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A team splitting up?

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This is something odd I've seen once before but now has a new twist.

I was wondering if anyone else has seen anything like this.

I have a three man bazooka team. During one turn I give orders for them to quick move to a point 20 meters from their position, pause ten seconds, and quick move to a second position another 20 meters away.

The bazooka man quick marches, nonstop, away from the two rifle men in the team and the gap widens between them to about 100 meters. I try to give new orders the next turn for the three of them to meet up somewhere in the middle about 50 meters from each. Again, the bazooka man keeps moving forward at a quick march until tired while the two rifle men in the team don't move at all.

Now the gap between the riflemen and the bazooka man is some 250 meters. The bazooka man is on the other side of a hedge row from the two riflemen and a quick LOS check using the targeting tool shows I can see everywhere the two riflemen can see and everywhere the bazooka man can see on the other side of the hedge row too.

Now comes the odd part.

The next turn the two riflemen disappear.

The icon is still floating above where they were the turn before but they can't be seen.

They can be given orders. In fact any orders line originate from under the icon and nowhere near the bazooka man.

I give orders for the invisible troops to move up some 20 meters and, sure enough, the icon above the invisible troops starts moving and the bazooka man decides to start moving towards the way point I just set.


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This is something odd I've seen once before but now has a new twist.

I was wondering if anyone else has seen anything like this.

I have a three man bazooka team. During one turn I give orders for them to quick move to a point 20 meters from their position, pause ten seconds, and quick move to a second position another 20 meters away.

The bazooka man quick marches, nonstop, away from the two rifle men in the team and the gap widens between them to about 100 meters. I try to give new orders the next turn for the three of them to meet up somewhere in the middle about 50 meters from each. Again, the bazooka man keeps moving forward at a quick march until tired while the two rifle men in the team don't move at all.

Now the gap between the riflemen and the bazooka man is some 250 meters. The bazooka man is on the other side of a hedge row from the two riflemen and a quick LOS check using the targeting tool shows I can see everywhere the two riflemen can see and everywhere the bazooka man can see on the other side of the hedge row too.

Now comes the odd part.

The next turn the two riflemen disappear.

The icon is still floating above where they were the turn before but they can't be seen.

They can be given orders. In fact any orders line originate from under the icon and nowhere near the bazooka man.

I give orders for the invisible troops to move up some 20 meters and, sure enough, the icon above the invisible troops starts moving and the bazooka man decides to start moving towards the way point I just set.


This does happen sometimes. I had an MG team recently, told to displace to the next hedge. The gunner stayed put and the rest of the team went forward. Until I moved all the team right back to where they started and issued short movement orders to the re-collated team, the gunner would not move. The pathing algorithms sometimes do get in a twist, and the bizzarre behaviour you've described is just the far end of the "squiffy" spectrum.

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Same here. I had a HMG team move around here and there to get into a good position, and later I noticed the team leader with the binocs was at a forward position on a little rise or knoll, and the rest of the team was further back and off to the flank behind a wall. It was kinda neat, since it appeared the leader was forward looking for signs of the enemy. They eventually hooked up together when I gave the team a move order to the same square they were already in.

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I have had some issues with the placement of crew served weapons in an action spot. Based on my observations, it seems that the gun tends to setup in the place that offers the most cover in the direction which the team is facing. This is good to give the team some protection, but it is bad when the team spotter with binoculars can see enemy targets, but the gun cannot fire on those targets because he has no LOS. I think it might make things a little better to have the gun always setup on the highest elevation within the team's action spot. It may be more exposed, but it will have better LOS out of it's position.

When it comes to quickly moving MG teams, you must always remember that the gun takes time to pack up. This will often lead to situations where the team leader starts moving about 20 seconds before the gunner and his assistant begin to move. If possible, tell the gun to pack up, and give the team a 10 - 15 second pause before the move order. This should help to keep MG teams together.

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I have seen the same on two occasions now. Long ago when a squad was on a long march one guy went the long way and met up with his mates eventually. And just recently when a member of a mortar team went way off course. When I tried to correct it by canceling their order and setting a new one right in the middle the way ward guy over shot while the rest of the team stopped in the right place. Canceling the order and giving them an order to where they were fixed things. Of course they are tired and very much behind the rest of the platoon.

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I had a breach team ordered to quick move across a bridge to a building and blow a hole in the side of it. One guy got to the building but the other was way separated and 100m back. Not sure if he got shot at or why.

The odd thing is the guy at the building started to plant the charge but the explosion occurred at the location of the other guy across the river.

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I had a breach team ordered to quick move across a bridge to a building and blow a hole in the side of it. One guy got to the building but the other was way separated and 100m back. Not sure if he got shot at or why.

The odd thing is the guy at the building started to plant the charge but the explosion occurred at the location of the other guy across the river.

Any wierd pathing outcome that involves bridges can probably be blamed on the bridge...

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I had a breach team ordered to quick move across a bridge to a building and blow a hole in the side of it. One guy got to the building but the other was way separated and 100m back. Not sure if he got shot at or why.

The odd thing is the guy at the building started to plant the charge but the explosion occurred at the location of the other guy across the river.

Now , that was funny.:D

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I had a breach team ordered to quick move across a bridge to a building and blow a hole in the side of it. One guy got to the building but the other was way separated and 100m back. Not sure if he got shot at or why.

The odd thing is the guy at the building started to plant the charge but the explosion occurred at the location of the other guy across the river.

Cool must be caused by quantum entanglement. :D

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I had a breach team ordered to quick move across a bridge to a building and blow a hole in the side of it. One guy got to the building but the other was way separated and 100m back. Not sure if he got shot at or why.

The odd thing is the guy at the building started to plant the charge but the explosion occurred at the location of the other guy across the river.

Very funny : )

BTW did the other guy die?

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  • 1 month later...

I just had something similarly odd happen at the start of a scenario.

57mm ATG jammed into some bocage, and all but one of the crew start crawling off, it seems towards the "friendly" map edge. The gun was set with a short circular cover arc, and in a half-square next to the hedge so it could see through. The absconding crew aren't trying to go to the other half of the AS, as that's the other way, and by the end of the first minute they've crawled past the nearby break in the bocage that would let them get there by the shortest route.

I noticed that just before I hit "go" the crew were split up, but didn't realise it was because they'd been "adjusting position" while I was setting up the rest of my defense. I think the moral is: don't try and put large teams/crew-served in half-AS constrained spaces.

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It seems fairly common that gun teams can get split up with the gun sometimes moving with some (maybe none) of the team while the others go a completely different route. Takes ages to get em together and functioning. But, sometimes it seems that the set-up countdown has already started when this phenomenon occurs so the gun is suddenly deployed without you realizing it. It's all a bit vague...

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It seems fairly common that gun teams can get split up with the gun sometimes moving with some (maybe none) of the team while the others go a completely different route. Takes ages to get em together and functioning. But, sometimes it seems that the set-up countdown has already started when this phenomenon occurs so the gun is suddenly deployed without you realizing it. It's all a bit vague...

It was definitely the half-AS positioning of the gun, combined with the specific way it was pointing. I found a half-square placing where the crew didn't start crawling away during setup, but at one point before the gun had to be abandoned, it rotated to a different facing to the way I placed it and half the crew were headed for the map edge at a crawl when I looked at it again. Making it Face back the way I set it up brought them straight back.

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