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Everything posted by Grey_Fox

  1. Don't put troops in obvious defensive points, or only put then the there once the artillery has lifted, just like the "race to the parapets" in WW1. This is part of the terrain analysis cycle - when planning the defense, first look at it from the attackers' point of view.
  2. @BFCElvis Will windows users running 1.04 still be able to play normal PBEMs against mac users runnin 1.03?
  3. Will windows users running 1.04 still be able to play normal PBEMs against mac users runnin 1.03?
  4. @BFCElvis Has there been any stability improvement to PBEM++ as part of this update? It's been 7 months since the functionality was made available and many people are still reporting that they cannot open the "end game" file in order to view results.
  5. Apparently it only contains the new tournament pbem+++ feature, and zero bugfixes.
  6. It's inside the minimum range of the mortar.
  7. Some of us talk on other services (discord mainly), and there is a feeling of disappointment and something approaching disgust that this forum has become a Russo-Ukraine war rumour outlet where 99% of the activity is relegated to a single thread, rather than a CM forum. Sqook and Miller's comments should be seen in that context.
  8. For 50 years after WW2 the only history of the eastern front available in the west was written by the Nazis. You seem to be repeating a fair chunk of that here. It was only after the fall of the Soviet Union that we got to examine Soviet records.
  9. There may be an explanation for this. Ukraine is leveraging uninterrupted to the Starlink satellite network plus some smartphone apps to coordinate artillery strikes firing from individual guns across the front, and seem to have shown an ability to do so within 30 seconds of the call for fire. The guns are widely dispersed and fire only a couple of shells at a time, so there isn't really anything for counterbattery radar to find. This Twitter thread goes into it, and granted while there is a fair bit of hyperbole it may be indicative of reality: https://twitter.com/TrentTelenko/status/1523791050313433088
  10. Why would you fight so hard to keep monuments for people who fought for the right to keep other people as slaves?
  11. We can already call in arty anywhere on a map during the setup phase of a scenario. So far it's worked out fine with gentlemen's agreements to not call in arty on spawn zones, or that defender doesn't get to use pre-planned arty, both of which are common and well-adhered to in my experience. I'm specifically asking if it'd be possible to call in artillery without a TRP on a location which is out of LOS in modern titles in the middle of a scenario.
  12. Is your wishlist an official feature to be included in the next DLC for BS?
  13. If that's the case, why can't we call in arty on ground which is out of LOS in CMBS without a TRP?
  14. You can add voice over using Shotcut. For graphics, you create them in something like paint, then add it as an overlay using Shotcut.
  15. It's fairly straightforward actually. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube and on the OBS forums. Same for Shotcut. With OBS make sure you're capturing the application, not the desktop window.
  16. I use OBS to record and Shotcut to edit, both free.
  17. I think this is a timely article regarding Soviet/Russian tank design philosophy: https://rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/technical-reflections-russias-armoured-fighting-vehicles
  18. There was a similar bug in CMCW and Red Thunder. Make a bug report through the helpdesk and provide a save file.
  19. Hi Jim, do you feel criticism of your book is unwarranted? Do you mind providing the modified rulesets, and the results of games using those modified rulesets, used as a basis for your book? A number of us have been curious about it.
  20. Black Sea is a 2015 game based on a fictional Russo-Ukraine war in 2017, not a new release based on the 2022 war. The Russian forces were idealised, sure, but that doesn't make their portrayal in the game wrong. If you want to make something which you think matches the current state of Russian forces, you can always turn down their soft stats in the scenario editor.
  21. CMBS was released in 2015 (announced in 2014), looking at a hypothetical 2017 conflict using then-proposed weapons systems, some of which were abandoned. What this means is that Ukraine has a lot more Oplots than they do in reality and don't have any Javelins. The US squads have XM-25s, which were only ever experimented with and discarded. And Russian forces and performance seems to be idealised. However, I like it.
  22. It won't affect the TTS or Dragons, but TOWs can't be fired through normal smoke even though the gunner can see you since the TOW in CW doesn't have the IR beacon that gets pit on later versions.
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