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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. That is how we use the light to medium mortars in the present game. Need to find fire positions which is not difficult. I published the screenshot on the previous page. Frustrating sometimes, I type and the Rottie pays attention.
  2. Need to how they were used in real life. I did for the Soviets all artillery was direct fire or preplanned for indirect. The 60 mm was similar, look for a good defilade position and your own unit can act as spotter. The HQ Support Team acted as spotter and they are in voice range. From the defilade position the 60 mm is relatively secure. LOS for mortars is not like the LOS of other infantry units.
  3. Always look for the direct fire option(60mm). Use indirect as a last resort. Doesn't make sense using the Off Map FDC if they are in voice contact.
  4. There maybe more about the code what meets the eye. Or there is just something plain random going on.
  5. There is no evidence, Veteran up to Iron the manual doesn't say anything how it influences Combat Shock and Combat stress. What plays a role are the Soft Factors and the C2.
  6. You will get attrition, and if they take out a team, we take out a squad, if they take out a squad, we take out a platoon. Inspired by the Godfather for that one. It is called escalation, the only thing you can do. If you do that most units are not panicking
  7. Spotting to do this exercise you need to select 'Iron'. 2men team approach a building on hunt. Inside they are soon in contact. The third squad plays for Red and are hiding. Blue Scouts are outside approaching the buildings. Only when a Red Team opens fire are Blue Scouts in full contact. Blue Assault Team approaches the building out of C2 they don't have tentative contacts. Only when they are adjacent to the building are they in contact with the Red Teams.
  8. Take the good and the bad, the soft factors obviously played a role. Rattled is the first stage of recovery from a shaken morale stage. My hypothesis is this, if the AI generated the move during a panic or shaken state, we can't probably change it.
  9. Soviet artillery doctrine which we could use in the game. Use indirect only if direct fire is not possible. Great point to consider for the on-map mortars.
  10. At this range a bore sighted Panther has a T34/85 for breakfast. Question why in the heck put the scenario designer the Panther there? Obviously he wanted the Panther to be spotted.
  11. Soft Factor -2 for influence but still spotted a Panther over 2km away. Let infantry do the spotting soft factors appear not to influence ability. The HQ T34/85 was unbuttoned but still received the tentative contact(Distance Three Action Squares). Armor the only formation with radios so they lead an attack.
  12. Nothing I could do. The unit was rattled possibly just recovered from shaken. I didn't have problem with it.
  13. There are more things which don't make sense. My favorite is Soviet C2 in the game, I rely on hypothetical field telephones. At least somebody with expertise could offer advice on how it operated in WW2. In the meantime, happy gaming.
  14. Here we move to tips for the soft factors. I would suggest screenshots of scenarios played. Yesterday I couldn't cancel the move of a 'Rattled' unit when it was time to plot moves.
  15. There is a loophole. The evade button still works and it can be manipulated. But you don't get always a reaction so it is unreliable.
  16. If Putin wins in Ukraine, he will point his nuclear missiles at London... writes BILL BROWDER (msn.com)
  17. For the Nations who participated in WW2 at least the backers of the Western Allies and Germany and Japan.
  18. I had it with a German 75mm field gun. You could at the start plot a preplanned mission but not during the game.
  19. I don't think it will, for infantry their marksmanship remains the same when exhausted. To model unfit crews in my opinion they would lose their cognitive abilities after a time. Possibly the status would be green or conscript for the scenario.
  20. You can record your game play and edit the scenario on the fly. Features I would love in the commercial version.
  21. The halftrack is too close by. No LOF means no line of fire because of the trajectory of the howitzer. Solution use a mortar. On map the howitzer is only useful for direct fire.
  22. Experienced +45C I can tell you after 30 minutes you're finished. I would make a scenario on this guideline alone. Any longer fighting from AFVs only, imagine serving in a Soviet tank. JS3s were outclassed by Israeli Shermans, the Shermans could maneuver, the JS3s were in static defense.
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