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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by DerKommissar

  1. What's wrong with the world? This belongs in the WW2 titles, not modern ones.
  2. Respekt ++ I'm curious if anyone has made, or is working on, a Soviet conversion for the SAA. It seems like this game has the chops for a CM:A 2 reskin. Someone should swap the blue in the UKR flag for green and call it Chernarus, xD.
  3. I did find it strange that the M113 has been absent from the CMSF Canadian arsenal. That thing's still in service, and looks like it'll stay that way for a while. We've been recently acquiring more enemies. Saudis are pretty cross with us, as well. I'd like to see BMDs for both UKR and RU. I felt they were a glaring omission, considering how ubiquitous they are in Donbass.
  4. I'd really like a USMC & VDV module for BS. I may be wrong, but weren't they already involved in the lore? I'd like more toys for UKR too...
  5. I would like to eventually see a single executable for CM, with all the families being modules -- wait, did someone mention Gulda Fap?! Gulda Fap! Gulda Fap! I have recently become fascinated with the Cuban Missile Crisis, which is very well documented. I'd like to see a CM of a hypothetical US invasion of Cuba. You'd get US Marines, CIA Mercenaries, Cuban Military and the Soviet units that were deployed there. Pretty much inverse Black Sea, except set in the 60s (very fun zietgeist with that one, almost as fun as 80s Fulda). You'd get to pit WW2 stuff against early cold war stuff. While I doubt tactical nuclear weapons will make it into CM, I would very much like to see amphibious operations that are already supported.
  6. Unfortunately, that's how it was back then. Time was often a more valuable resource than human life. If you can't take the objective on schedule, that means that other elements of the operation won't be able to do what they need to do. Then, the entire operation goes Market Garden -- and more people could die in other engagements because you decided to spare yours. War is a terrible thing, and field officers often have the unsavory duty of being forced into no-win situations. It /is/ disheartening -- that's CM. I would like an option like in the newer XCom that doubles time limits. On this, I totally agree. I'm waiting on those AI patches -- maniacs getting up and trying to run away from mortar bombardment, when they should be burying their face in the dirt. Yep, my biggest issue. The engine can't really handle big sprawling maps. I often find the avenues of approach to be limited.
  7. This is really cool. Actual Combined Arms. I'd love to try something out like this.
  8. Yeah, I am not too surprised that artillery is overly effective and infantry losses are disproportionately high. Ever since the dawn of the Industrial age, since Napoleon, artillery is the Queen/God/Whatever of War. I remember reading that German mortar fire was responsible for 75% of British casualties during D-Day. The capabilities of modern artillery is so terrifying that its a deterrent to conventional warfare. Here's some stats from the US Army Medical Department (along with too much info on wartime casualties) : Table 14 60 percent of casualties were due to shell fragments. This is across all the theatres of where the Americans were (Arty being slightly more effective in Europe than Pacific). I imagine similar, if not higher, figures on the Eastern Front. The Soviet's take away from the crushing defeats in Barbarossa wasn't that they needed more tanks -- but more mortars. As for copious amounts of infantry casualties... Here's some stats on US casualties from 41 to 46: Battle casualties by duty branch More than 2/3rds of ALL casualties the US sustained were Infantry. This is why you can't really have a "Balanced" game that's also plausible. I will say that I find CM maps to be a bit on the tighter side. There is not a lot of opportunity to spread out your infantry.
  9. Good things grow in Ontario... But better things grow in B.C.
  10. Yeah, I wish more scenarios had straight roads like that. Setting waypoints for a battalion-sized convoy on a shark-teeth road is a nightmare.
  11. Hey, man. Dieselpunk mechs want to look good too. As it says on the ancient pages of the internet (circa 2011), "Thou shalt Twerk" and "Thou shalt only YOLO once"
  12. Honestly, I'm disappointed. There's not much to do. No campaigns. I've also found the abstraction of tank damage to be worse than Wargame: Red Dragon & Men of War, which don't even market themselves as "realistic". Tiles are too big, too. All I wanted was a bigger Cold War Close Combat. What I got was a poor man's Steel Panthers. I did recently give Panzer Command: Ostfront another go. It's pretty good (LOTS of content) -- it's like CM 1.5. Still leagues behind CM 2's attention to detail. It's a shame those guys didn't go forward with the concept.
  13. I'm not surprised. When I was an intern in IT, one of my tasks was to go around a factory and call center and document everything hooked up to the network. This includes all computers, switches, and machines. I've found things that our Sys. Admin couldn't believe. I've added an old ass hub to our museum of relics. This guy is obviously an amateur at embedded systems. A Pi and a USB dongle, really? Guy couldn't make his own PCB or use encrypted MCU binaries instead of an open-source OS? Who is this guy? Mr. Bean? Hell, I'd try to disguise my snooper as a network switch or a wall socket. I'm guessing this was done by some punk kid. This being said, the easiest way to break into a system is by going around the office/site and picking up sticky notes with folks' passwords on it -- or go through the bin and find them. So if they knew what they were doing, they'd easily already have wifi SSID and passwords. I've seen employees writing down their Citrix log-ins and sticking them on their monitor. Lesson of the day: don't let random people test their embedded systems in your server room.
  14. UKR player here! Your answer to RU tanks is thew Corsar ATGM: This thing rips through ERA like nobody's business. If you're playing the UKR campaign, take care to keep these things. The "Corsair" (which is what I call it, not sure if that's the correct translation) do not have as much of a punch as RU or US ATGMs, so it may take two hits to take out a T-90A. This being said, they are very accurate, quick to set-up and reload, in my experience. All this being said, the Javelin is a superior solution and I can see why UKR, IRL, is really eager to acquire it. The other thing I noticed is that ERA (especially on my Oplot-Ms) is very vulnerable to autocannon fire. Sustained 30mm fire will very quickly destroy ERA, and cause a very disastrous amount of commotion. The crew is rocked, and needs more time to seek and destroy the source of the fire. All the while, their optics are getting damaged and their main gun can even be knocked out.
  15. Nah, I remember hearing from Steve that US-centered CM titles did sell better. As well as statistics that the vast majority of CM players are Americans. Surprise, surprise, most CM titles are US-centered. Nothing wrong with that, I like playing as the Yanks -- except their BARs. I was thinking recently -- don't worry, not too hard: CM2 has late war Eastern Front, Italy, late war Western Front, and 21st century titles. Graviteam Tactics has early war Eastern Front, Africa and 60s, 70s and 80s Cold War titles. The only overlap is Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, which is not updated by BFC -- and not updated by Graviteam. There must be a non-aggression plan, in place.
  16. Tank abuse! They're spraying holy water on communist armour! What's next? Purity seals?
  17. And if they don't -- storm that MG nest!
  18. Yeah! It was a great gateway title -- with some really great graphics and physics for its time. Very attractive for high school kids. I don't think many people play ToW, at all, these days. I play it maybe once a year for nostalgia and I'm one of the few people who still remembers it. There's too little maps, and they're quite small. The infantry are kind of dumb and require micromanagement. 1C doesn't really do wargames any more, at least not for the western market (as far as I know). A buddy of mine is like that -- wargames aren't very relaxing after work, he says! What kind of sick person wants to think of death, politics and man's inhumanity to man, during leisure activities? It does feel like "thinking" is going out of fashion in the West, sad to say. The big space empire builders market is oversaturated right now. Nobody has the time to play all the ones coming out these days. Market is cornered by Stellaris and Endless Space. Stellaris being one of the least "instant gratification" games, I've played. As for the future of wargames, I will say this: 3D implementations of tabletop games. I've tried playing Tabletop simulator, and was shocked by how many people play it. Tabletop simulator doesn't do rule checking (just simulates the real life board game in 3d), but if it did, that'd open it to even more folks. Maybe add a persistent army builder, the ability to play against AI and animation. I'm also a big fan of Arma, but it's heading in the wrong direction. There's few games that do platoon-level command in an FPS. I would be happy if someone tried to do a more realism focused approach to platoon-level, or even company-level, FPS game. You'd have to use more than your rifle: maps, compass, radios, binoculars, and maybe even fancier gadgets. You'd have to know your troops, and learn the terrain.
  19. Only too familiar with legacy issues and unintentional complications. Machine Spirit guide your compilations. What ever happened to Theatre of War? I tried playing the 1st one recently, but I found it too difficult.The 2nd (Kursk) one was my first introduction to the genre, and my favourite one of the series. I remember the 3rd one came out while I was still in highschool, and it was quite popular during lunch breaks. 3rd one brought a lot of new features to the table, and I'm still waiting for a 4th one.
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