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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Excellent. I remember reading that at the time, but had forgotten it, thanks for the reminder.
  2. I bow to your knowledge my friend . And to the Tiger in your profile - is that 131 at Bovington?
  3. All of which makes we wonder which sources of data Charles/BFC used to model this in CM? I suppose we'll never know, but do we think that the game seems 'reasonably sensible' from the lethality/vulnerability point of view? I think so, but I may be subject to misconceptions and popular myths.
  4. Okay, you make a very good point. Is that based on the data presented above, or other sources?
  5. Oh well, end result is good . Well said John, such things happen.
  6. Yep, we were told not to bother speculating, but I hope the following might be correct : And I totally agree with this: With the lack of snow in the Cairngorms I'm sure George has some spare time. No hang on, he's not a ski instructor...
  7. So do we believe it? I have an open mind but he does use Soviet data. Just saying. Anyway as for in-game I recall one of my first encounters with IS2s (Gog and Magog I think) - perhaps it agrees with what you're saying as the 88mm L/71s on my KTs certainly could penetrate the IS2s' fronts at some distance, unlike the above data. Not quite the same, but more recently my opponent in Cat and mouse with 75mm L/70 Panther guns had no trouble achieving penetrations either. My IS2s prevailed on that day however...
  8. Hi Andrew, mine did update automatically. Have you had another look, maybe it wasn't ready the first time?
  9. I can also confirm, it's in my BFC install but not my Steam install. I can of course copy the file over, but there are those who can't.
  10. I thought you were Monsieur Warts 'n' all, but we did have two campaigns being discussed. Anyway, bonne chance mon ami. EDIT: My conscience told me that bon chance was not correct.
  11. I have some thoughts about your post, but you'll have to wait a few months before I post them .
  12. Just counting the PFs in your first picture, quite impressive and it looks like they already fired at least one. They are effective at this at close range, but need to be hidden / protected at longer ranges, or they may just run away when someone fires at them...
  13. I may be wrong but I think they will 'move as riflemen' and fight with their rifles, but they will still be carrying the out-of-ammo 60mm mortar. It's only a small encumbrance .
  14. Apart from 'can you do better than history?' scenarios I hear what you're saying. A re-enactment of the fall of Berlin has likewise failed to excite me as there will only be one winner, but I mean no disrespect to those trying to recreate it.
  15. That seems a little 'counter-progress' if I may say? I know what you mean, but long term it's the way to go (and Steve is not retiring just yet, he said so). I'll buy Utah anyway and keep playing CM2 for now.
  16. I hope you were wearing your Speedos Steve? I'm trying not to visualise that all the same ... And yeah sign me up for a pre-order on CM3 .
  17. Fair enough. As far as I know PBEM is cheat-proof, haven't heard or experienced otherwise.
  18. So you're saying the tree has bailed out? Anyway your panzerkeil has moved on since then...
  19. Seems like I clicked on the wrong thread . Interesting nevertheless...
  20. Yeah this should not be the start line historically, but sales/marketing might say otherwise. And the argument for focusing on CM3 is perhaps balanced by the argument for not having the same starting content for CM3. We probably can't have both, but we can hope.
  21. At the end of the day (not literally) it's up to BFC to determine what they need to focus on. Threads like this (which let's not forget was Steve's update, not a 'what would everyone like?' thread) poke around at what people are interested in, but it's BFC sales figures and a bit of crystal balling that will decide it.
  22. Hi Aldirin and welcome. Great post and good question. I'm also interested in the answer as I'm playing US in a PBEM of Pershing vs Tiger, and the proverbial is about to hit the fan. I don't need shells bouncing off those Tigers, or the Panthers that are with them. Looking in the manual, it just says AP .
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