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Everything posted by Grey_Fox

  1. How many failed air assaults have there actually been? I'm only aware of the Hostomel airfield on Day 1. The Ukrainians claimed to have shot down some IL-76s full of paratroopers in the early days, yet no wreckage has shown up in the weeks since despite the propaganda value that would have.
  2. If they don't have the TTS then smoke is a good option. If the long range forces are M150s or M901s then smoke is also a good choice, but regular artillery and even mortars are also a good choice as they can destroy them outright. Other than that, use terrain to mask your approach, and use your ATGM and infantry teams to identify enemy positions and pass along spotting information.
  3. Trying to kill US forces in a Black Sea pbem with a Cold War master map ported over. Recorded this as it's kinda funny:
  4. Yeah, this is the column about a kilometer down the road getting hit by artillery: https://streamable.com/fa4d1o I believe @Haiduk provided a translation earlier in this thread.
  5. So apparently that tank that got blatted was a BTG commander, the XO took ove and a kilometer down the road they stopped to reorganise and got hit by artillery, forcing them to fall back.
  6. Don't forget that the freedom of movement in Ukraine right now is mainly restricted to roads due to the spring thaw. If you limit your movements to roads in CM, you'll find yourself in a similar position.
  7. You can't infer anything from that, market exchange rates can be affected by events in either country, or by events in other countries.
  8. If you're using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, install the Ublock Origin browser extension, which blocks almost all ads. Additionally, if you're using a windows machine, the built in Windows Security is almost certainly the very best antivirus and firewall suite available and its complete free. Third party AV suites generally interfere with the OS and, worse, come with their own sets of vulnerabilities.
  9. Usually the information you link on this stuff is absolutely outlandish conspiracy theory sites. You are extraordinarily gullible, and worse are a victim of these people since you actually give them money.
  10. Yeah of course it's popular, it gives the air of authority despite being bull****. And no, they don't actually provide sources, they just make claims about where they got the information.
  11. This seriously has to be a figment of somebody's imagination. How in the hell can they confidently identify formations like this?
  12. Tenguska kills all except the Global Hawk (I think that's the one - whichever one is the biggest/most points expensive US drone) unless it decides to do an attack run.
  13. Steam is doing that to a bunch of games, it's just Valve doing some housekeeping rather than a patch for the game.
  14. I've been playing PBEMs on the huge CW maps imported into Black Sea, and one of the things that's become quite obvious is how important sheer distance is for survival. As in AT-14 at 2.5KM+ is an outstanding weapon system and hard to detect even with thermals, and the player will have time to relocate the team after they give away their position after a missile or two.
  15. I'm not sure how strong an argument there is to increase Ukrainian soft stats since while we are seeing a whole lot of lost Russian equipment, very little footage of Ukrainian losses (or combat footage on general) is coming out. Maybe don't make the argument that Ukraine is a 10-foot tall giant just yet.
  16. Ukrainian forces in 2017 didn't have javelins or stingers, and they don't seem to have many if any Oplots.
  17. You're assuming there were Russians still in the area.
  18. There's been very little footage from Ukrainian (and Russian) soldiers. I believe it's because the Ukrainians are observing strict electronics hygiene protocols due to their very negative experiences in 2014 where Russians were triangulating positions from people making phonecalls and using heavy fires on them. This would explain why almost all the footage we've seen is from civilians.
  19. Morale is probably an effect of the conditions that they're fighting in; give them better conditions and their morale would be better.
  20. It can if the javelin comes in at the right angle. Having the tank on a higher elevation than the javelin team helps, as does inclines. So, what I've read about what's being derided as the "cope cage" is that it isn't actually slat armour, it's instead designed to shift the thermal signature away from the tank by using a pyrotechnical device which hangs near the engine exhaust. Apparently they call them "sun hats". You can read/see more here: https://andrei-bt.livejournal.com/1912504.html
  21. What's the source for this? How do they know the position of both Ukrainian and Russian forces. Ngl it looks like a figment of somebody's imagination.
  22. It doesn't make it harder to hit... at point blank range once you already have the spot and the gunner just needs to point the crosshair at it without having to adjust for range.
  23. Yes, usually because of backblast issues. The manual may say which ones have this issue. Even then, some ATGMs which can be deployed indoors will lightly wound some of the crew when they fire. Saw this happen in my most recent CW match when the crew fired their AT-4B.
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