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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Things left undone, minor bugs, etc

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. . . and still no "cover armor" arc.

+1 to that - it is in my top 20 too (at number 3 in fact)

I have noticed that bridge pathing is much, MUCH better though.

Excellent - while I have not personally seen some of the problems others have reported I am super careful about placing way points on each end of the bridge and avoiding any bunching up because of those reports.

Hopefully they'll have fixed the road bogging bug as well.

It is in the list of fixes - not sure if anyone has re-run any tests. I have to get to that... Frankly I would not give it another thought and play like it is fixed.

Also, without having read any notes, was there a patch applied to the base game along with the new one?

Eh? The CW module applies the patch as well as the CW content when it is installed. The free patch only install has not been released yet but it is due soon.

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About the rocking and rolling tanks, although it is obviously exaggerated it really doesn't bother me.

The look does not really bother me either - until... The other day I had a tank supporting infantry as they assaulted across a field. The tank came through an opening in the bocage and stopped just inside the field. I ordered them to fire and move at several points along the bocage. The first fire order came at the end of a quick movement and the gunner was all ready to go when the tank go there. He fired just as the rocking tank nosed down a bit. The result was instead of hitting the bocage where the enemy was the shell landed about half way between the tank and the opposite bocage - right into the middle of one squad's advance. Four blue on blue casualties later...

Firing on the move - my fault.

I am now very careful with how I get my tanks to support my infantry and try to make sure there is a segment of slow before giving the target order. So far so good...

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*hunting soldiers still look as if they had "something" in their pants.

(You know what I mean but I don't want to use offensive language here). :)

Funny, i wrote about it yesterday:


Damn, i can't get Vanir's explanation out of my head. I think i can no longer use the hunt-command without ruining the game's atmosphere.

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When you split squads into AT teams, you may get a two-man AT team (with the AT weapon) that has the regular inf symbol, and a larger 5-6 man support team (with no AT weapon), that has the AT symbol.

I think this happens with the larger 9-11 man squads - not with the smaller squads.

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When you split squads into AT teams, you may get a two-man AT team (with the AT weapon) that has the regular inf symbol, and a larger 5-6 man support team (with no AT weapon), that has the AT symbol.

I think this happens with the larger 9-11 man squads - not with the smaller squads.

I saw that happen waaaay back in v1.00 - but when I looked for my post to reference recently, I couldn't find it. Didn't realise it was still happening.

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I notice you can get a trooop of British Shermans and have one unit with a Rhino just like with the US. However you can't do this with a troop of Cromwells, all 3 or 4 Cromwells have to have the Rhino. You can of course purchase a single Cromwell with a Rhino but there is the penalty.

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If you have soldiers inside a building it becomes transparent and it is very difficult to target the attic. Not just any top floor, it has to be an attic. The only way to target it is when the camera is below the floor. Would it be possible to select the floor when you target a building with a little menu just like a move order?

No "Exit" button when proceeding from one campaign mission to the next. You have no choice but to wait 3-6 minutes for the next scenario to load or to open the task manager and force the game to close. CM: Afghanistan has this button on the screen where you select RT or WeGo, it is also present in CMSF and CMBN on the same screen when starting a stand alone scenario. It's absence between campaign missions is a bit baffling.

Looks like a copy and paste job, couldn't take more than 5 minutes. The code is literally right there in the game already.

I do get the exit button, but only when I save at the end of the round.

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They probably didn't bother making alt graphics for the new tanks - leaving that to modders like Aris. The Shermans probably use the same alt graphics as in the base game.

Huh? What are "alt graphics"? And what does that have to do with Rhino?

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Am simply referring to the alt graphics that are sometimes incuded in mods so that vehicles, uniforms etc can look (randomly) different in a single platoon. Don't know what the official term for that would be.

Sure, you can have as many different textures for each model as you want. Still don't understand what you are trying to say about the CW module...

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I thought someone was complaining that all the Brit tanks look the same other than the Sherman series.

I was saying the Brit tanks at least, aren't applying the CW gear randomly like you see in the base game. I posted a link.


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I do get the exit button, but only when I save at the end of the round.

I get a cancel button on the save screen after ending a scenario, but that still takes me to the next screen, where you can choose WeGo or RT, with the only option here being "OK" which immediately loads the next mission.

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* hits of armor piercing projectiles on armor diplayed in text of _different colour_ (like yellow, red) than hits of ordinary bullets. There happens to be a lot of hits, and sometimes I have problems recognising the important ones (from other tanks or AT-guns). Just different colour of txt for larger calibers or for dedicated AT weapons, that's all. I hope it's quite simple.

* tank turrets rotating either slower (with calculated average speed for that rotation event, or better - simulating in a simple way turret dynamics, mass, I mean making the rotation slower at the start and the end, max speed in the middle).

Currently it seems for me the turrets start to rotate with max possible rotation speed in the same nanosecond a target was spotted, and stops abruptly when pointing at the target. Then the turret is stopped for the time of "aiming" and - if the target have moved in this time, the turret almost instantly turns a little again to point on the target again in the moment of shooting - giving a "shotgun snapshot" impression. This makes for me - graphically - a feeling of robot-like behaviour of turret tanks: quick and deadly robotic "terminator" killing machine.... I can accept such impression in CMSF for modern vehicles, modern MBT and IFVs with computerised FCS and fast, powerfull and precise turret controls, but it absolutely doesn't suit for WW2 tanks... :(

Also making turret to instantly rotate with max speed and instantly stop at the target is something like making the tanks in game instantly accelerating to their max speed and instantly stopping. It's obvious that if max rotating speed of a turret is for example 30deg/s, then rotating the turret for 60deg WOLD NOT take only 2s !

It's just like for a vehicle with max speed of 36km/h (so 10m/s) - it would NOT take 2s to change it's firing position by 20m.

* some slow-down in all the things a tank crew does after it spots a target - please put in some random time delays for human things like decision making, communication between crewmembers, gving orders, reflex and proficiency in executing orders...

Currently what I see is that after a target is spotted, then in the same milisecond the turret starts rotating toward the target (with max speed) and stops abruptly when pointing at it, then some (usually short) time for precise aiming and a shot. Come one people !! When any crewmember (even the TC) spots a target, first he has to realise what is it (let's assume it recognises enemy target in split of second), then he has to make quick decision, shout orders, tell the gunner where the target is, then the gunner can start rotating the turret ect. It doesn't happen instantly. Sometimes it can happen very quickly with a good crew and dangerous situation, but it's random, sometimes there can be several seconds of delay on different levels of decision making, communication and execution of orders.

Please make some random time delays simulating flow of information between crewmembers.

Now with tanks reacting in miliseconds after spotting every target (including too rapid and precise rotation of turret) I don't have an impression of a crewed tank - but that it's a living thing or robot, has it's eyes and brain and when it sees something, it tries to kill it immediately.

* Please add some TARGET MEMORY for tanks (or tank commanders). They have really a goldfish memory - if not worse !!

Currently I have lot of situations that - for example - a tank crew spots enemy tank very close on it's side - a high priority target and great danger - immediately it rotates turret to it. Then when some puff of smoke (after shot of from some explosion) blocks the view and our tank loses sight of the (very close and dangerous) enemy - after few seconds it "forgets" about it's existence !! It just returns to spotting or to engaging other distant targets. When the smoke clears (after few more seconds) the enemy kills it and they even don't know what killed them !!

Believe or not, but a huge King Tiger can be 20m away from a Sherman, to it's side/rear in an quite open field, being spotted and targetted quite quickly (after it emerged from behing an obstacle). Then after one shot - when the smok/dust obscures the view - the Sherman FORGETS about the King Tiger 20m to it's right and rotates the turret to the front !!!

After the smoke cleared, they were looking forward (TC unbuttoned), with turret forward too, completly unaware of King Tiger they have seen 10 seconds ago !! It took them several seconds to re-spot it (after the unbuttoned Sherman's TC was killed from KT's MG... ). They would be dead 10 times - if only the KT didn't have it's main gun damaged...

So again, please add some king of target memory to tanks ! Maybe it should depend on target priority, distance, ect. The crew should KNOW there is an enemy they can't currently see (but it may be dangerous anyway) if they have seen it a while ago. Just like the crew "knows" in some way about or maybe "are aware of" some targets that they were told about by a radio, they should also "be aware of" targets they seen with their own eyes.

* ability for (smarter, maybe veterans and up?) tank gunners/TCs to aim for specific part of the enemy tank, if very close. From 200m or less they really could calculate their chances and aim for turret (frontally), or for an engine (from the side). This way they could have a better chance of - for example - penetrating frontal armor of a Panther, or first-shot knock-out a tank from the side.

* please add some "shock" effect for a tank crew after their tank was penetrated (at least, when there were casualities).

Currently what I see is that usually if a tank rotates turret to engage a target, but the enemy was faster and made a penetrating shot, then even if there were casulalities - usually the tank continues to rotate the turret -like nothing happened - then aims and shoots normally. I believe that only if the gunner becomes a casulity, there is short pause and then turret continues to rotate and shoot. IMHO there is also too small chance for casualities after a penetration (I see a lot of penetrations without any of the crewmans injured or even shocked), but that's another issue. Even if there are no serious casualities, penetration from a high-energy AT gun like German ones, 76mm or 17pd, IMO definitely has an impact on the crew. Of course not always, there happens "clean" penetrations sometimes, but usually they have effect on the crew (a flash, explosion-like noise, sparks flying everywhere, some big and lot of small splinters... And in case of APHE projectiles that detonate inside the penetrated vehicle, then even if the crew is (miraculously) ok, they would have probably broken ear-drums, be disoriented, thrilled, and the inside would be filled with smoke ect.

Would they continue to fight, without a second of delay, like nothing happened ?

In CMx1 there was a "shocked" state for a tank crew, when the tank didn't function normally for some random time (usually few seconds but sometimes up to a minute or so). It could happen when a crewmember died or just after a penetration. Would be a great to have it also in CMx2.

I run a simple test (while testing cmpletly different armor penetration issue) in which at start of the turn 6 (six) 75mm Shermans were facing sides of the 4 (four) Panthers 200m away. Shermans were regular, unbuttoned (to help them spot targets quickly), Panthers were veteran, buttoned (to not spot the Shermans too quickly) and immobilised (to not rotate their hulls frontally to Shermans).

So, a typical ambush situation when tanks ambushed from the side are usually "executed" before they know what is happening and where the shots came from. And, guess what ? Shermans never won ! I run this scenario several times (I guess about 6-10 times by me and my friend). In my tests sometimes Shermans managed to kill 2 Panthers, once 3, sometimes they killed only one Panther before they were shot to pieces by them !

Start of the turn. Shermans of course spotted the buttoned Panthers first, in seconds. Started to aim and at the same time pumped MG rounds at the (buttoned) Panthers, alerting them. I hope those MG bursts had some logical sense, like to help with ranging... Some Panthers at this moment noticed the Shermans (after being hit from MG) and started to turn quickly their turrets 90deg to the side to target the Shermans. (too quickly...)

Then 6 Shermans fired their first salvo at 4 stationary Panthers from 200m and usually hit them and of course penetrated their sides without problems. And.... very rarely any Panther was knocked-out, usually even no-one wounded, even if there were casualities anyway the 3-4 (remaining after first salvo). The Panthers continued to rotate (with max speed) their turrets 90deg to Shermans and fired their first salvo. They usually hit (200m) and usually 2-4 Shermans died. Remaining Shermans fired again at remaining 3-4 Panthers, but often they hit mantled (ineffective) and Panthers seemed to have an advantage from now on, because in 2-3 salvos rest of the Shermans were shot to pieces. Panthers and their turrets acted like "terminator" robotic killers... Well, I had such graphical impression looking at their fast and precise turning and shots...

Panther shots usually knocked out Shermans, Sherman penetrations of Panther sides usually had no effect and even cleanly penetrated from the side Panthers continued to rotate and target Shermans. Even if there were casualities.

Let's forget the fact, than in real life, in such a hopeless situation (being ambushed from the side by numerically advantageous enemy, most crews (even those highly motivated) would abandon their vehicles. It's hard to numerically simulate "hopelesness of situation" in the game. But I believe that Panthers after being penetrated IN MOST CASES would not be able to react as

quickly as like nothing happened, and enagge the Shermans so quickly end efficiently.

First, there would be shock, confusion, wounds and casualities, fear and some panic, it would take on average at few seconds before average people realized they are ok, the tank is ok and they can still fight. If there were bloody casualities and wounds, then more time. Then they could try to engage the enemy (if they managed to spot it). In this time, a time given by the "shock" state of penetrated Panther's crews, the Shermans would manage to reload and make a second salvo of penetrating shots, causing again a shock, consternation and panic (and more casualities than currently, I hope).

And so on.

If it worked like that, then maybe in the game six 75mm Shermans would stand a chance agains 4 side-rotated buttoned Panthers ?? Because in real life that would be almost an execution for Panthers. They would be lucky if they managed to kill any Sherman, before they die. Currently, it happens in almost the opposite way...

And I do not believe that a fact that Sherman crews were regularand and Panthers were veteran - like I had in this test scenario, I didn't care for that because initially I wanted to check some penetration glitch - made any significant difference. At least it shouldn't. Maybe green vs elite setup would have effect...

* and ability to "reverse" an AT-Gun just like any other vehicle (move back without rotating 180deg), and also an ability to move AT gun a bit (at least few meters, or 1-2 blocks) forward or back without a need to pack_it_up and setup again after few meters.

After all, if moving the gun for only few meters, the crew even don't have to move the ammo stock with it.

We all know it was done all the time, it was important part of AT-guns crews, it helped them to target and to survive - pushing the gun few meters into a firing position or pulling it back into cover after being spotted. Current survivability of AT guns is very poor - they are easily spotted by moving tanks (even buttoned ones) and knocked-out in one-two shots, often before they manage to hit something. An ability to pull it away a bit without packing first, would help.

* an information - displayed somwhere on the UI with unit info - what the unit is actually doing! I mean - moving fast, slow, hiding, waiting, packing-up, ect.

In WEGO I click on my moving tank and have no idea what order is it executing (if I does not remember what orders I've plotted at this point). How fast is it going currently ? Slow ? Fast or Quick only on some obstacle ? Scout ?

I liked CMx1 information system, when this info was displayed - an info what ORDER is the unit currently executing, at least what kind of movement/special order.

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