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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. @kohlenklau come in please? Ooops too late - domfluff beat me to it.
  2. As per the forum title it is supposed to be General Discussion relating to CM, which I think it largely is. General Discussion about non-CM stuff is found elsewhere (in the General Discussion forum). There does seem to be some cross-over, but for example if I was starting a thread on Game Engine 5 I might put it here. If it was on whether or not Donald Trump had 'meetings' with Miss X, Y and/or Z I would put it in the General Discussion forum. And make a call to my lawyers. Seems okay to me? Anyway, welcome.
  3. They'll certainly need to 'get busy in the bedroom' at currently 144 million and declining.
  4. And credit to @Juju too. Anyway it's such a great mod that I think CM looks wierd without it.
  5. And a beautiful mod it is. First done for CMBN but looks like it's working in CMFI as a France 1940 booster. I have the perhaps unreleased RT version as well, great work by Mark.
  6. OMG, you can not be serious. Having splurged that out though, I have several work colleagues waxing lyrical about ChatGPT and how it can make 'traditional' literature searches redundant. I'm definitely on the fence on that one.
  7. I like them all. If I'm being critical I would prefer less blurry background in some (not sure that's something that can be done?). Anyway, they are really very good coming from CM .
  8. Wow, I've never seen this before but it is in the manual as you say. I suspect it's an old relic from times when systems were (slightly) more crap than now? As for version, does your loading screen show v4.04 in the bottom right corner? My BFC version does...
  9. Yes, looks like "Oh Hans, really! There's no ventilation in here."
  10. You should maybe add a sacrificial panzer? Or maybe not in 10 minutes .
  11. It looks great, I love maps with elevation changes like that. The Char B1 looks equally great Phil @kohlenklau. By the way, Bovington: http://tank-photographs.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/bovington-car-de-bataille-b1-bis-tank-france-renault-ww2.jpg and a more colourful version for you at Saumur:
  12. Best not, my opponent will not be pleased. Can you PM me? I'm joking of course.
  13. Hmmm, thanks for the heads-up. I will probably be another addition to the losing Axis statistics.
  14. During that battle (as Soviet) I became a bit of an IS2 fan . By the way George, RMM and I are just starting Mit Karacho H2H, which I see wasn't tested as H2H. Looks like it'll be fun though...
  15. I think both of us couldn't resist going after each other's tanks. And as the Soviet, your briefing said 'get points for KO-ing Panthers' which I thought might be hard without being spotted so I decided in some circumstances to just go for the Panthers and not worry about the spotting...
  16. Except that I was playing as Soviet, while Dave was doing the spotting with his Panthers. It ended up as a great battle anyway.
  17. @George MC's 'BP1 Cat and mouse' if you have it. Great fun as PBEM, in my top two or three.
  18. As a BFC-only customer (so far) I don't have these and it would be great to get them - any idea how though? As for the general question, I looked at the Battle Pack and one scenario definitely confirms the use of the Vehicle Pack - it's called Hobart's Funnies.
  19. Good luck my friend, let us know if anyone comes forward. Anyway, I play WEGO PBEM, but looking at the options I think real time LAN and hot seat are available.
  20. All true Andreas, and it might also depend on whether you intend to buy other titles. What I mean is that for example the flail Sherman is also in CMFB and CMFI, and the R35 is in CMFI if you really want to play with them. Not sure the Croc and AVRE are anywhere else though without checking.
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