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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. The previous post is actually a house rule based on mutual trust. Dropping a ton of HE on a location which by pure coincidence has a hidden enemy key enemy unit looks a little suspect. Sending a probing attack afterwards looks a lot more realistic.
  2. Also where to plan your routes for avenues of approach. What is better? Ivan, I want you to be sacrificed for Mother Russia. Or Ivan: "I studied the map, and this area should be safe just make double sure by checking and reporting back". Ivan would certainly consider going AWOL in the first scenario.
  3. Don't send scouts where you have not been with area fire. The survivors still got rid of the squad leader can you imagine if the German squad had been fresh. Develop a drill how to occupy an area. They put one of us on a stretcher and we made a squad of their's KIA. Thank you, Malone (Sean Connery), for the inspiration. Study the scenario, this one doesn't put a parameter on casualties just make sure the other guy will attrite more.
  4. To be 'Tired' is perfectly fine for an FO. Crawling is a lot safer than walking upright. Tired in the game won't affect his spotting abilities.
  5. The scout car can travel anywhere on the map fast. Suggested tactic standing patrol to observe the effect of supporting artillery. The artillery FO can plot a mission but can't observe the effect. In these arid conditions infantry is restricted to get this post quickly. Dismounting the vehicle is required. This team didn't call the FO is in a more secure location.
  6. When I do things like that, I make sure I have OPs out there to observe enemy activity. You button up so that it is harder to get hurt. Most things in CM depends on volume, the more eyes are open the better the odds you spot something.
  7. That is why it is important to keep the relevant units close to each other. Like my illustration on page3. Soviet WW2 armor need infantry close by. Armor is the C2 infantry doesn't have any outside their own platoon level. I let a tank support infantry if it can spot the infantry fighting. Also assign a tank platoon to an infantry platoon. Sorting out the C2s at the start of a large scenario can take some time.
  8. It is up to the player to play by some more realistic house-rules. One of them is horizontal communications. There are some techniques you can use but it is far from ideal. One of the reasons we stick to Hotseat, most players don't have this option. Playing Iron you can see with the blink of an eye who is within visual contact. On the other modes you can see only the type of C2 a unit has. With horizontal communication we have a simple rule. All the left radio buttons on the control panel must be on Green or the units must be having visual contact. A tank can support infantry if the infantry is fighting then the tank can support him.
  9. Signals which are not completely covered in the game. Imo at least on par with engineers. We could have a scenario whose mission is to establish a field-telephone network for an upcoming battle. But this is more for WW2 and I have Red Thunder in mind.
  10. I restarted Trouble with Siegfried numerous times and this method works with Trouble with Siegfried. RT Red Dawn same method but the Sappers didn't spot any, even though I know the location. I bet once regular infantry moves, they will go off. Still slow one square at a time seems to be the best method.
  11. With vehicles use the shoot and scoot method. Shoot to make sure you are spotted and reverse back into cover. The TacAI also has decent survival animations for recon vehicles.
  12. I don't live in the US, here we also have the right not to vote for people who have super-clue in their pants. Don't be fooled, democracy can turn into anarchy and then some despot appears who turns it into a tyranny. Everything is temporary.
  13. With leaders who think they are entitled to abuse their citizens as they see fit. Let's see the stellar methods we all see on the media. You can vote for candidates who support dialog, I vote for people who refuse to engage. We live after all in a democracy.
  14. Yes, we have the audacity to have a democracy and separate Government, Judiciary and the Police. How shocking and threatening for Autocracies. Tyranny, Theocracy will oppose the Democratic systems. Suggest dialog? Like chickens who are friends with Colonel Sanders.
  15. Somebody said that women are good in reputation assassination through gossip only. Another theory in the trashcan. Also, they are not good at math mm.
  16. Slow is I found the best approach if you suspect mines. Not a big deal if the team gets tired. It means the team can't run which is a silly thing to do in a minefield. Next is fatigued it means no hunting through a minefield. Don't be put off by fitness when you go through a minefield. The unit was tiring nothing was affected yet.
  17. Mines approach "slow" one square at a time. This makes sure everybody in the team stops at a waypoint. Now the Mark Mines Option becomes active. Forest was removed for illustration purposes. You can't go wrong as you can plot only a move on the mine square. It can take a few minutes but rest assured a secure passage will be created.
  18. The defilade fire position for the mortar or mortars is secure. Suggest armor provide the C2 and the security.
  19. Using on map assets without going through the off-map fire direction centre. Playing Soviets, the player just loses too much time. First place a waypoint at the area you plan your fire mission. From there you plot an LOF to find a position for your mortar. At the bottom of your screen, you click your waypoint on your LOF and there you will deploy your mortar. Drag your first waypoint away from your objective and it will end up near your deploy waypoint. Check or you are able to carry out your fire mission. For realism have the C2 generates the tentative contacts.
  20. Some background from the Second World War which Putin Imo uses today as his excuse.
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