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Everything posted by dbsapp

  1. So-called "serfdom" was abolished in Russia in 1861. In 1861 the number of serfs was about 35% of population. Communist "October revolution" of 1917 didn't topple Russian monarchy. Actually, tsar was forced to abdicate during "February revolution" in 1917, when Russia became parliamentary democracy. Since February to October Russia literally was the most politically free state on Earth. It was the first country in the world to provide equal voting rights to everybody, including all sexes without distinction by wealth or any categories. Under the veil of free speech it also gave ground to scammers of all sorts, like Bolsheviks, who with the help of Germany overthrew the government and proclaimed "dictatorship of proletariat". Serfdom wasn't allowed in most of "national" parts of the Russian Empire. In Baltics it was abolished long before "metropolis" in 1804. In Finland after it was attached to Russia after Napoleonic wars it was never implemented. All the national regions enjoyed greater economic and political rights to stimulate their seamless integration and promote their advantages.
  2. No hemlets mod looks cool, but, unfortunately, doesn't work with CMFR as a majority of other mods created for CMRT.
  3. Maybe you should change "on map-off map" option in the lower middle section of the screen.
  4. So do people who succeeded in 3rd mission of Soviet campaign exist? I managed to lead part of my forces to extraction point, but still got defeat.
  5. I demand Battlefront to provide me an interpreter!
  6. Appearing \ Disappearing barrels on T80 due to magnification level: On: (no zoom) Off: (zoom 1.1)
  7. Do you mean that if stinger\igla is kept near vehicle it acquires additional missiles automatically? What about the rest types of ammo, like bullets and rpg?
  8. I didn't get much, because I never edited QB (why would you do this?), but I appreciate the thread.
  9. Yeah, it's the same ugly method that I'm trying to use now.
  10. Thank you. Unfortunately, I was right and it is what it is.
  11. Is there a way to see what kind of building you are choosing in the editor? It looks like the process of adding buildings to the map is purely randomized apart from vague options of "commercial" "homes" etc. All you can see are about dozen of squares in the down left corner with no description or picture attached to it. So I select random square, place it on map, go to 3d view and see if it fits or not. Is it the proper method to do it, or there is a more convenient one?
  12. https://www.scenariohq.com/2017/01/22/neighbours-from-hell/
  13. Agree. It would be nice to have al least as an option the ability to turn time limits off. But as a general rule it makes game...more spicy.
  14. Is it legal to play CM before you turn 65?
  15. Appreciate the level of detail. Didn't notice before that they have the table of distances painted on the inner side of the AT guns:
  16. Some of the scenarios have download link (like this one), but some of the older one don't. Seems like those ***Transferred from the Battlefront Repository*** lost their download paths.
  17. Seinfeld, thank you for scenarios, they are great! What AD in the beginning of the scenario name stands for?
  18. The next 30 years proved that he was very, very wrong.
  19. I never argued that M1 wasn't superior to M60. In fact I underlined it myself:
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