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    Vacillator reacted to John1966 in Snow? I saw snow?   
    Did it melt?
  2. Like
    Vacillator reacted to mjkerner in Snow? I saw snow?   
    Vacillator, you certain you don't have a helmet mod?  There are no textures of any sort in the original brz's for snow--ground, vehicles, uniforms, or helmets. There are several mods for snow on those items, though.
  3. Like
    Vacillator reacted to Anonymous_Jonze in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    I think steam could possibly help but there's so many games on there now it could get overshadowed. There's a ton of "hidden" games on there that are never being promoted. But with that being said... You know how I found out about this series? Searching on google for a Star Wars Battlefront review video and clicking on the wrong link. 
  4. Like
    Vacillator reacted to Probus in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    Not enough time in the day!
  5. Like
    Vacillator reacted to John1966 in My epic Stug III fail   
    Yes, it was Holy Ground. It only took a couple of Cromwells (well one in the end) to get through to wreck the Stugs even though they were "surprised" by their presence. The Cromwells just moved too fast for the Stugs to get a shot off.
  6. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from John1966 in My epic Stug III fail   
    @John 1966 this is Holy Ground right, as per the other posts we exchanged?  I put my Stugs behind the walled farm as well, but a lot of the Cromwells never made it that far thanks to my stalwart infantry, so I didn't have the same issue.  And at the end I was able to manueouver the Stugs across to the other flank and take out the last two pieces of pesky Allied armour.  Great stuff and kudos to the scenario designer CW (I would link but not sure which user to link to)!
  7. Like
    Vacillator reacted to John1966 in My epic Stug III fail   
    Just returned to CM after many years but I thought I used to be quite good at. Knew what I was doing at the very least.
    Find myself playing a scenario as the defender where I was expecting "some tanks". Turned out to be the entire 7th Armoured Division by the look of it but hey-ho. We like the challenge.
    Not sure how to handle this but two Stug IIIs turn up as reinforcements. I quickly locate them behind a high-walled farm, one pointing north, the other south. They're protected and ready to take out the Cromwells as they storm past the farm. And storm they do.
    First a Cromwell speeds past the northern Stug. It's at less than 300m and a side shot so it's doomed. Except it isn't. It's going so fast and crossing the LOF at ninety degrees that when the Stug fails to take the shot immediately, it has to track the target. But it's moving faster than the Stug can turn. After being in LOS for a over 300m, it goes out of sight.
    While that was happening a Cromwell appeared to the south of the farm. Right it front of the second Stug, point blank range. But the Stug doesn't get the shot off. The Cromwell just passes it and the Stug tries to turn. The Cromwell then shoots the first Stug in the rear for a kill then rotates it's turret at a leisurely pace to take out the still turning second Stug it just passed.
    Both Stugs lost in a minute without firing a shot.
    I hit ceasefire.
    What's the best way to handle these SP guns?
    I must admit I love it when the opposition has them as they seem so easy to take out for the above reasons. I remember doing a scenario many years ago where the designer had put a Stug defending a crossroad. Which way to point? He opted for diagonally which might have hedged his bets but it guaranteed my lead Sherman got at least two shots off whichever way we approached it from.
    The Germans made a lot of these so I'm sure they were better than I'm seeing.
  8. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from John1966 in CW Holy Ground: doors that aren´t doors   
    Got a bit of success with the Stugs and the same with the ATGs but less so.  Was running out of infantry AT ammo by the end so I was glad to still have the Stugs hanging around - they actually finished the battle for me.
    Just thought, I didn't comment on the subject of the original post.  I didn't notice blocked doors in the towers or other buildings.  Perhaps I was lucky to chose the direction or time so that it didn't matter.
  9. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from John1966 in CW Holy Ground: doors that aren´t doors   
    Played it recently myself.  Starting off thinking it was not an easy fight.  It wasn't.  However, getting meagre resources into place and dealing out sufficient damage was a great experience.  Infantry AT weapons saved my day to be sure 😉
  10. Like
    Vacillator reacted to John1966 in CW Holy Ground: doors that aren´t doors   
    I just played this and it was not my idea of a fair fight. "Some tanks", indeed.
    Bizarrely ended up with a tactical victory. Not sure how. Must have been the target rich environment. The infantry claimed eight Cromwells (and assorted other things with rivets). Unfortunately the big guns only claimed one.
  11. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from John1966 in Someone jog my memory   
    I agree, that'll be the one.  Nice little introduction...
  12. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Tank Gun Damage   
    Last example before I bore everyone to death (or at least someone tells me it's boring). 
    Sudden Fury, with 3 Jagdpanthers.  Early on, one hit from a 'normal' Cromwell (I think) and one of the main guns is toast.  I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, just that it happens perhaps too often. Also, following on from the above comments, I assume the hull down damage issue is less of a factor for Jagdpanthers, which are the subject of 2 out of the 5 examples.  
    And I promise no more posts on my misfortunes 😉
  13. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Totally agree, and it's a great scenario.  Played it in the demo and that persuaded me to buy CMRT - my first CM but already not my last.
  14. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from IICptMillerII in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Totally agree, and it's a great scenario.  Played it in the demo and that persuaded me to buy CMRT - my first CM but already not my last.
  15. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from 37mm in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Totally agree, and it's a great scenario.  Played it in the demo and that persuaded me to buy CMRT - my first CM but already not my last.
  16. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from jtsjc1 in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Totally agree, and it's a great scenario.  Played it in the demo and that persuaded me to buy CMRT - my first CM but already not my last.
  17. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Spotting in the shadows   
    @Warts 'n' all Strangely I know more about Normandy than I do about Kent, and have been there more often too.  History drives geography eh?
    Actually looking at the title of my post again, it could be misconstrued out of the right context 😉
  18. Upvote
    Vacillator reacted to Probus in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    9. One Engine - CMx3
    game performance improvments, graphics improvements, ray tracing, intermediate distance bitmaps
    additional editor features, dynamic operational campaigns
    additional gameplay features, coop, LoS tool, visible aircraft
  19. Upvote
    Vacillator reacted to Probus in Battlefront Poll Updated   
    2. Barbarossa: 1941-43
    WWII Eastern Front
    Can Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin data be used as sort of an upgrade?
    Invasion of Yugoslavia
    Operation Typhoon
    Case Blue
    Blau to Stalingrad
    Warsaw to Moscow
    (also Finland)
  20. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from benpark in Z folder or Mods folder?   
    This is way more complicated than i first thought, but in a good way 😉
  21. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Barkmann's Corner revisited   
    A bit late again to the party on this one, but what a great battle! Wow, what a lot of US assets coming at me. Got a draw with 24 US 'tanks' destroyed plus 5 other vehicles, Barkmann survived but only just - main gun (yes main gun again) and tracks damaged close to the end but earlier than I would have liked.  Saved his Panther by popping smoke and getting two infantry units (one with Panzerschrek) to back up just in time, they knocked out 2 Shermans in the smoke.  Then began to run out of shaped charge ammo!  Have to give thanks to the infantry's anti-tank units in this one, plus of course the scenario designer @GhostRider3/3- a memorable experience 👍🙂
  22. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Tank Gun Damage   
    At the risk of being shot down in flames, my non-scientific experience from the last three battles I've played.
    1.  Gog and Magog in RT - several King Tigers and several Panthers ended up with 'Main Gun Damage' and could not fire any more.  There are lots of tanks on both sides in this battle, so perhaps not so unusual, however I did not notice any T34/85s or IS2s (or Pz IVs for that matter) ending up with non-functioning guns, only full destruction or bail-outs.
    2.  Ambush at De Hoop in BN - this time I benefited, putting the main gun on a Tiger 1 out of action with a PIAT.
    3.  A Quick Battle of my own also in BN, in which a Jagdpanther ended up at one of a road concealed partially in trees and an AI chosen Sexton (88mm SPA) in the open at the other.  Jagdpanther fired twice, missing both times.  Sexton then fired and knocked out the main gun on the Jagdpanther.
    In 1 and 3 I was playing as cautiously as the circumstances allowed, not sticking my neck out asking for a slug-fest.  So my overall feeling is that either I'm unlucky with large German tanks or they *may* be more susceptible to gun damage for whatever reason.  But yes, it's just a feeling and it's not going to stop me playing.
    Let the AA fire begin 😉.
  23. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from JulianJ in Two good sites for Armoured Vehicle information - Tankograd and Tankograd!   
    Understood Julian, I just couldn't resist mentioning some good books.  I'll have a look at Tankograd as I'm not familier with their catalogue.  Thanks for pointing it out.
  24. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from Glubokii Boy in Field of View Feature - Graviteam Tactics   
    While such a tool would be very useful 'I think MikeyD has a point' 😄
  25. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in New CMRT Scenario: Carius at Malinova   
    Four years later than the last post and I've just played this as Carius and co.  Yes @George MC it is excellent.  Lost one Tiger and one Stug so far with some minutes left (I got all of the Stugs back to the village and set them up in ambush positions to back up the couple of Tigers I had there).
    Favourite moment was watching one of these Tigers bounce 88s off the turret of a tough IS2 which sneakily had made its way into the back of the village from the slopes on the right flank.  No penetration achieved by the Tiger, but it did make the IS2 go into reverse - straight towards two waiting Stugs.  Both Stugs opened fire and and penetrated the rear hull and turret.  Very nice moment for me but not for the IS2 crew...
    Thanks George - hope you can add more scenarios in Fire and Rubble if you haven't already 😉.
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