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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Depends which member of the original team Imo. Assistants could be just another infantry.
  2. There is just no room in Europe for an Authoritarian Communist Player. They were permitted their own political parties even a few got elected in various parliaments. By democratic elections their movement died a natural extinction. China European people have spoken the consensus is that your philosophy sucks.
  3. I don't like units becoming casualties. Fast is for scouts to draw fire and survive and assault units to advance from cover to cover. Tired only means troops advance in a jogging pace the odds to be hit increases. Engineers crawling through a minefield are not affected even when exhausted (which rarely happens). OK unlocks the fast mode it is there for the player. Tired in CM has a different meaning in CM than in real life. I am permanently tired at 73 as I can only jog, but I don't feel tired. I think the terms are misleading a little. Naturally for assault units they need the option to go fast to survive.
  4. View1+2 (mouse wheel) Gives you POV TC. You can click anywhere on the map for a way point click, on the centre of the screen as low as you can.
  5. Pity he is not alive today. Could be a T72 Song.
  6. Believe it or not, that instrument is the forerunner of today's PC. It had a lot in common with the punch cards from the earliest PCs.
  7. Hunt is moving to contact and even then, it is bloody dangerous. For this we need Assault Rifles, Sub Machine Guns and Hand Grenades. Bolt Rifles were clearly on the way-out during WW2, poor British CW fought with a WW1 Rifle, but it was a good one.
  8. For the sub units out of C2 you use Alt+Z to return to your HQ unit.
  9. Experimenting to get rid of the God's Eye View of the game. View 5-9 Permitted after all road maps and topographic maps is part of HQ units. View2-4 permitted if it approximately coincides with terrain features. First selecting units using View 1. When you check the Formation Panel either one or three flags you see the subunits. By clicking any one of them you move instantly to that unit. By clicking the C2 Panel on the left either one of the Green Radio Buttons or the C2 communication means you return to one of the HQ Units. Playing this way is possible, sub units out of C2 you can't use View 5-9 as they don't have maps which is debatable I know. Modern games have PDAs.
  10. @JM Stuff I suppose with FPS you mean First Person Shooter. View-1 presents the player more like a Third Person Shooter. To get POV of a First Person Shooter you need to work with the 'W-Key' which is useful to see what you get. You need to select the move tool unfortunately the screenshot didn't capture it. Select a move and place as much as possible at the centre bottom. This is where you unit ends the move order. It may deviate a little depending the location of the square. On page 1 of this thread I explained how to place move orders from this position.
  11. Tired means you can't go Fast, quick when tired last longer/ You only lose quick when you are fatigued.
  12. Recon vs Recon Blue forces likely to be ineffective.
  13. I think spotting is also a matter of combined arms. Scouts need to walk up to the building to spot hidden units inside in WW2 scenarios. Elite or Crack in modern warfare often get sound contact. I suspect the AI reacted on my unit movements. I didn't test the modern scenarios. In WW2 tanks in RT&FR improve spotting by 30% when they have tank riders. The logic escapes me two men in -20C will spot and pass it on to the TC. The Germans did it too and called them cannon fodder it definitely attracted enemy fire.
  14. I found 'Hunt Mode' one of the worse things you can do with a two men scout team. Just the game it takes seven seconds for the AI to react. So fast is the way to go to draw fire. Before you do it have all of his platoon observing. A German training film was actually using this method. The only difference the Feldwebel was doing the running. His words: "Heinz while I run you watch the treeline there."
  15. I scout from View-1. Micromanagement requires a micro map aka view-1. I explained how to do it quickly on page 1.
  16. It is a good way of testing how secure a Hull-Down position is. I give this vehicle three turns at the most then they go tip toe through the tulips in the sky. Better hide the vehicle and dismount to observe.
  17. Move inside the vehicle. Driver is behind the crest. Scroll up with the mouse wheel (1 notch). We have POV of the Machine Gunner. Remember View-1 is driver View-1+Notch is gunner. Easy to plot Hull Down using the Hull-Down Move. View-1 Blocked vision View-1+Notch is Gunner.
  18. Pretty advanced, I think the ERA turned into an after burner. Maybe I am wrong.
  19. China plays for a Korean solution, and they gain prestige on the international stage. First both sides need to bleed a little more. In this coalition China plays the good guy Russians the bad. Right know they lose not much, apart from logistics.
  20. Harras often does the trick on a pointed target. I will make a post on MGs with this in mind.
  21. You are up against a master of disinformation, Goebbels reincarnated.
  22. Even a supply of US Lend Lease Type Rolling Stock, makes the difference. The hint was humanitarian, such as better sanitation, food, drinking water etc. China will score Brownie Points in the UN.
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