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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Just the man for the job. No Action Talk Only.
  2. I think he is using an expression when you play 8-ball (aka pool). You curve the white ball around the black to hit one of your own balls.
  3. A pity it took the generation who had nothing to do with it to put the record straight to their everlasting credit.
  4. It was in CM1 'War In The Shadows'.
  5. To go for an armistice, as even everybody else knew,it was the sensible thing to do. As long as there was a chance of winning they supported the regime. Kind regards and happy gaming
  6. I didn't say it was your intent, it was a popular myth as goal to accept the rearming of the West German army. Speidel Rommel's adjudant became inspector general of NATO. But don't let a difference of opinion impede our modest support of the Ukraine. To my fellow members from the US of this forum. The integrity of the Ukraine was guaranteed by George W.H Bush Senior. President and leader of the Republican Party. Now the bill has been presented the expected complaining has started by no one else than a Noisy Faction of the same Republican Party.
  7. The US was the only country Germany actually declared war on. Naturally they attacked Germany to say they came over to save Europe is a little rich. Re arming of the West German army was top priority. Spreading the myth the Wehrmacht were the good guys the others (The SS) were the criminals. Truth not much difference between the Wehrmach and Waffen SS. You don't have an argument with me that the holocaust was an evil crime and the SS Camp Guards deserved everything they got. But to paint the Wehrmacht as a boyscout like organization is a little too much. Apologies it went off topic but I see a bleak future IMHO this won't be contained inside Ukraine.
  8. The man belongs in an asylum of some description. Can't be a psychopath asylum they would have a lack of security. Bare room illuminated to such a degree it will deprive him of sleep. One way out, out of respect of Russian culture a pistol with one bullet and a bottle of Vodka. Putin Ally Issues Chilling Warning After Bryansk 'Terrorist Attack' (msn.com)
  9. Well if we don't have Hotseat anymore. We will probably uninstall the games.
  10. Tip is METT-TC E stands for Enemy I play Russian to understand their equipment. One T stands for Troops on Hand. Need to read more about it. In this case the Spigot ATGM. Is het Laser Guided or Wire Guided the manual says two versions of this system. Or did the Bradleys use a detection system? Is APS effective over 1km? I blame the trees if it was wire guided.
  11. Thanks for that, I subscribed to his videos. About fitness, it doesn't have an impact on accuracy or any other soft factors. But people can play the game as if it does. I was also of the mistaken belief that marksmanship would suffer. In real life it does in the game it doesn't.
  12. This video shows what a drone can see with thermal imaging. Instead of feral animals imagine an infantrymen with equipment thirty years out of date. I posted this of the quality of the video.
  13. It is not modelled as in RL. I just translated the words into CM language. Fatigued means reduce the efficiency of (a muscle or organ) by prolonged activity. In CM you can't move fast or hunt anything else is not affected. If you are exhausted in CM you can still crawl for the next 24 hours without sleep. I adjust my game play accordingly. Assault troops have a limit of tiring it means in the next turn they can't run. Fast and crawl are the two moves required for security. Crawl for assault teams is very limited after 80 mtrs they are exhausted and it takes some time to recover. For an FO it means a secure means to reach his OP which has been secured. 4 or 5 action squares is fine. Testing is the way to get an objective perspective of the game. To model as in Real Life is subjective example I thought the marksmanship of my sniper would be affected this is also not the case. Let him crawl I know a story of a RL life sniper he crawled for one day to get into position. Took his shot and crawled back again.
  14. Something we can all agree on. He better put his own house in order first.
  15. You may very well be right, I have not tested or combat shock or combat stress are affected more quickly or not. Just play like it does.
  16. Tiring nothing is affected yet. Tired you lose fast. Fatigued you also lose hunt. Exhausted only move and slow is available. I found no evidence of marksmanship is affected. For attacking units you need all the move modes. Fast and slow are the most secure moves. Like dashing from cover to cover.
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