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Do aliens from another dimension communicate with you in your sleep telepathically? i.e Spiritualism/mediumship/channeling - instead of the dead you ascribe the voices in your head to alien beings.

Are you still seeing a neurologist for undefined issues i.e your 'earth/cosmic sensitivity' and are you still on prescribed medication? Is your neurologist aware of your ET/ED communications?

John Kettler wrote from a galaxy far, far away:

"my meds are supposed to put me under, even if my neurologist doesn't have a model for how that's possible, hence pooh-poohs it."

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Do aliens from another dimension communicate with you in your sleep telepathically? i.e Spiritualism/mediumship/channeling - instead of the dead you ascribe the voices in your head to alien beings.

Are you still seeing a neurologist for undefined issues i.e your 'earth/cosmic sensitivity' and are you still on prescribed medication? Is your neurologist aware of your ET/ED communications?

John Kettler wrote:

"my meds are supposed to put me under, even if my neurologist doesn't have a model for how that's possible, hence pooh-poohs it."

Dunno, but the medical marijuana clinics around the corner from me (yeah I have two that close, geez where were they when I was going to dead shows?) guarrantee they can help with that.

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As weird as this thread became I will say Kettler was a pretty good sport about a lot of it...Though, I don't think he and Jon will be planning any raids on Reptoid Fortesses together...anytime soon.


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Shakespeare didn't write it (illiterate; signed "X" when a manor was deeded to him), but I love the Hamlet quote anyway.

Oh cool, yet another conspiracy theory. Good for you.

Have you played the MMO "The Secret World"? That would be right up your street; the "tagline" for it is: "Everything is true".

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your Philosophy."

Oh, I can dream of many things. Doesn't make them real.

I can tell you, based on direct experience, reports of people I trust with my life, and loads of other information, that the above statement is incredibly conservative and understated.

And I should believe you, why?

You've already demonstrated, on numerous occasions in describing what your results are in CMBN that you have no filter at all for expectation bias. According to you, we're dismissing your crackpot theories because there's a conspiracy suppressing "The Truth", not because they're crackpot. You see how circular that argument is? Your claim to be a "keen observer" is completely blown out the water by your demonstrated unwillingness to attempt replication of conditions to see whether they were flukes; it seems that in your "philosophy", something that happens occasionally must always be the case.

The laboratory of CMBN shows you to be a fraud. But that's not name calling, because you have to maintain character so that people find your website entertaining enough to send you money to keep it running. Good for you.

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Here's what the reviewers of my first E-book...

What a surprise. Fellow conspiracy nuts buy into your hokum. Obvious cold, empirical evidence that you are Right!!!!!

The blog's been knocked out of commission repeatedly; we just don't know who. Daily our security software keeps all sorts of lower grade would-be malefactors out, too. My communications have been screwed with over and over and over again. People call me and are told the customer has used up his minutes, the account's been canceled or even that I'm dead. I call contacts and can't connect to save my life. Calls drop all the time, but only when I'm actually working. It takes hours to reconnect, if we reconnect! People get dozens of E-mails or VMs from me, but I don't send them. Alternatively, E-mails are sent and either never arrive or take forever.

Your problem isn't lizards. It's botnets. Happens to grannies and other people who can't handle internet security all the time. And the phone thing? Sounds like someone's got hold of a clone of your phone.

Some of my contacts, if outed, have a life expectancy, by their own reckoning, of seconds, not minutes.

Their own reckoning? Well, that's obviously concrete evidence. Frankly, if the Bad Guys have that kind of will, reach and capability, they'd just kill everyone who's ever had any contact with you. In a variety of mysterious, untraceable ways.

Here's a direct account from someone the government HAS put through the mill...

Even assuming that's all entirely true, assumptions and all, it only points at the inherent nastiness of the military-industrial complex, nothing more.

What has changed in the last year?

I'm sure you've been at this game more than a year. Can't be much of an existential threat.

...lots of people talking into their sleeves. Given the Liberation Forces' tech is, oh, 100,000 years ahead of ours, that should give you some idea how bad the security problem was.

In 100 millenia, they haven't managed to get better than the cuff mike? Surely anybody who's got any juice at all nowadays is wearing an encrypted PAN and has a headpiece mike, which looks just like a bluetooth earpiece. Cuff mikes are so 1990s. Evidence that your oh-so-knowledgeable sources are actually mired in their own conspiracies and not at all aware of even the real world.

My life is STILL at risk, but the magnitude of the threat is down considerably. I am fortunate in that I have protection that simply was unavailable until recently. Makes a huge difference!

Of course, you get special protection, but your sources are still dead in seconds. Surely you can persuade your oh-so-capable Liberation allies to extend their protection to such vital intelligence assets?

You're weaving a tangled web, sirrah.

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now stop that, you are wrecking all the fun.

I was just about ready to get information for a new alien weapon to buy instead of investing in my 308 heavy bore floating barrel rifle or maybe a new 50 cal.

This has been the best hijacked thread in a long time and I was really enjoying it, now you want to bring a end to it all.

Here , just to help give some spice to what is real or not. For 25 years now I have worked in the engineering field, I have found that if I keep a open mind and not judge people to hard that they will open up and tell you many things they might not tell someone else. In these years I have had 4 co-workers tell me they have seen a UFO.

now 3 of the 4 stories are more than just a little dot in the sky type thing, their stories were detailed and full of memories. There were others with them, so witnesses that could account for what they were saying.

These were people that are sane, intellegant, married and living normal lives.

Now, when you come across someone that seems level headed, deals with life in a conventional way and seems responsible. You have to ask yourself what did these people see. Like these co-workers I have known. They would not even share these stories with others because they know how most people will react. So why ever tell anyone except for the fact that they wanted to get it off their chest to someone who would not judge them.

So I will not thrash anyone too much about it, even though there is many a hoax out there with many a reason that has nothing to do with truth.

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...3 of the 4 stories are more than...You have to ask yourself what did these people see. Like these co-workers I have known. They would not even share these stories with others because they know how most people will react. So why ever tell anyone except for the fact that they wanted to get it off their chest to someone who would not judge them.

[shrug] Just because they genuinely think they had a Close Encounter, it doesn't mean they did, even if the expectation of adverse reaction is well founded. Kudos on being the kind of person people feel they can open up to without fear of ridicule, though.

I know some outwardly sober (and a fair few more less outwardly sober) people who believe the dangdest things. One of them's a "Witch" (well several of them are, but this one in particular) who appears to practice the arcane art of "If it happens as I wanted it to, that's down to me casting a spell that worked. If it doesn't, my spell obviously didn't work." Well, duh. I didn't win the lottery on Friday. Must've not wanted it enough.

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Now, when you come across someone that seems level headed, deals with life in a conventional way and seems responsible. You have to ask yourself what did these people see.

All absolutely meaningless without hard solid evidence. Which, after all the many thousands of "sightings", has yet to emerge. Brains and perception are tricky things and prone to faulty/manipulated memories, confirmation bias, optical illusions, etc etc. Even for level headed people.

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All absolutely meaningless without hard solid evidence. Which, after all the many thousands of "sightings", has yet to emerge. Brains and perception are tricky things and prone to faulty/manipulated memories, confirmation bias, optical illusions, etc etc. Even for level headed people.

Well if you use this statement, you might as well beleive in almost nothing. because there is many a thing that uses the memories of human minds for what knowledge we beleive or what is cast as fact. I agree that the mind can distort things, I have been tested myself in training to help improve one's memory and am amazed how we can recreate events into what we think we saw instead of what we really saw. But man has past knowledge on for countless years and it all has been done with the thoughts of his brain. So do not tell me that people are always full of it just because.

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What the hell seems we are not going back in the park so I get to tell a "UFO" story.

Years ago while visiting my father he woke me up late in the evening as he'd spotted a light in the sky. It did some things neither of us to this day can explain. Was it a UFO? I dunno, I don't even know it was flying, could have been a light reflection. All I know is I saw some light do something weird. Does that lend credence to anyone's stories of the lizard revolt or whatever the f**k all that gibberish is? Absolutely not.

Second story

Unlike the bilgewater spewed on a certain blog, I actually have been on the receiving end of a little unwanted attention from the gov't. I got locked up by the same grand jury investigating Oliver North (different case, same federal grand jury). We both refused to testify. He was suspected in the crimes they were investigating, I was not. I got locked up, he did not. Told me all I need to know about the justice system. However the government is nowhere near as organized as the conspiracy theorists would have us believe. It is made up of a variety of people, some petty little s**ts, some decent people doing their best to do their job. None of them in full control of anything. My friggin judge (Aubrey Robinson) was actually asleep during our proceedings. The prosecutor was the wonderful Lawrence Barcella who shortly thereafter left gov't service - In private practice, he handled internal investigations for corporations and defended people charged with securities fraud, antitrust violations, tax evasion and money laundering. In 1988, his client Lyn Nofziger, one of President Ronald Reagan’s close advisers, was found guilty of illegal lobbying stemming from his attempts to influence White House officials on behalf of several corporations.

Does this sound like the kind of organization that is gonna be able to maintain a coverup of an intergalactic lizard war? geez man the meds are all wrong.

Yes there are some things we can't explain lacking all the facts. Like that light, I have no idea what it was. But if I was to say, hey I saw a UFO, I'd be lying. I saw something again I have no idea if it was actually in flight- lacking data. There's the problem with most people, they draw a conclusion on data they do not have because they assume they saw something they don't actually have enough data to say.

Another example. Waaaaayyyyy back BF told us about an issue in CM that if we had all seen we would have explained as obviously some flaw in the engine or the spotting program or specifically wrong with the Tiger when in reality it was the Tiger's gunner sitting sideways.

It is always amazing how much BS gets blown away once we actually accumulate a little real data - and voices in your head is not real data, it is poorly prescribed meds.

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Oh cool, yet another conspiracy theory. Good for you.

Shakespeare? There's been a lot of serious scholarship and copious debates whether he was the actual author of those plays and sonnets. I believe the preponderance of the evidence points to Edward de Vere who assumed that nom de plume to avoid social obloquy. Playwrights suffered from low status during Elizabethan times, certainly a motive for dissimulation for a courtier like de Vere. His friend, Ben Jonson, played along with the ruse.

We know a thousand times more detail about 1st century Romans, a richly documented era, than the man from Avon.



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Second story

Unlike the bilgewater spewed on a certain blog, I actually have been on the receiving end of a little unwanted attention from the gov't. I got locked up by the same grand jury investigating Oliver North (different case, same federal grand jury). We both refused to testify. He was suspected in the crimes they were investigating, I was not. I got locked up, he did not.

Sburke: an iceberg, whose mass lies nine-tenths under the sea. :)

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Jon's magnificent about diffusing controversy and awkward situations. A healing balm, a bridge over troubled waters.

I understand the US TV series Fairly Legal is based on his story, and he actually looks like the lead character...

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I understand the US TV series Fairly Legal is based on his story, and he actually looks like the lead character...

Really? More like Justin Bieber, but younger and more chiseled. You sense the man's sporting a six pack under that muscle shirt.

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However the government is nowhere near as organized as the conspiracy theorists would have us believe. It is made up of a variety of people, some petty little s**ts, some decent people doing their best to do their job. None of them in full control of anything.

I have been heard to say upon a time that people who believe in conspiracies (at least as an answer to world conditions) have clearly never tried to run one. Somebody always screws up. Somebody always can't keep their mouth shut. Somebody gets bored and tired of the game. With the best (or worst) intentions, things just fall apart.

Old Russian proverb from Czarist days: When four men sit down to plot revolution, three are fools and the fourth works for the secret police.


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You accuse me of expectation bias re "Closing the Gap" in CMBN, while possessing a fabulous scotoma regarding your own, a clearly displayed predisposition to reject any data not fitting your reality model, then use that as a blanket rejection basis for me and all I've said. Fascinating!

Let's see if you are, in fact, smarter than that, shall we?

Suggested Reading List

CLEAR INTENT or THE UFO COVERUP, Peter Gersten and Barry Greenwood



Public Opinion Polls


Further, in your rush to blister me, you completely misinterpreted what I said. I did NOT say the ETs were running around with sleeve mikes and coiled wire earpieces. That would be the hordes of agents and spooks at the paranormal summit.

I have been involved with CM since before CMBO came out, the Beta Demo to be specific. I have made thousands of posts contributing to ALL the CM games, even ones I lacked the technical means to play. Am I having issues with the CMBN Demo? Yes, I am. The interface is unfamiliar and awkward, the workload much higher than what I'm used to, and my ability to handle it considerably reduced when compared to, say, my Rumblings of War days. Game time is very hard to come by, for I have tons of stuff I have to do daily.

But do not make the giant leap of illogic from your having issues with how I argue about perceived deficiencies in the game based on my freely admitted small sample size and woes with "Closing the Gap" to discarding everything else I have to say.


You found the same great piece as I did, but I inadvertently obliterated my earlier post by trying to quote womble.


The answers you seek about the mechanism of my telepathic connection is here. Not what you think.



I've been on the receiving end of the Federal government repeatedly. It tried to destroy a common-law-trust I work for, directly costing me some $60,000 in trustee fees, money that would've finally gotten me back on fiscal track for the first time since leaving military aerospace in 1989. The DOJ, working on behalf of the IRS, first smeared the trust/key people in the media, threw 20+ Federal civil charges (no lawyer provided that way) at the trust, destroyed the principal financial underpinnings and went all out to suppress two trust books it published. Ultimately, the DOJ lost after a year of vicious legal combat. I have also had two perfectly legitimate online ad rating programs savaged: one by freezing the assets, the other by protracted ruling delays after a heavy handed initial intervention. I personally know a bunch of people who've been screwed by the Feds, people both in and out of the UFO community.

Normal Dude,

Not only do I recommend the same reading list for you as I did womble, but I will tell you from direct personal observation while in the classified vault at Air Force Space Division SD/IN circa early 1980s that the government DOES carefully monitor UFO activities. I read incident after incident in the NORAD Daily Intelligence Summary, classified SECRET/NOFORN/WNINTEL (SECRET, NO FOREIGNERS, WARNING-INTELLIGENCE SOURCES & METHODS INVOLVED). Equivalent summaries have been obtained under FOIA (see ABOVE TOP SECRET) and fully confirm what I've said.


The modified hard hat badge was funny and clever.


John Kettler

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I have been heard to say upon a time that people who believe in conspiracies (at least as an answer to world conditions) have clearly never tried to run one. Somebody always screws up. Somebody always can't keep their mouth shut. Somebody gets bored and tired of the game. With the best (or worst) intentions, things just fall apart.

Yes, the sheeple who don't understand fractional banking and the credit based money-system think so...

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