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  1. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to Grey_Fox in FACE order availability   
    Target arc overrides and disables the face command.
    If you want to use a short target arc as a way to stop them from opening fire while facing them in the right direction, use an actual arc where the centre of the arc is in line with the direction you want them to look, rather than a circular target arc.
  2. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to THH149 in A Word on Follow-on Modules   
    Yom Kippur is a must do in CW - its the first conflict that started the era of modern warfare!
  3. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to ManyMilesAway in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    Wait wait wait, y'all haven't been doing ANY work on the next module for Cold war for a solid year and a half?  Wasn't it developed by an independent team?  This is deeply frustrating...

    Also no update on Engine 5 ;(
  4. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to LukaFromFallujah in Anyone know if the BAOR is likely to be included?   
    DELETE PLEASE, posting error
  5. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to LukaFromFallujah in Anyone know if the BAOR is likely to be included?   
    DELETE PLEASE, posting error
  6. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to LukaFromFallujah in Anyone know if the BAOR is likely to be included?   
    DELETE PLEASE, posting error
  7. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to silent_crescendo in Anyone know if the BAOR is likely to be included?   
    hopefully we see the UK with 58 pattern making an appearance then 
  8. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to Artkin in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    I have also noticed a FPS hit when in the deployment stage, which immediately gets better when the go button is pressed. Not sure why your game dies so hard though. I lose maybe 5-10% fps in setup, nothing like what you are experiencing
  9. Upvote
    Bagpipe reacted to Codreanu in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    I notice the biggest performance drop when looking at the deployment zone itself, on some of the big CMCW scenarios I will get single digit FPS when I look at the deployment zone but if I turn the camera away it gets somewhat better. Quite strange. Does go back to normal after I hit play though.
  10. Upvote
    Bagpipe got a reaction from sttp in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    I cannot state how important update 5/performance improvements are. As a relatively new player to the series, I am heart-broken at being unable to enjoy the Cold War campaigns on my modern machine. I have already tried every trick in the book, and nothing helps. The game simply overloads one core but does not utilize the core boost functionality that you see in modern AMD cpus so even when it stutters to a standstill my CPU is still only at "4%" utilization at most. 
    I know many of you think that it is still okay that a game these days needs a single core at 5+Ghz to run efficiently but...it's simply not.
    I know the devs are aware of the issues but honestly...battle packs and PBEM tournaments should be last on the list way after performance gains because as a new player owning Cold War and wishing to buy the rest of the titles, I simply cannot in good faith spend any more cash on this series until we see results. 
  11. Upvote
    Bagpipe got a reaction from Lucky_Strike in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    I cannot state how important update 5/performance improvements are. As a relatively new player to the series, I am heart-broken at being unable to enjoy the Cold War campaigns on my modern machine. I have already tried every trick in the book, and nothing helps. The game simply overloads one core but does not utilize the core boost functionality that you see in modern AMD cpus so even when it stutters to a standstill my CPU is still only at "4%" utilization at most. 
    I know many of you think that it is still okay that a game these days needs a single core at 5+Ghz to run efficiently but...it's simply not.
    I know the devs are aware of the issues but honestly...battle packs and PBEM tournaments should be last on the list way after performance gains because as a new player owning Cold War and wishing to buy the rest of the titles, I simply cannot in good faith spend any more cash on this series until we see results. 
  12. Like
    Bagpipe got a reaction from Bulletpoint in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    I cannot state how important update 5/performance improvements are. As a relatively new player to the series, I am heart-broken at being unable to enjoy the Cold War campaigns on my modern machine. I have already tried every trick in the book, and nothing helps. The game simply overloads one core but does not utilize the core boost functionality that you see in modern AMD cpus so even when it stutters to a standstill my CPU is still only at "4%" utilization at most. 
    I know many of you think that it is still okay that a game these days needs a single core at 5+Ghz to run efficiently but...it's simply not.
    I know the devs are aware of the issues but honestly...battle packs and PBEM tournaments should be last on the list way after performance gains because as a new player owning Cold War and wishing to buy the rest of the titles, I simply cannot in good faith spend any more cash on this series until we see results. 
  13. Upvote
    Bagpipe reacted to PIATpunk in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    goodness gracious!  Any word on the Engine 5 update Steve?  cheers
  14. Upvote
    Bagpipe got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in A few wee questions about potentially missing features   
    Hello folks,
    I am tip-toe'ing very carefully into this minefield but I have to ask...
    Can anybody tell me if there are the following functions in CM currently (if not it would be great to have them  );
    1- Ability to cycle through unit's issued waypoints/commands. Without having to click on them. To expand on this a little, it can be a real faff at times, especially with the waypoint markers requiring that you click very precisely on them to select them, I find much of my time is spent playing camera man. A nicer feature would be to allow the user to cycle to the waypoint and then use, say, the middle mouse button to drag it around for fine tuning as opposed to trying to select it from the other end of the map and consequently deselecting the unit by not clicking directly on the command marker... *groan*
    2- Ability to have unit/vehicle follow another unit/vehicle in convoy or formation... Seems like an obvious one and again, if it already exists please forgive my ignorance and be so kind as to point me to the nearest vein of knowledge
    That's all currently, and it is more due to the fact that I have not played in a few months that I am noticing these little niggles more but I do feel that a lot of time is wasted in-game on things which could be a lot smoother and user friendly and without the need for a great deal of work I presume.
    The convoy one is a big one for me, really hope there is a way to do that and I just haven't noticed! 😅
  15. Thanks
    Bagpipe reacted to Artkin in A few wee questions about potentially missing features   
    Try clicking the line instead of the point 
  16. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to Ultradave in A few wee questions about potentially missing features   
    Convoy feature was tried. In testing it worked sometimes, but didn't work enough times that it was decided that people would be more aggravated by it than helped. Maybe someday, because I (and many others) sure would like it too, especially where a force comes on map in road march.

  17. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to Vacillator in A few wee questions about potentially missing features   
    Yes, what Dave said about convoys 👆.  I have often yearned for a convoy function.
    On the cycling through waypoints, I'm not aware of such a thing.  And yes I spend ages clicking on waypoints and paths, only to lose the path and have to find it again.  Unless someone wiser (not a big ask) comes along, I think this is currently a 'wish list' item.  Doesn't stop me playing though 😉.
  18. Thanks
    Bagpipe reacted to Grey_Fox in Combat Mission Cold War v1.05 is now available   
    The only change was to add the tournament feature to PBEM++. There were no gameplay changes or bugfixes.
  19. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to Codreanu in Game size outrageous in upgrade 4.0 ?   
    I wish new AAA titles were only 17 GB, a lot of them are over 100 and most are in the 70s and 80s.
  20. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to John Kettler in Very Good Mid 60s M60 & M60A1 Documentary   
    This circa 1966 US Army training film on the Patton (really Patton II) M60 and M60A1 presents the tank in the context of. the development of the tank and armored warfare. There is extensive coverage of the manufacture and testing the M60 and M60A1, with most of the visuals focusing on the latter. The res on this doc is so poor it gave me an eyestrain headache, but this may not be as big a deal for those of you with better vision than mine. Contrary to the keyframe, the whole thing is in black and white. There are also segments on the bridge layer and CEV versions, as well as mention of the missile firing M60A2. There is also highly unusual footage of M60s conducting an assault, which is far more common when seeing  Soviet and Warsaw Pact combat exercise footage.

    John Kettler
  21. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to John Kettler in !983 British training film on fighting the Soviet MRR Advance Guard   
    Let the clamor for the British begin in earnest! This is an excellent,(and mercifully good res) British Army training film which shows, in impressive form, and on FRG terrain (I think), what life will be like on the sharp end when a Soviet MRR decides to drop in for a visit. The Soviet gear, and there's lots of it (possibly from Israel), is a real treat to watch in action, and it's supplemented by Soviet combat exercise footage. But let me tell you, a zillion directors would kill to have the FX in this film that's the result of live fire and believable visuals (no tanks or other AFVs exploding, though). The terrain is most interesting, and it's fascinating to see how much concealment the foliage provides, whether to hide under, in, or be festooned by. Target acquisition wouldn't be easy given this. Naturally, it's a treat to see the British in action, so much so I expect many will start baying for the BAOR, so to speak.

    If there's any informational weakness per se, the chief one in my view is the failure to define and describe the point of the CRP (1 x BRDM-2 and 2 x MG armed motorcycle with sidecar), as well as the recon screens paralleling the Advance Guard. Do the Soviets in CMCW have MG jeep type vehicles as awkward (larger and taller) substitutes for the motorcycle recon troops? And while the RPG-7 is shown and the AGS-17 mentioned, the former, which provides critical squad firepower, isn't described, and the AGS-17 isn't shown at all, still less gone into ref the deeply disturbing capabilities it has. This all said, it's still at least a B+ overall grade for this training film. Believe it makes US equivalents look anemic by comparison, and I'm American.

    If you believe someone who commanded both a Soviet BTR-60 based MRC and later, a T-55 TK CO, the best troops in any given Soviet formation will be in the first subunit and then within it, too, at successively lower levels. The commander's reserve will be from part of that first unit, for it is with this that he will ram home an attack or offer die hard resistance if counterattacked. To me, this offers some intriguing possibilities for scenario building, since this is not just great chrome but a real tactical consideration for the Soviet player. All units of a given type and size are NOT the same in combat effectiveness or combat stability, greatly complicating conducting the battle. 


    John Kettler 
  22. Like
    Bagpipe reacted to Simcoe in Steam reviews need support   
    Well I did my part! Left my review and looked at the others and damn. The top ones are so unfair. It makes me wonder how many good games I didn't play because of an unfair review.
  23. Like
    Bagpipe got a reaction from panzerde in Severe lag issues - Neuhof   
    ok will give that a try though IIRC it was an issue on standalone too. Thanks
    EDIT: No unfortunately it is still as bad with or without the steam overlay. thanks anyway for the suggestion
  24. Like
    Bagpipe got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Steam reviews need support   
    CMCW is my first ever CM purchase having toyed with the various demos on and off for years. I had experience as a youth from way back in the day when CM1 appeared but I just couldn't wrap my head around the depth of the modern titles. Finally, CW arrived and it was just stinking of Operation Flashpoint vibes so I buckled up and took the plunge and it has really paid off. Will be adding to my collection for sure. Have already learned so so much
  25. Upvote
    Bagpipe reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in CMCW Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Quicker than reloading the M16.....He must be a FPS player in his spare time! 
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