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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Like the Argentine Airforce the only professionals, and they will be like any other professional, dying for your country will be met with healthy skepticism.
  2. Exhausted you can still use the evade button. I didn't test their marksman's performance but it appears to be no different from fit firing units.
  3. Role needs to be defined. Pathfinding is what I explained, in other words, finding a secure route for the formation.
  4. Testing some soft factors. Tired translated in CM =You can't go Fast. Fatigued translated in CM= You can't go fast or hunt. Exhausted translated in CM= You can only Move or go Slow. Slow gets you exhausted inside 100 meters but you still can crawl.
  5. The old silk road even today if you control it you control the world. It covers the Middle East and the Far East. Still the foundation of World Politics. China wants to control the Far East blind Freddie can see this. (CM ignores far east hypothetical games) China needs allies in the MIddle East (Iran). If Russia wants a meaningful role they need complete control of the Black Sea and the Ukraine threw a spanner in the works. Either Russia is humiliated and becomes a future Austria depends on this generation. Austria Hungary was just an out-of-date feudal system when it was an empire.
  6. The British 105mm L70 was designed to beat the Soviet tanks in the 1960's. It was capable of this, and the gun was on par with the Soviet 115mm gun of the T62. Or at least the M60s and the Centurions were on Par with the T62. The 120mm Chieftains were also introduced. Yes, if you play Cold War with only US Forces it won't look too bright. To ignore British Chieftains and the German Leopards they did this game a disservice Imo.
  7. Scouting by two men only is not ideal the more scouting units you have the more the odds are in your favour to spot something.
  8. Scouting and Micromanagement. I do this by waypoint stacking. I stack my waypoints near the scout's objective. By highlighting and clicking all the waypoints stack on top of the first way point. Scout is still selected and by using Tab-Key and F-Key I am on View 1 for the scout. By highlighting the Move-Line I can put any waypoint on the terrain feature to give the scout the opportunity to observe from cover and concealment. Suggest to modify a 'Waypoint' with a short 'Hunt-Move' to cancel if he makes a full contact.
  9. With scouts micromanagement is the key, and you need to plot from view 1. Realistic house rules make the game more enjoyable. Example Soviet Artillery WW2 the Signal System they had is not modelled in the game. This guy gave me ideas. You can use any HQ for the game but what makes it more realistic for example assign the mortars to one infantry platoon who gets the hypothetical field telephone. Having field telephones popping all over the battlefield as soon as an opportunity pops up is not realistic. I follow this guy he is a great influence of how I play the game.
  10. We see how differently we play the game. The CW Forces are my favourite formations. You play like the Soviets but with far better C2, set piece battles in other words. The US with their radios can already exploit fire of opportunity. The M26 was just not ready for Europe in Korea it developed in the M47 Patton then it was 7 years later. The engine of the M26 was not good enough but in the game it doesn't matter.
  11. This AFV needs its own classification. NO Stabilization System is fitted. The closest equivalent is the 105mm Stryker which is not called a tank.
  12. In the case of the Dutch their 16th Century Sea Beggars were the freedom fighters for their independence. The word has different meanings.
  13. Correct stopping support for the Ukraine is only one election away. Thats how wars are lost, a campaign a promise another country becomes a dictatorship or a theocracy. Sad but true.
  14. A good explanation about the Wagner Group. Just turn on the English subtitles. The translation as far as I can tell is ok.
  15. The important thing is there are choices, and you can make use of them. Don't be a lazy player and let opportunities slip.
  16. You have three choices when you have full contact. The first is to do nothing, which is often the best thing. Second order fire on the full contact downside if you miss and the enemy is only suppressed you may have lost the opportunity. Third yes often area fire may be the best, if the enemy is suppressed your unit will keep on firing. It is only a slight shift of the mouse.
  17. They break our walls but not our hearts. Eighty years later it is still the case. You don't break an army by attacking the people they defend. You need to tackle the people who are armed.
  18. I had to wear masks when I was still working. The rules change every four hours otherwise they do more harm than good. If you feel sick stay home, the simple reason needs to cough if your body tells you. Otherwise, the germs or viruses will recycle straight in your lungs and could cause infection.
  19. Are we going to see this reflected in future games? artillery has a very charming life. In house rules we could permit short missions to consider repositioning. Happy gaming to everyone, I follow everything game related. Belated apologies for my previous posts.
  20. Spotting is everything, I am now successful in finding enemy positions without losing troops in the process. Only this would need its own manual. Need to look at all the soft factors, experience etc. Only then can you work out why a Stug III can beat a JS2. Then back to work out tactics for the JS2. A tank with a green crew is a different tank compared with a veteran crew. When I started playing, I used them the same, hundreds of smoking hulks later we changed the tactics. CM with its soft factors is superior to all the others on the market. Yes, when you ignore the soft factors the competition with better graphics not more realistic graphics appear better. Don't let this fool you.
  21. Racism was cool in the first half of the twentieth century. Gandhi was described as fakir; US forces were still segregated. Australian War Memorial and the Aboriginal War Memorial. Complaining doesn't work.
  22. Churchill speaking in the direction of a bugging device. "Russians are not human at all, on the scale in nature they rank lower than the Orang Hutan."
  23. Reciprocity same what Australian Aboriginals use today. A good turn needs to be paid back whether bounty from the hunt or gathering of bushtucker (bush food).
  24. What happens if you put all your Tigers and Panthers on the first bridge? They get shot to pieces and then? A super Bridge Bug Imo.
  25. C2 first I am a lazy tester, possibly the algorithms relate to the C2 and the way you set up the radio networks. In short if something wouldn't work in real life, I won't do it in CM because I have the almighty PC. Take for example the MG42 in heavy machine gun mode. At a range of 800 meters, they depend on area fire. So I make sure the HQ of the MG42 teams is in contact with the Company HQ Radio who get the tentative contacts from the platoons they support. You can do the same with AT guns infantry will spot enemy armor the contacts will go to the AT guns, on tentative contacts they will shoot first and hit first. If I enter a house and the assault team has intel of the enemy by mixing movement and fire orders my casualties are acceptable. Stug III has probably better soft factors reason it spots better, JS2 you need to watch the crews it is often Green and Conscript. A Veteran Stug III crew will spot first and hit first, you need to develop tactics for the JS2.
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