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laurent 22

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    laurent 22 reacted to Paper Tiger in Revising The Scottish Corridor   
    I've got a fairly easy three weeks ahead of me so I've decided to revise this one but it's not going to be a straight up remake. Rather, I'm going to split the campaign into two separate campaigns, one for the 9th Cameronians (9 missions) and a second, shorter one for the 2nd ASH (6 missions). I see no good reason to keep this as one long campaign as it's not for official release and splitting it up will make it much easier to manage script-wise. There will be some tweaks to how the player goes to the Veteran or Green branches but I want to get core units done before tackling the new scripts.
    Although it was made prior to the 16 AI groups patch, I'm quite happy with the AI as it stands so don't expect any significant changes here. However, the most important change will be that the core units will not start at 80% strength but rather at full strength. While these units were at 80% strength historically, it's not a particularly good way to represent this in the game so I've decided that the fighting strength of these formations should be at 100% and the 'reserve' companies are seriously under-strength. That seems to be a better way to represent this. One side effect of this though is that I'm going to remove the PIAT team attached to every platoon and give 1 section its PIAT instead. This also serves to reduce the number of units the player has to manage and that's fine by me.
    I made the new Cameronians core units file last night and have started importing units into the Cameronian missions. I don't expect this will take very long and so it's possible this will be finished later this week. After that, I'll do the same for the ASH missions. I don't want to make any changes that require significant play-testing either. The plan is to have this campaign 'working' again for possible future revisions. But I'm happy to 'fix' any issues you guys might have with it as long as they're quick.
    If, and that's a big IF, there is the interest, I may decide to enhance one or both of these campaigns adding flamethrower units as well as further improving the AI, especially the big attacks at the end of each. Regardless of interest, the next step after this is to finish the Montebourg revision so if you have any comments or suggestions for  this one, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
    Move it! Move it! Let's go!
  2. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to JM Stuff in Revising The Road to Montebourg campaign   
    You said Cocteau Twins, you are my friend !
  3. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to Paper Tiger in Revising The Road to Montebourg campaign   
    Here's an update on how this is going. I have changed the structure of the original campaign to give it a new opening mission which, together with the original starting mission, Beau Guillot, will form a new campaign prelude, the outcome of which will determine certain parameters for the three Chapter 1 - Georgian Ridge missions. 
    Having revised and tested the new AI plans for both the prelude and all the chapter one missions including the variants, I'll be picking up where I left off with Turnbull's Stand tomorrow. This is one of the very few AI attack missions so it will require a bit more time to get right but I learned a LOT from making USMC Gung Ho! so I'm guessing this will be better than the previous revision I made earlier this year. I'll just have to make sure that it's winnable. It's almost certainly going to play very differently from the old version, that's for sure.
    I seem to be taking about a day to revise a defensive mission at the moment so if I am able to stick with a decent schedule, I should have most of this done before Xmas. However, the two blocks to swift progress will be Le Ham and the finale, Eroudeville. Le Ham didn't have any AI plan associated with it - it was a pure set-up with no variants and I can't let that stand. Eroudeville has a pretty sizeable AI attack so that will take a few days to revise as well.
    A few observations about the new core forces - having the US 2/8 INF mostly Green makes for a rather different experience and I nearly undid the change as it was definitely harder to manage these forces in combat. But instead I've added some extra firepower to some of their missions to compensate them for the loss. In Guillot, you get a Destroyer on call to help soften up the defenders and there is air power in a couple of the Georgian Ridge missions. In Hameau, I've added an AA Quad Half Track to provide the attacker with some extra punch as well. The defenders get a little boost too to keep things interesting - nothing massively OP of course, but after all, most of you will have already played the original campaign so these changes should make it feel fresh.
    The new AI plans are a considerable improvement over the old as well and the AI is much better on the defence now than it previously was so you'll need to be a little more cautious. Except for the new opener, there are always two or more AI plans in each mission, usually five. The opener is a recreation of a certain famous, historical action which I released as a stand-alone scenario to the old repository so it's intended to be fixed.
    I have also found an old mission, Maxwell's House, which I kept a back up of on the Beta boards. It was offered as a possible scenario for the Arnhem module but it didn't cut the mustard. Fortunately, it was still in my folder there so I have been able to revisit it as well. it's a German attack on a tiny but highly detailed rubbled map defended by a very small but elite force of Red Devils in Arnhem. NOT Historical at all, just 100% for fun. It's definitely NOT going to be added to the Nijmegen campaign - that one is finished and I have no plans to touch it again (play perhaps  but definitely not redesign) The Breakout from the Neerpelt Bridgehead and the Aalst missions pretty much broke me, the work that went into them was tremendous. The other two Irish Guards missions that formed that series were no picnic to make and test either.
  4. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to MeatEtr in The first Red Thunder Tournament has been announced   
    Man this battle is very bloody and brutal. Right from turn one with both sides turning the church into lead city! Appears I’ll be winning both battles. Pretty tough for the Germans in this one.
    +1 to some sort of a reputation system for invitational tourneys! 👍
  5. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to Vacillator in The first Red Thunder Tournament has been announced   
    Hang on, he got 12 and you only got 10.  I thought it was mirrored 😉.
  6. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to Bootie in TSD III, TPG II & The CM Mod Warehouse Update area.   
    Hi Folks...
    An early christmas present from @kohlenklau has landed.
    A Korea 1950 mod for CMFI.  Check it out here.
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    laurent 22 reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    Sounds nice 👍🏻
    But no worry - I don‘t like huge Mega-battles very much. CM shines with Micro-management…so, 90% of the missions will be company sized.
  9. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to RonM in Announcement of the Combat Mission Battle Pack "Summer of Destruction" and pre-order counter   
    Definitely will be ordering this. Play testing the Into Hell Campaign now, which is fantastic.  A lot of work went into this, great job Frank! Really looking forward to the other missions.
  10. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to pintere in Announcement of the Combat Mission Battle Pack "Summer of Destruction" and pre-order counter   
    Having playtested several missions I can say that the work done by Frank on these campaigns is top notch, and on par with the quality of officially released battle packs.
    The completed product will surely be lots of fun!
  11. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to Mr.X in Announcement of the Combat Mission Battle Pack "Summer of Destruction" and pre-order counter   
    Some more advertising 😎 the product is now 98% finished

  12. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to Mr.X in Announcement of the Combat Mission Battle Pack "Summer of Destruction" and pre-order counter   
    The final version of this Battle Pack will consist of the following stuff:
    1. Campaign "Partizans Land":  6 missions in a period from May 31st to June 6th 1944 
    Player will command Axis Anti-Partizan Forces in a small operation along the railway line Orscha - Lepel.
    2. Campaign "Into Hell": 8 missions in a period from June 8th to June 23rd 1944
    Player will command units of German 252nd Infantry Division during the defensive actions north of Witebsk
    3. Campaign "Our Father": 7 missions in a period from June 27th to June 29th 1944
    Player will command mixed remaining units of German 12th, 31st Infantry Division and Panzergrenadier-Division "Feldhernnhalle" 
    during the encirclement of Mogilev.
    4. Campaign "Five Bridges": 12 missions in a period from June 26th to July 2nd 1944
    Player will command units of German 383rd Infantry Division and 20th Panzer Division during the desperate pocket battles
    around the city of Bobruisk.
    5. Campaign "Tiger Trail": 17 missions in a period from July 17th to July 26th 1944
    Player will command units of 3rd SS-Panzer Division "Totenkopf" during their counter offensive actions around the 
    city of Grodno.
    6. There will be included 16 Mastermaps
    In summary the Battle Pack will contain 50 single missions from tiny sized to huge. All the campaigns can be called as 
    "semi-historical". The player will command units that are as historically accurate as possible. A large number of the maps are 
    based on original/historical maps. Much time and effort have been invested to the detailed research of the historical battles.
    Some historical participants of the events are introduced with additional information. 
    The whole Battle Pack is a fan made project of my own without any financial interest. I have created it just for my personal fun.
    And now important information for everyone interested:
    There will be no option to download this Battle Pack from any website. Because it is an exclusive product, I also chose a special way to order it:
    If you want to pre-order the Battle Pack (or order it after the release), you have to pm me here in the forum. Give me your e-mail adress and forum-name and I will register you. As soon as the Battle Pack is released, I will send it to you.
    In this way I will keep an overview of how many people will actually order the Battle pack - regarding this, I currently have no idea/expectations of numbers.
    Estimated date of release is February 1st in the 80th anniversary year of Operation Bagration.
    Pre-orders are open now !!!
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    laurent 22 reacted to Erwin in TSD III, TPG II & The CM Mod Warehouse Update area.   
    Great job Laurent.  You have become the snow version champion akin to Aris.
  15. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to Bootie in TSD III, TPG II & The CM Mod Warehouse Update area.   
    New mods uploaded on behalf of @laurent 22
    [CMFI] Winter Vehicles FB & RT to FI
    [CMFI] Winter Textures for German Armour

  16. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to Bootie in TSD III, TPG II & The CM Mod Warehouse Update area.   
    And on behalf of @kohlenklau
    [CMFI] British Voices - Artillery Commands

  17. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to Bootie in TSD III, TPG II & The CM Mod Warehouse Update area.   
    LOL... with all that cash I'm of to retire.  
    Realistically though I will get these on site tonight.
  18. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to kohlenklau in TSD III, TPG II & The CM Mod Warehouse Update area.   
    I think it is a good idea to place our mods on CMMODS. Bootie gets to things as he can. No big hurry I always say.
  19. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to kohlenklau in TSD III, TPG II & The CM Mod Warehouse Update area.   
    I guess I never got around to passing this to you? I forget.

  20. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to kohlenklau in TSD III, TPG II & The CM Mod Warehouse Update area.   
    My fix to the CMFI British voices for artillery command phrases. Probably works for CMBN as well. The satellite crypto synch tone is edited out in audacity.

  21. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to ALBY in Cold War Grand Tournament signups are open   
    Not Gamey. The TTS were designed to shoot thru smoke and out spot enemy armor. It’s a revolutionary gun site attached to a standard issue USGI metal coffin.
  22. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to MOS:96B2P in New Mini-Campaign/Scenario: Alarmeinheiten   
    Alarmeinheiten (Alarm unit) is an almost complete new scenario for CMRT.  It is actually a mini-campaign but with only one actual, three hour long, battle scenario.  The first scenario is a “choice” scenario where the player is able to choose some of the vehicles he will command in the “real” battle scenario.  It includes ammo dumps so it is recommended to play on Iron or Elite. 
    Description: Command a German alarm unit (Alarmeinheiten).  Maneuver the alarm unit in multiple attacks and counter attacks across a 13½ square km map.  Axis vs Soviet AI only.    
    The original idea was to attempt to get many of the rare and seldom seen vehicles into the scenario.  Upon reviewing the scenario @Sgt.Squarehead pointed out that while it might be fun it would not be realistic to have so many different rare and limited vehicles fighting together in the same units on the same section of front at the same time.  As a result, the “choice” scenario was created.  The player can choose mostly standard and common vehicles or many limited and rare vehicles.  The three hour long battle scenario will then be fought with the choice made in the first scenario.  The four AI plans are the same for both.  Only some of the player's vehicles are different depending on the choice.                
    The scenario was inspired by @theforger excellent CMFB Mission to Maas scenario which I recommend.  See link below.
    The map used for the scenario is a modified Der Ring Der Five Panzer map made by @George MC.  George gave permission to use his map which is about 13 square kilometers.  Der Ring Der Five Panzer is an excellent scenario which is so huge it plays like a static campaign.  I recommend this scenario.  See link below.
    The scenario currently has three of four AI plans completed.  It also has placeholders for partisan units and an SS unit.  It should be ready for release soon after CMRT Fire & Rubble is released. 
    Some of the recent screenshots posted in the CMRT screenshot thread have come from testing this scenario.  Below are a few more screenshots.
    A dust trail from the alarmeinheiten on the move responding to a Battle Position in danger of being overrun.

    Elements of the alarmeinheiten approaching the assembly area prior to a counter attack to relieve a besieged Battle Position. 

  23. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to dragonwynn in CMRT Campaign: Rattenkrieg   
    Rattenkrieg is a CMRT campaign depicting actions of the German 194th Infantrie Regiment, part of the 71st Infantrie Division, during mid-November 1942 in Stalingrad. This campaign is designed to show off the excellent Stalingrad Mod created by that team. Parts of the CMRT Winter Modification Teams work is also included featuring winter conditions in the final battles. Below is a copy of the Designer Notes featured in the campaign with all the details. This campaign is untested except by me so any problems or suggestions that you may have please make me aware through this thread or PM. I hope it proves to be enjoyable.
    (The Devil Whispered " You can't withstand the storm".
    The Warrior Replied " I am the storm".)
    Stalingrad, November 1942.
    The Battle of Stalingrad has been raging since August. The 6th Army under Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich Paulus has fought into the city but has became bogged down in endless bloody street fighting where every ruined house, factory or building has been turned into a miniature fortress by the desperate Russian defenders of the 62nd Army under General V.I. Chuikov.
    With both sides suffering horrendous losses the Germans have given the campaign the title "Rattenkrieg" which means "battle of the rats". 
    More and more German reserves are thrown into the inferno as the Russians desperately continue to push their reserves across the Volga River in a last ditch attempt to keep the city from falling. One such reserve is 3 kompanies from the 194th Infantrie Regiment, part of the 71st Infantrie Division which has been embroiled in the battle since August. Under the command of OberstLeutenant Roth and supported by the Radfahr-Abt 171, Pionier Battalion 171 and Aufklarung-Abt 171, the regiment is committed to the fighting in mid November.
    Comprising some of the most experienced troops of the division, the regiment is sent by rail to a depot station where the 24th Panzer Division is moving its tanks into Stalingrad. The regiment, along with a platoon of tanks from the 24th, is transported by lorries towards the central section of the city where they are thrown immediately into the conflagration.
    About the Campaign:
    Rattenkrieg is a fictional campaign based around the Battle of Stalingrad in mid-November. It follows 3 veteran kompanies of the 194th Infantrie Regiment under the command of OberstLeutenant Roth as they are thrust into the battle. Along with their supporting units, the regiment begins a 10 day battle to try and survive in the urban hell of a city blasted to ruins. 
    They must complete their missions while attempting to survive the Russian attempts to hold the city at all costs. With first snows of winter beginning to fall, time is becoming as much an enemy as the Russians.
    What's Needed to Play This Campaign:
    The Campaign is designed using the latest patched version of CMRT. It is based on the outstanding work of the Stalingrad Mod Team as well as the CMRT Winter Modification Team and all credit goes to them.
    To play you will need the following:
    Download the Stalingrad Mod as well as Umlauts Factory Mod. You MUST HAVE both mods for this campaign to work properly. Follow the install instructions that come with the mods. ( I highly recommend that you do a second install of CMRT with no mods and add these into a empty dataz folder. The Stalingrad Mod can cause some conflicts with other terrain and building mods. The Stalingrad Mod as well as Umlauts Factory Mod will give you everything you need for this campaign.)
    Download this campaign as well as the mod folder titled Stalinmods. This mod folder will include all the Winter Modification files you will need as well as a few additional terrain files and modifications I have made. Place the Stalinmod folder in the CMRT dataz folder and the .cam file into your campaign directory. All the included mods are tagged to this campaign so they should not conflict with any others.
    The Following Mods are used in this campaign. All Credit goes to their creators:
    The Stalingrad Mod
    Umlauts Factory Mod
    CMRT Winter Modification
    Selected files from CMFB Winter Terrain 
    Selected files from Worgherns Winter Terrain Mod from CMFB.
    Worgherns Sky and Smoke Mods
    Aris T-34-76, T-70, BA-64 and Gaz-67 Mod
    JuJu's Drop zone Mod from CMBN
    All the maps were from the Stalingrad Mod Master Map as well as the Night at the Opera and Red Square maps. All credit goes to their creators. I have modified these maps slightly either adding in a few enhanced terrain files or adding and removing a few things to fit the scenarios. I also did a little tidying up such as fixing floating windows or out of align telephone poles etc. etc.
    The Core Units:
    Infantrie Regiment 194 (OberstLeutenant Roth)
    1 Kompanie
    2 Kompanie
    3 Kompanie
    Radfahr-Abt -171 (Bicycle Battalion)
    1  Kompanie
    Pionier Battalion 171
    2 x Zugs
    Aufklarung -Abt- 171
    3 Kompanie
    (OberstLeutenant Roth must be kept alive. His death will reward the enemy 1000 Points and end the campaign.)
    Special Note: To try and be as historically accurate as possible the core units are actually rebuilt formations. To eliminate the Panzerfausts and Panzerschreks which were not in service at the time of the battle I built the formations using Aufklarung or recon units. Only the headquarter units carry panzerfausts and I kept re-working them until I was able to get HQ units without.
    However there appears to be a glitch that lets the panzerfausts randomly appear in the HQ units so these may show up in the scenarios. The primary units will have none though.
    Also the core units have high status, either veteran or crack status, to replicate their experience level.
    The Campaign Tree:
    Scenario 1 - A Helping Hand (Draw will advance)
    Scenario 2 - Counterattack (Draw will advance)
    Scenario 3- Hauptman Peipers Tank (Draw will advance)
    Scenario 4 - Push to the Volga (Draw will advance to Scenario 5a)(Loss will advance to Scenario 5b)
    Scenario 5a - Holding the Line (Draw will advance)
    Scenario 5b- Red Tanks (Draw will advance)
    Scenario 6 - The Airdrop (Draw will advance to Scenario 7a) (Loss will advance to Scenario 7b)
    Scenario 7a - The Gray Line (Draw will win the campaign)
    Scenario 7b - The Railway Station (Draw will win the campaign)
    Link to the campaign file and mod folder (remember you will need to download the Stalingrad Mod and Umlauts Factory Mod seperately and install)
  24. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to NPye in Battle of Berlin Mod   
    Download my mod here
    Loads of scenarios in progress...
  25. Like
    laurent 22 reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    Within the next 10 days, I will finish the fifth and final campaign of the BattlePack.
    During the campaign "Our Father", the player will command various units of the German 39th PanzerCorps, encircled in the so-called "Fortress Mogilev". In the period from 27th June to 4th July 1944 there are 7 to 9 missions, depending on the decisions, the player will make. 
    For this I need volunteers one last time to test the beta version 🙏
    PM me 👍😎
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