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AAR-AXIS - Clearing the Niscemi Highway

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In order to explain myself better, what I precisely meant by 'ignoring' is the fact that on many occasions players voice their critiques on this forum and Battlefront refrains from replying.

Whilst I agree that the non functioning of CrossfireX might be a non issue for BF, the primary point which I am highlighting, that of having the Graphics Engine unable to draw most of the scene presented on the screen, should be of major concern to everyone especially BF

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I am in line since I refrain from insulting others and, as always, my language is always calm and my arguments based on facts.

I can't understand why certain people find it difficult to accept criticism.

Critisicm is healthy, it helps the evolvement of the game when its factual and fair. What I have stated are facts which are there to see by one and all.

Let me highlight something - I love this game as much as everyone else here - and I will do my utmost to point out the most annoying bugs which I notice in order to ameliorate this game until it reaches maximum awsomeness :)

Thanks to all

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Lucky Thirteen

My first thought as my R-35 took it's sweet time to pass through the gap was, "where the frack did he come from!"... then my heart was in my throat as I saw the US team hurl their demo charge (white arrow indicates the charge and the direction from whence it came... then I thought, "whew, it landed behind the tank (I thought pretty far)"... then OH SH*T as the massive explosion seemed to lift the tank slightly and it was knocked out.


I watched in horror as my other R-35 started to climb the hill only to get hit in the side from ND's other gun (blue circle marks its position)... it penetrated though did not knock out the tank.. but the crew does bail. Pussy.


There was some good news this turn though... I do suceed in knocking out ND's right most gun (on my left)... that makes me feel somewhat better.


Still.. the cost to my infantry on this hill has been high.. too high. Now that their main job is complete (KO at least one gun) I will start to pull them off the hill next turn.


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Should one notice, the road stops being rendered and all detail is also not rendered in the areas I have circled.

This can be seen on most of the pictures presented and is also very noticeable when playing the game.

Another example, take a close look at the pictures kindly presented by Hardenbereger above, road on the right (in the 4th Picture) is also not rendered and detail of the fields at the background is also not being rendered

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The Fourteenth Minute

Not much unique action to report this turn.. more exchange of fire on the hill, more of my guys buy the farm. There will be a reckoning in Rome after this battle I have no doubt.

In case you were wondering, here is a close up of the Italian tank crewman. Looks tough, no?


I know I haven't mentioned these guys, but I have had a German Luftwaffe FO team from the beginning (but they have had nothing to target with)... I have quietly placed them on a hill overlooking the Hill and Villa objectives. I should receive my artillery and first batch of German reinforcements next turn, so they are scouting out the area and picking targets, or they should be... "Hey Jurgen! Stop watching the second string die on The Orchard and look for a target on the objectives will ya? Damned wing nuts."


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Should one notice, the road stops being rendered and all detail is also not rendered in the areas I have circled.

The picture is too small, i use Photobucket to display pictures, just load the picture into Photobucket, then copy and paste it's IMG line to show a bigger image of your picture.

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The Fifteenth Minute

The 15th minute was more of the same. me pulling off the Orchards objectve and ND's troops trying to kill as many as possible.

But at the end of the turn, these babies show up, a Semovente 75. WIth a 75mm gun and plenty of AP and HEAT ammo, I am hoping this guy can help defend against the Shermans that ND will be getting.


Finally I receive a platoon of 3 Pz-IIIM's and two Platoons of Herr Goring's finest infantry. I will hold most of the tanks in reserve until I can see where ND deploys his reinforcements. I will also mount one infantry platoon on the trucks and use them as a mobile reserve to be sent in at the right moment.


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Are PzIIIs and Semovetes even a match for Sherman tanks or can they only take 'em on from the flanks?

Panzer IIIM's gun is for practical purposes identical to the 50mm PaK 38 AT gun currently available in CMBN. It can be a threat to a Sherman from the frontal aspect, though only at relatively close range, and the chances of serious damage on any one hit are not great.

Semovente 75/18 has a low-velocity 75mm gun. Some threat to the Sherman frontal aspect using HEAT ammo, but the low projectile speed make it less than ideal for hitting point targets like tanks.

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Still wondering: why a frontal attack?

Steiner good question... I doubted the success of a wide right hook maneuver taking the Villa from the rear or flank would work.. at least in the 15 minutes I had to work with before reinforcements arrived (his and mine). If it was unsuccessful then I would have been caught with my troops scattered, strung out, worn down, and weary against his fresh troops which I knew contained some armor and infantry.

I also was loathe to leave his forward detachment in my rear, which it would have been if I had pushed everything to my right. So I decided to push up the Orchards objective, try to take out the pickets (successful) and then with the height advantage pick apart his Villa and Hill objective defenses.. this as you see was not such a bright idea.. I did not foresee the firepower advantages he would have nor that he would have such great visibility onto that objective from his positions. Blame that on inexperience with the Italians (this is my first game with them), or on lack of map analysis, whatever.

Seemed like a good idea at the time. ;)

I was hoping to attrit him and set up my German force for an easier time.. I don't think they are going to have a much easier time.. but at least I am confident they will be able to put up a better fight.


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The Sixteenth Minute

I have had about had enough of ND's little demo team.. they toss not one, but two charges on my lone, blind, impotent R-35...


So I am sending a squad and a Pz-III that direction.. in the hopes of bagging this lone team. They will probably bug out before I can get there.. but at least I can have a small force with some punch securing that flank for me against any incursions ND might have planned. I expect he will want to recapture the Orchards objective.. but I don't expect he will do that too soon.


Just over the lip of the ridge that the Orchard objective sits on I have placed a lone soldier to act as an OP on this area and at least give me some warning of any impending movement up this avenue of approach.


On my left the Orchards is almost clear of troops now. I am busily setting up a new line to defend against any counter-attack ND might have planned. These troops are worn out now.. so hopefully they will get a few minutes to recover some and settle in. My biggest fear is to see a Sherman or two crest that rise because I currently have precious little to stop them... until my Pz-IVs come in on turn 25 I am pretty fragile.


The FO has finally gotten its stuff together and plotted a mortar strike on the orchards objective position. He has enough time to perform some buddy aid.. "buddy, buddy, are you okay?"


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Bil and BFC,

There is something so distinctly off about the KOed parachute 75mm howitzer that my eye initially read it as looking at the weapon cross sectioned. Closer perusal leads me to suspect some sort of shader glitch. Whatever's going on there looks distinctly odd. Contrariwise, the shader may've found this strange configuration on the howitzer's right side a bit much. http://www.firearmstalk.com/forums/f22/75mm-pack-howitzer-help-31075/

Exciting, and rather peculiar, battle. Would've expected Bersaglieri to rate higher on the morale scale. Am glad canister's in, but do the III Js have PzGr 40? They should, based on my knowledge of such things. 5 cm ammo was one of the few exceptions to an all but blanket German ban on using tungsten for other than machine tool applications.


John Kettler

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