not really. I want them to grab that Piat.

The teams moving to stuff the distraction which is his edge-huggers are not needed elsewhere. In fact, they'd just be cannon fodder if I left them where they were. Not that I'm opposed to that, but it'd be better if they shoot rather than be shot. I'm shoving them, hard, over to my left via a combination of concealed and unconcealed routes.

I don't mind having a flank in the open, but I don't want Bil to get a freebie. So, I'll expend a section and a half in the effort, then pull back the survivors. Or advance them. :)

I'd love to safely gain the bocage by the windmill. Then I can blow it and assault in within a turn or two. That'd be a blast!


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Ken, not sure if you gave the troops moving in the steeple a 360 degree arc limited to the building, but it might be a good idea to do that. If they give away their position I would bet the very next turn they will come under fire from big stuff ruining the recon value.

I haven’t seen much good shots from snipers at that distance, but you never know you may get lucky. Odds are he will only give away his position taking the shot at that distance.

I’ve been known to hug an edge or two as well, but only as long as my men are facing into the map, and not out :D

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What you said

Turn 48:00 to 47:00

(I dedicate this series of screenies to the woman in the bar wearing the red t-shirt and ray bans. May the screenie images linger in your minds as long as her finger lingered upon my knee.)

What you meant

Turn 48:00 to 47:00

(I dedicate this series of screenies to the woman in the bar wearing the red t-shirt and ray bans. May the screenie images linger as long as her finger lingered upon my knee in my mind.)

If it helps she was still chuckling as she exited. I believe she said something like - "he's certainly no glider pilot".

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Keep telling yourself that! ;)

Back to the game. Err, the "CM" game. Covered arc for the HQ guys, yeah, I thought about that. But, see, I don't care quite so much about what they can see as what they can KILL!! I really don't think any Germans are close enough, but I'd hate to cover arc them just too short of a target. The steeple has a lot of floors. I have a lot of men. It's like I'm supposed to use them that way.

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