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[PREVIEW] Juju's TweakedUI v1.1 interface enhancement mod


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Fantastic work!

I still really like the SS flags with the skull. But the dude with the skull looks a bit like Heer. The camo guy with with his arm out is the one who looks most like SS - but there is no skull.

I know some folks don't want the skull. You sure you can't squeeze the skull in someplace on the icon with the camo dude with arm out and maybe remove it from the cap uniform guy?

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But the dude with the skull looks a bit like Heer.

Trust me, he's SS alright. ;) Oak leave camo, I believe. He has an MP 40 and a couple of potato mashers in his belt. I'll take another look at the skull thingy, but no promises!

@ Gen von Television : Nope, still blue (but slightly darker now). It's so dark, and the icons are so tiny the in-game that the issue is pretty much negligible, though.

@ Fizou : I'd rather not make specific promises at this point, but the fact It's in the final testing and super-minor tweaking phase is an indication that it's pretty much all done.

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"Trust me, he's SS alright. Oak leave camo, I believe."

I believe you, but cos it's a tiny icon, it's hard to tell at a glance. I am all about "can I tell instantly what I am looking at."

The SS dude with his arm out looks INSTANTLY like SS is all I am trying to emphasize. It would simply be even more cool if he had a deathshead. Maybe he doesn't need his arm out if space is the problem.

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Juju, please don't take my whines as an harassment as I'm a real fan of your excellent work!

I wasn't talking about the blue background, but about the chevrons that IMO look too similar to the very realistic silver linings of the Germans.

I belive the chevrons should be well toned down to a khaki shade: btw khaki is an Hindi word for clay.


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Phil, i will put into any pot as a thank you, but I am a bit unsettled with the fact that we are treating Ju Ju only (no offence Ju Ju you are brilliant) There are many modders on this forum who have and continue to produce outstanding mods.

Don't mean to offend anyone, I just feel slightly uncomfortable giving to one and not the rest.

I feel we may alienate other modders and set Ju Ju apart.

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Phil, i will put into any pot as a thank you, but I am a bit unsettled with the fact that we are treating Ju Ju only (no offence Ju Ju you are brilliant) There are many modders on this forum who have and continue produce to outstanding mods.

Don't mean to offend anyone, I just feel slightly uncomfortable giving to one and not the rest.

I feel we may alienate other modders and set Ju Ju apart.

I hear what your saying para.

The trouble is that its a rock and hard place situation. We know we cant donate to all the modders out there, and there really are some supurb ones. But the other option is not supporting any and that would be a shame.

So for me, if i see a thread which gives me the opportunity to say a financial thank-you for a mod i will definately be using then why not do so.

There are other threads showcasing other modders hard work, so why not support your local modder today and offer to donate, after all if the battlefront boys see just how much we want these mods (and we all know we do!) they may just start engaging their services, maybe....:P

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Am wondering if we should start a paypal account for BF so that they can more quickly develop more modules.

And there could be a series of accounts: One for East Front; or North Africa/Italy; or pick your own poison...

Much as I admire and appreciate the amazingly talented modders out there, would a few bucks make much of a difference? But, an average of US$100 from everyone to BF...?

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I hate to open this can of worms, especially in a thread aimed at displaying Juju's great effort, but this subject has come up a few times now. That said, I too am wary of the notion of submitting payment to those contributing mods.

The idea comes from a very well intentioned desire to express a tangible form of gratitude, but I tend to agree with para, in that it sends a potentially awkward message to the greater modding community and sets a tipsy precedent (no pun intended;)).

I could be wrong, but I had been operating on the assumption that those who offer work to the community do so both out of the pleasure of creating it and sharing it for the greater enjoyment of all of us gathered here. If true, I would hate to see that spirit hindered by injecting money into the equation, regardless of how benevolent the sentiment is.

Quickly, the notion of offering payment also drives at a few other things. First, that we have some profoundly gifted talent gracing the forum. So much so, that it compels people to devise a greater means of tribute. Second, this community is comprised of some stand-up, kind-hearted guys who earnestly want to transform their appreciation into something concrete.

I applaud all of you and obviously each of us can make our independent choices, but let's also be mindful about the bigger message this idea may be inadvertently sending.

This probably belongs in a separate thread, but it is an interesting discussion - sorry Juju!

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I know it's a contentious subject guys, and by supporting Juju it doesn't mean I have forgotten about any of the other modders. Far from it in fact. But the point is, Juju appeared to be in two minds about buying the module - now I realise he didn't take that much persuasion in the end, but I just thought it would be nice if we could at least show our appreciation for his investment in the game. After all, if he didn't buy it then we wouldn't be looking at his glorious screenshots. It's as simple as that in my eyes. There is no alterior motive to this.

If people are uncomfortable with this then I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

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No offense here Phil - I actually think it's great you are so excited and grateful that you are willing to take such a step!

I was just wondering aloud about the potential repercussions of some folks essentially getting paid for their work while others might not.

So as not to derail the thread, I'll stop there. Thank you for provoking the interesting discussion point though.

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I know it's a contentious subject guys, and by supporting Juju it doesn't mean I have forgotten about any of the other modders. Far from it in fact. But the point is, Juju appeared to be in two minds about buying the module - now I realise he didn't take that much persuasion in the end, but I just thought it would be nice if we could at least show our appreciation for his investment in the game. After all, if he didn't buy it then we wouldn't be looking at his glorious screenshots. It's as simple as that in my eyes. There is no alterior motive to this.

If people are uncomfortable with this then I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

Okay, I'm actually kind of overwhelmed here. Speechless for a while. And a little uncomfortable too.

I'll admit it was the mild peer pressure to update my mod that made me buy the module in the first place (haven't played a single minute yet). Having said that, of all my mods this mod is kind of my baby and I already worried about what the upcoming module would do to it before CW was even released. In this case I didn't mind spending a few dollars just for the chance to update it and put in the finishing touches that should have been in v1.0. I've always (well, most of the time, anyway) enjoyed modding immensely, and then there's my 'natural dedication' to the game series as well. So rest assured, I enjoyed it!

I really, really appreciate peoples' offers to donate money. It is immensely gratifying, I can tell you that. And it's not often that people just offer you money. :)

But I, too, feel a bit uneasy about the whole idea. I really don't want to go into the discussion about this subject except to say, do we really want to set a precedent for the future? My gut tells me no.

Again, I really appreciate it guys, but I'm going to politely decline. Basking in the warm glow of your collective thanks will do just fine. :)

I'm not opposed to you guys sending over strippers and booze, though. :D

Now, if you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I have some touches to finish. Idle hands, and all that. ;)

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Thanks guys. Love you too!

Still doing some minor tweaks and changes, and even managed to spot and fix some small mistakes both my testers have missed! Sjeesh!

But, ooh, that was a nasty stab, since both Mord and Tanks A Lot are as hard at work as I am! It's almost unfair I'm bothering them with this.

Since the last update I've now included a standard colored command button set. That one more closely resembles the stock game color explosion (only not so in-your-face) for people who really do like the colored button scheme. That brings the total to 600 modded files and another 256 optional ones. And it'll still be under 5mb (as if that matters nowadays)!

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I don't mind...I jump in and look for a while to give my brain a break from the portraits. What'd we miss? If it has to do with any of the ranks outside of the US stuff, I'll plead guilty right now!


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I don't mind...I jump in and look for a while to give my brain a break from the portraits. What'd we miss? If it has to do with any of the ranks outside of the US stuff, I'll plead guilty right now!


Minor stuff. A few tiny fixes. Skull's back on the SS flag, one new Heer HQ icon officer (a field marshall, no less), flipped one of the luftwaffe HQ icon officers to match the overall right-to-left scheme.

I've also secretly reworked half the German ranks. Decided to lose the colored piping after all. Clarified and updated the preview and options picture on page one. Like I said, minor stuff..

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