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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. FWIW, I think it was a reasonable question, and it was reasonably answered. No need to lock IMHO.
  2. When I did a play-test of this mission a while ago, I was sadly unaware that you had to tell the Crab to flail. Soon learned that lesson, although it was not a Crab that got hit, but a Crocodile (immobilised with no casualties, but spoilt some of my potential for fun). Anyway @rtdood has done a great job on this campaign, very thorough piece of work.
  3. You and me both . I haven't seen much of them, but when I did they tended to take an equal toll of me and my enemy.
  4. Perhaps you and I are of a similar age? Or we drink a similar quantity of alcohol .
  5. Erm, I started but RL interfered. Interested in your findings (and those of others).
  6. I've given you a like, because while it may not happen, there's nothing wrong with the idea. We could also have dragons... Anyway, a big welcome to the forum!
  7. Not sure, but Steve said an RT 2.12 patch will be a while coming as the focus will be on other things. Not sure which things but whatever works .
  8. Sorry, but 'was ist Dash'? In my WW2 titles I have 'Quick' and 'Fast' but no 'Dash'. Is it a modern thang? And yes ASL was very good, apart from the huge rule book which we tried to ignore when it served our purposes .
  9. I agree with what @danfrodo is saying above . Although I started with RT (totally great by the way), I then opted for BN bundle (also great), FI bundle (also great, but I need to put more time into it), FB (also great, less content but I like it a lot). F&R has just arrived so I have no need for modern stuff just yet.
  10. King Canute (or Cnut) or not, I think it was a bit tongue in cheek. Has he ever seen Japanese tanks of the era, or Italian? I could go on, but would not wish to bore or offend anyone (sorry to our Japanese and Italian friends). I'm as much a Panther fanboi as anyone, but all he got from me was a raised eyebrow or perhaps some rolling eyes . Of course he could stick to pulling pints...
  11. As luck would have it, this is on the floor next to my bed . Alongside Normandy Then and Now...
  12. I had the issue with black trucks in @benpark's Berlin campaigns. I saw the advice about the Stalingrad mod using the same flavour objects. I renamed them. No joy. I read further about the same named objects in the Factory mod. Renamed them. No joy. I found them in another mod, same result. I kept searching and found them yet again buried in another mod. This time the black trucks disappeared. This is what I get for dropping every available mod into my Z folder, so I totally agree with @Ultradave's advice to move out all mods, or at least be aware of what might be happening...
  13. Yeah, gotta have it, even if there's no time to play it. And with that I have some time .
  14. Some people are never happy. Joking . Do I feel a 2.12 patch coming? Nothing wrong with that.
  15. That's a great price, and as of today you can also have patch 2.11 free of charge .
  16. I'm getting 'There was an error preparing your download'. I'll keep trying... Et voila, now I have it. About the 10th try, and I even got a Share:System error while I was downloading. F&R didn't do this LOL.
  17. Same here with RL but love to see new campaigns. Thanks @theforger and keep up the great work.
  18. Have to say it works really well, my butt was well kicked by the re-supplied FJ. Great work as always .
  19. I like your ramble and I'm happy to read more. Good post.
  20. Sad news. I've played a lot of John's stuff - Talonsoft were my favourite publisher for many years and even now I dip into Campaign Series occasionally.
  21. Yes could be, I hadn't considered that. It was more that the IIIs were sand only, but the IVs next to them were camo. A minor thing anyway, not going to stop me enjoying the excellent work .
  22. That wasn't me was it, don't think so... Also getting the message out ain't so bad.
  23. All hail John, the rabid squirrel! John is great. Full stop. Seriously though, well done everyone. But I'm not joking about John .
  24. Odd, instead of heading to Berlin, I'm counter-attacking towards Tukums. Love it! EDIT: my Panzer IIIs need some modding love, base sand colour looks odd next to lovely camo Panzer IVs. And @Juju I really hope you will be able to work your usual UI magic?
  25. Yes download was quicker than extract and install. I think that's a good sign of the huge content, and the speed of my broadband...
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