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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Exhausted Units can Move go Slow and Evade. As bad as it gets spotting is not affected as far as I can tell.
  2. Tired, Fatigued or even Exhausted. I used to be alarmed when I saw units affected but not anymore. For some units it doesn't matter. Units I mean Scouts, Observers and FOs for example. They can go slow all day once on their post I found no evidence it affects their spotting. This scout team is an example on exhausted he had tentative contacts on fatigued it became full contacts. I don't think the recovery from exhausted to fatigued had anything to do with it.
  3. You have to model drunk drivers and looters and don't model collateral damage.
  4. Subjective tanks can only bail out, but if there is an emergency crews in other vehicles may very wel bail out too.
  5. It may be because they had heavy guns. The vehicle weight is the same as the Panther medium tank.
  6. Kriegsmarine in Gdansk (Dantzig) and everything looks normal again. What is the modern name of the German Navy?
  7. If the command panel says dismount, every other unit should be able to mount a vehicle. If it says bail out only the original crew can mount it, even of the same formation can't remount it. I tried to bail out a Green Crew and substitute them for an Crack Crew, same type of tank same platoon. I was on the point to report it as a bug but it is not.
  8. NATO doesn't want to liquidate Russia, it wants to liquidate the Mafia Syndicate in the Kremlin. My apologies to the Mafia I didn't want to insult them.
  9. Don't fire from your OP. Basically, saturate the enemy with too many targets. Reading the scenario is strongly recommended this is what you need to do win by a favorable attrition.
  10. Even in the 50's to be able to drive a car was a big deal. Just prior to WW2 in Europe only three people had a car. The mayor, doctor and maybe some very well to do person. To be able to drive a truck with the responsibility to maintain it was something like today's PHD. If everything BF is generous, the big plus for US forces the local infrastructure was the world ahead by twenty years. Germans relied on horses it was not only because of lack of fuel.
  11. Russians won't reach Kiev and the Ukraine won't reach Moscow. This is what is required to get rid of Russian imperial ambitions. They can kick Russia at present they may even establish the 2014 borders, but they don't get rid of them.
  12. I have tested it, ' Scenario A Debt Repaid'. Members of the same Company can mount any 251/17 and even standard infantry can function as crew members.
  13. You is U in Dutch but it is formal. Ye is Je or Jij but for people you know or younger. Two languages went their separate ways. It takes some time to change say one thousand years.
  14. Statement by H.E. Mr. Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, at the UN Security Council meeting | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (mfa.gov.ua)
  15. A clown became a president and a president became a clown.
  16. How to handle journalists during a press-conference.
  17. If the FO's name is Lazarus, is there a different name than the previous mission?
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