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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. A more interesting concept. Ignorance is not a defense when you break the law. Most motorists don't realize that they speed or think it is ok as everybody is doing it. My trip to the US a few years ago, made sure I didn't get a ticket. If the sign said 70 mph 70 mph it was but I had the impression I was standing at times. Looting in the Ukraine? Russians probably think it is OK like the traditions of the middle ages looting was how you were paid.
  2. I am old enough to remember the 6 million dollar man. A million is not anymore what it used to be. But it is becoming reality now.
  3. Here is a true statement small scenario. You just lose too much information with larger formations in Real Time. The frustration of losing troops is also realistic, you need to plot proper tactics to avoid this from happening. I solved the problem by switching from View-4 to View-1 when I plot movements. IMHO people play the game too quick the individual teams need plenty of attention.
  4. Robot or a survivor of an artillery strike?
  5. Everybody loathes the man but Hitler was not a shirker he got decorated with an Iron Cross as a runner in WW1. Putin as the head of disinformation of the KGB. Now he portrays himself as Orthodox Christian master of disinformation all right. Hitler employed Goebbels for that job.
  6. Could also double up as a snorkel for riverbed crossings. I was only joking; they need more room for this KV2 solution.
  7. Ingenious design, you can get LOS when you shoot over the fence.
  8. Your unit was rattled and if pinned they stay where they are. Josey Wales did some time ago tests and he explains the soft factors.
  9. Machineguns in the semi-indirect fire mode without LOS but not without LOF by area fire. You need to plot your LOF just a few squares short of your target and observe. The German position was spotted the MG Platoon received only the tentative contact. They never had a full contact themselves.
  10. How Will the War End? Thoughts on Ukraine, Russia, and a Theory of Victory - Modern War Institute (usma.edu) The Budapest Memorandum was violated by Russia and it doesn't mean it is not binding for the US and the UK. It will continue to keep the moral high ground.
  11. Contact, always a cat and mouse game. Spot a spotter before he spots you.
  12. You play RTS? On WEGO my method works fine. First floor too just like any other fast move.
  13. Yes, when it comes to reneging, humans are very good in that. The US just would lose credibility if they did in case of the Ukraine. Prisons are full with people who had all sorts of excuses when they reneged on assurances. But in diplomatic circles they have the excuse oh it is not for us we are diplomats.
  14. Alice in Wonderland once you're on the Merry Go Round you can't just jump off it.
  15. Never mind a US Republican President guaranteed the integrity of the Ukraine for exchange of the nuclear weapons that country possessed. If the US renege on its guarantees it will be just about as credible as China or Russia. But without doubt the Republican party should be aware of this.
  16. You can modify the withdraw move like any other. Just drag it to the next building.
  17. Just the man for the job. No Action Talk Only.
  18. I think he is using an expression when you play 8-ball (aka pool). You curve the white ball around the black to hit one of your own balls.
  19. A pity it took the generation who had nothing to do with it to put the record straight to their everlasting credit.
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