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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. I'm a bit late on this, but I would say avoid Quick Battles as they usually aren't that challenging. The AI selection of units and their control is not great. If you're playing single player, play those battles that say 'play as Axis against AI' (or whatever floats your boat) or choose a campaign that you like if the one you mentioned is not working for you. But the best way to play is against another human, PBEM in my case. You might (okay, will) get your butt kicked every now and then, but it's a great learning experience and you tend to make some good friends.
  2. Me too, have you still got enough guys on board to man the gun? I'm playing a PBEM where I dismounted the HQ team from a US halftrack and there was no-one left to fire the gun.
  3. So it's out on Steam. 15% discount on the base game and 24% on the full bundle. That's in the UK and I assume the same elsewhere. Bargain, get the bundle .
  4. I don't think so Phil. I've lost more than I've won I'm sure, and I've only been here for 3 years. I am like a new born baby, soft and cute. Or maybe I can't get away with that as we've met in person .
  5. Did they use CAN (canister)? That can (no pun intended) be a very scary thing...
  6. You're too modest Phil, playing that was what got us introduced if I recall correctly. Having said that I never finished it, maybe one day .
  7. That reminds me, I need to get back to my CMFB Fortress Grosshau PBEM. I'm US - it's a tough struggle, but I'm hopeful...
  8. It's not a problem my friend. Maybe you were thinking of Simicro (who is a Tony). Anyway sounds like you've got Phil 'on the ropes'.
  9. I'm called Tim, but you can call me Tony . Deja vu indeed...
  10. I once had a GF called Tammy so that would be wierd . So is your butt getting the proverbial kicking? Perhaps you'd rather not comment if it's still ongoing...
  11. In that picture they seem to be looking out over the graveyard. It's enough to keep their hands in the air . I'm Tim but you can call me Tony .
  12. Sorry if this has been discussed already: Ukraine war: Russia moves to take direct control of Wagner Group https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65871232
  13. Some suggestions of faking aspects of the photos in the chat there, but who knows.
  14. Sounds like it, AMD GPU driver. I'll tag in @BFCElvis but you can also put in a Helpdesk ticket. And welcome!
  15. You responded when you saw it, no complaints from me. I like the service we get .
  16. No, I only meant that as you're currently playing Phil you might want to beat him first . I've had mixed results against Phil, but always in battles he has produced so for the losses I console myself that he always has prior knowledge. It's a good excuse I think. And it's definitely nothing to do with @kohlenklau having at least a decade head start on me for CM (probably more). Anyway hi Phil when your read this my friend .
  17. And that's why I tagged John. When tagged, I have never known him not to respond.
  18. That's a shame, it's a from me. Anyway, I'll have a look at Makin Atoll. Thanks again for all of your hard work.
  19. I feel your pain. I don't work for BFC, but I'm sure John @BFCElvis will be along to help. There is no stealing .
  20. Everybody needs good neighbours. Sorry but that's the result of years of subjection to Australian soaps . Anyway you paint a great picture as always Phil.
  21. I think we will my friend. But you have to get past Phil first...
  22. I think that's all correct, although mine usually seem to end up in the front lines as extra guns due to my inept handling of the proper front line troops.
  23. Well in a recent @kohlenklau France 1940 scenario I approached a Char B1 from behind (as you do) and poured two consecutive streams of flame onto it's engine covers. The next turn the Char stopped and got a demo charge in the same place from an engineer. Crew jumped out, they'd had enough. And of course went berserk with their pistols . Whether the flamethrower did anything useful I wasn't convinced, but it sure looked like it.
  24. I think you'll find it's Born Again and the Germans are just clapping. When the service finishes...
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