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ALLIED : Gustav Line BETA AAR Round Two - Eye of the Elefant

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Michael Emrys,

Too good (or bad) to pass up! That said, I really would like to know where the penetration occurred. I did a fair amount of research, and I couldn't find anything specific on that particular spot on the mantlet. Is there a telescopic sight there as a backup to the roof mounted sight?


John Kettler

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Movie 59

Well, what a bitter pill.

Obviously somehow Bil had eyes on my M10 on the left rear slope of Hill 172, though I can't tell where from.

Bil rushed his JzPz out of sight of my M10 before the M10 could spot it, and the Brummbar started area firing. The Brummbar's area fire denied the M10 a spot on the Brummbar itself, so that whole maneuver delivered nothing.

Meanwhile, over near Tame, Bil caught me completely by surprise by rushing his Brumbar on that side forwards. This was a complete bummer, because over there my other M10 was maneuvering to try to get the jump on Bil's PzIVh coming around the back. This maneuver took it right into the sights of the rushing forward Brummbar, and that was the end of that.

I really had thought that the Brummbar was either part of the group coming around the back, or staying back to keep shelling SMI. What a downer!


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Before your M10 was knocked out I thought it had a side view on both a Pz IV and the Brummbar? From one of you previous pics.


Yeah that was confusing. The M10 that got nailed was not the one that had a side view of the JpzIV and Brummbar. While it too was hunting a JpzIV it was not the one that we were all hoping would score a kill. Different M10, different Brummbar.

The one that had that cliff hanger opportunity was stymied because Bill pulled the JpzIV back and fired into the general area of the M10 with the Brummbar. The net effect was that the M10 did not get a chance to spot the JpzIV and the area fire caused smoke and debris that prevented the M10 from being able to spot the Brummbar - and it seems it also prevented the Brummbar from spotting the M10 too.

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Look on the bright side: your forces are doing an exceptional job of running his Brummbar out of ammunition. It'll have to stop firing at some point. Right?

Stop that quivering lip and get in there and attack something, somewhere, somehow!



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The downside to there being omnipotent leader when playing CM... Sees and can act on whatever anyone in his force can see. Not particularly "realistic" at all but I guess obviously there are limits to what a sim can do.


Too bad GaJ, I was hoping for a two for one shot from the M10.


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With your Brummbar ammo depletion crack, you've now taken gallows humor to places undreamt of before!


A real shame your M10 didn't get to clobber some of Bil's armor before taking that murderous Sturmpanzer IV hit! I have to say, though, that Bil's got an excellent handle on how to discombobulate an M10 prior to killing it. Am taking (mental) notes!


John Kettler

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Hey gang sorry for the delay - it's been a heck of a week, but enough about me.

Movie 60

Clearly I'm beat now. I had hoped that with 2 M10s I might have kept Bil out of SMI for 10 more minutes, but this is no longer feasible.

I have sound contacts that tell me that Bil has a bunch of inf coming into SMI from the west. I've little to oppose them ... and I can't really occupy much of the buildings due to the Brummbar fire.

Ah well...



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A few turns back Bil suggested we stopped ... I had decided before we started that having stopped early last time and read the complaints about that, that I wasn't going to stop this time. I also wanted to see if I could keep him out of SMI, which would have been quite a victory, given the time he's had to get in there.

I really regret that dumb move with the Tame M10 ... needlessly messed up that whole plan, darn it.

And if wishes were fishes... oh if only had 2 M10s instead of one for each side of the ridge, because it was (is) a shame to be operating each "on its own", yet ... there are two sides of the ridge.

Anyhow, there's only 10 turns to go, it doesn't cost anything to finish...


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Movie 61

Bil pushed his assualt team up to the west end of SMI this turn. Again he seems to have armour ahead of infantry, but again I was unable to punish him for this.


... a shot at 80m ... and a miss, from my "intercept the SMI armour" team.

(Interestingly, the bloke you see copping the backblast didn't seem to even blink!)

Over on the left, bullets have been rattling into the main bunker overlooking the valley for the last couple of turns. It seems they did some damage, though I've never seen this before:


... damaged MG, all the occupants OK!

Bil kept all 3 tanks on the same side of Hill 153 this turn - that surprised me. If I'd known he wasn't going to come around the back, I'd have pushed on around Hill 153 myself with the M10, instead of pulling back to look over the approach to SMI.



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Movie 62

It looks like Bil is bringing the Elefant around behind Hill 172 to try to take out my M10. This could be interesting ... there are some guys with a

satchel in his path, and the M10 is waiting for him.

Bil withdrew his Gun-HT from SMI ... a second bazooka shot hit the weapon mount, but did not perceptible damage before it left.

It is taking Bil a curiously long time to take the ultimate objective. I guess he has it timed down to the last minute ... but he must be reasonably confident of just being able to walk in and take it !? I guess he is just diligently loosing as little pixel-life as possible..


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Movie 64

Bil is pushing his Elefant towards my M10, with an inf shield at least on the top of the slope. This shield bumped into a tank crew that I had watching out at the crest of Hill 172, but didn't do any harm to those guys.

My guys with satchels are on the other side of the Elefant.


At SMI, he is shelling the buildings more intensely now. Not many casualties are resulting, since my opposition force there is small and at the rear...



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Movie 65

5 minutes to go for Bil to clear SMI. It's actually looking like he may not manage that. Of course, a lot of routing can happen in 5 minutes, but he's sure taking his time...

Meanwhile, a happy snap....


Interestingly, Bil has concentrated his three tanks on my left flank on the M10's position behind Hill 172.


This almost has the look of giving the M10 the opportunity to bug out back to SMI, which was out of the question a few turns ago.

Bill has brought his centre PzIVh into the left valley: I'm not sure what it's plans are, but it too appears to be no longer blocking the path for the M10 to join it's flock in the last stand...


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Ah ... yeah, nice theory Ken, except that when it got whacked, the Elefant withdrew into the arms of it's supporting JgPz and Brummbar.

As well as toying with the idea of pulling the M10 back into SMI, I did also toy with the idea of a "side rush". That is to say, set the covered arc and 90 degrees, and rush at "fast" up alongside the elefant, faster than it can turn. I seriously might have done that if Bil had not supported it with the other two.

Yeah ... Ian ... I did pull the M10 back, with covered arc in place to make sure the gun is facing the PzIVh that is probably trying to come around Hill 172 and take it from the rear...


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Movie 66

... here's what it looks like after the M10 pulled back:


He didn't get as far as I'd liked. In the background you can see Bil's big three facing towards it's previous location behind Hill 172. They actually have their LOS obscured to the run across to SMI at this point, at least for the most part. If the M10 had gotten another 100m further across that gap before the end of the turn, he might have made it. But I'm guessing that this turn Bil will push those big three forwards to make sure they cut that off, now that I've moved. Time to update the plan.

Meanwhile, in the bigger picture...


As you can see, I'm surrounded and outgunned, but the action really does have a feel of Bil's advance having stalled. I can't quite see why this would be, because I haven't thrown up any major new opposition. It's 6 tanks to my one, and as you can see, I'm surrounded on all sides by infantry... but it's not advancing fast.

My MG on the Tame side of town, in a Bil-created ruin there, finally was taken out this turn, but not before repelling a squad of Bil's that tried to make a run for SMI buildings. But I think that he does have at least one squad in the building at the far end of town already.

It seems quite remarkable that after over an hour of cautious but unrelenting progress through the minor landmarks on the way to victory, the advance has paused. 4 minutes isn't a lot left to make the final conquest... I'd been hoping to at least take out a tank or two with the infantry anti-tank assets in town, and maybe one with the M10 - it's hard to create these opportunities when they're not coming to offer me the chance :)


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