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Battlefront is now Slitherine Ă—


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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. yeah, I would love that. Pershings & shermans & chaffees vs T34-85s. Great fun.
  2. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WYZKX8W/ref=kinw_myk_ro_title As preparation for F&R, I picked this up, only $2 digital. I view it on computer monitor. Great pics from the Berlin / Oder fronts.
  3. I would use the Schwimmwagen to run away
  4. for me this falls under the "asking to receive everything is same as asking to receive nothing". I want the main fighting covered, not every little niche unit that didn't really matter to the outcome in any major campaign/battle.
  5. Cry Havoc (modified a little by me) is really something so far. I had started it for only a few minutes & lost my drones & a bradley+squad to russian air. So restarted before I knew any enemy positions. I decided to go to first town, the one directly west. Laid smoke to cover front & right flank, along w arty fire -- was preplanned to arrive at 10 minutes so I had time to get ready. Lost one bradley and one HMMV (from my 'cheat' scout platoon) but squad unhurt. Moved to right of town & now fighting there as I get next smoke screen ready so I can cross more troops over. what a fight!! I am not using drones yet, not until after I take first town & hopefully get an idea where the AA assets are.
  6. I read that, and all of his other books. He was scathing in his criticism of Monty in this one, saying Monty only did this to get all the resources back under his control. Arnhem could've worked I suppose -- if they had another two or three weeks of planning instead of basically one week. but they didn't have that time, so it ended up just not being well enough prepared or thought out. Some say it couldn't have worked, others say it could have, but it was a plan where everything had to go right in a lot of different places -- the very definition of a risky plan. Demolition of Arnhem or Nijmegan bridges, for example, would've doomed the whole operation in an instant. Though certainly a damn fun one for us history buffs & wargamers! Just read James Holland's Normandy. Waste of time unless you are new to the subject, I learned nothing new from it. But Holland is more forgiving of Monty, at least in Normandy.
  7. Hey BFC, any chance this thread could be removed from the 'all activity' stream? So that folks that want to discuss can go to the thread, but the activity button doesn't bring it up. I get caught up in this, like others, but it's a terrible distraction from trying to distract myself w CM.
  8. Florida is basically a giant senior living community. And was late to start taking measures against covid spread. Maybe that state will be lucky, but if this virus is spreading there it will be a disaster. It just takes a few infected workers with little or no symptoms to infect hundreds at a time. And Boston Globe newspaper just had 16 pages of death notices for one day. All should note that we are undercounting covid deaths since some number are dying w/o being tested. So how does something like this become identity politics? It's basic epidemiology. It's basic science. Yet here we are. I thought climate denial was insane but turns out it's only the tip of an iceberg of brainwashed lunacy.
  9. I am just starting Cry Havoc. I did add a recon element in scenario editor but did not look at enemy dispositions. IMHO, I was thinking of same approach you took. Town on right first. Attacking the other towns first leaves a flank open, which I could cover by smoke but that only works if I clear danger zone before smoke clears.
  10. Very cool info, Thewood1, thanks. Of course, in CM any vehicle used to scout tends to have a short virtual life in my experience. I suppose if it's the cheapest vehicle on the map, I'll use it to scout.
  11. Dang, that is one epic whuppin'! Thanks for all the work you put into entertaining all of us.
  12. I guess I better play Brutal next. I was going most in order smallest first but skipped a few to try to improve my US faction skills. I got a total victory -- except I added a 4 vehicle scout platoon in scenario editor, so yes, I cheated. I'll play Brutal straight up and see how badly I get whupped. I've gotten a mix so far of wins, losses and draws. Like forgetting to dismount my Stinger team and watching helplessly as four strykers get brewed up in less than 2 minutes. Ooops. Turns out the Russians know about airplanes. Chibot, thanks for the tips on IR vs non-IR smoke. You are in China? I hope you are stable to stay safe & healthy. Here in US we are still not peaked I think. I wonder if they will ever have a CM People's Army game? That would be interesting. China vs Taiwan? Amphibious landings, Chinese vs mostly US gear?
  13. well, now you've ruined it for m, ha ha! The layout seemed right so I assumed it was the actual location. Oh well, it still had a great battle sequence, the thousands of extras that today would be CG
  14. Ooops, meant to say world total ~96k. US ~16k.
  15. So ~1900 dead in US yesterday. An undercount because those who die at home are found & counted later often, as is happening in NY right now. US at around ~96k dead, will pass 100k over the weekend. Death rate in US nowhere near peaking. Thankfully this is "just a bad cold". "no worse than seasonal flu". Will the people who listened to the lies now say "my news sources & politicians lied to me! the evil scientists, even the evil mainstream media actually told the truth -- maybe I've been lied to for years and should re-evaluate my worldview". No, they will double down on the lies, and believe that the utterly anti-competent narcissist in charge of federal govt did "an amazing job". No, they will continue to spend all day being brainwashed and blaming everyone not responsible. "evil WHO!".
  16. So the economy would be just fine if we all just carried on? when ~20% of the population is getting very sick, 5% critically ill? and w/o enough medical many of that 5% would die. And you think the economy would just carry on fine? NO it would crash anyway. There's this bizarre insanity that basically thinks we would not hurt the economy if we just carried on and let at least ~1 million americans die? WTF? think it through, perhaps? it would be a disaster, and people would quarantine themselves anyway if they could, they'd avoid gatherings -- just like what we're doing now. Parents would stop sending kids to school, no one going out to eat, no movies, no sports -- just like now except with many times the number of dead. What a ridiculous bunch of stupidity, to think we are actually making a choice b/w hurting or not hurting the economy. Of course it's best that everyone is immune via previous infection and that can happen w much much less than 1% dead or with much more than 1% dead. And I am so glad to see so many brave souls ready to let so many die -- because they think that only others will die. LISTEN TO THE F-ING EXPERTS. They are scientists, they live in an evidence based world. They don't get their information by cherry-picking hearsay, rumors, & lies on the internet. We are just getting started w this in the US, and we're going to losing thousands per day very soon we're already near 2000 per day.
  17. So can I see through smoke as US player? are those thermal sights by soldiers have? I am on my ~6th or 7th battle now, playing Phase Line Green + cheat -- meaning I gave myself extra resources via scenario editor before I started. Had a very tough battle in previous and am hoping for an easier time. by cheating. My problem is those Russian LAVs w the 30mm man-shredding guns. I've got one on reverse slope but how can I approach to get a AT missile shot? I could blind it w smoke, move up, then shoot before he sees me if my sights are thermal.
  18. I am using this CMBS propaganda to try to convince my friend to start playing CM
  19. first battle was little US recon mission, major victory, all infantry. Second was another small one, Russian force trying to take Ukr urban area. I've got four BTR-82 and a couple platoons of infantry. I thought "my modern Russian army will crush them". I am taking heavy casualties and not making much progress. These Ukranians are serious!
  20. Hey Aragorn2002, we don't always agree on political items but I still always read your posts. Come back & talk CM soon, you know your CM stuff.
  21. Thanks very much everyone. I started w smallest as suggested. These Russian soldiers are for real! Dude is hitting me w grenade launcher from 500m and seems to be bravest man on earth. Bullets and mortars all around him and he just keeps firing. How many rounds does this guy have?? I've got MG firing from a reverse hill crest, a good position, but their luck will run out at some point. THIS IS FUN!!!
  22. hey folks, I just picked up CMBS + battle pack -- I was inspired by Bud Backer's excellent comic book series today. I have experience in all the WW2 titles but also in SF2, so a little modern warfare under my belt. After any tutorial stuff, where do y'all think a new player should go? I want to avoid the nastier battles until I get a feel for what I'm doing. These modern weapons look truly terrifying.
  23. Yes, low mortality -- until you have so many cases that it overwhelms the critical care. WTF is so hard to understand here? that's why we are trying to flatten the curve. If everyone who needs high-tech care can get it there's low mortality, no f-ing kidding. This cherry picking of words is feeding into the idiots that think this is some kind of hoax. Was Italy not losing 700+ a day just last week? what would that be if they didn't isolate? Are all the world's disease experts and doctors imbeciles? And the only ones that can see the truth are our intrepid bloggers bouncing around the internet? this UK site has a reduced designation of the disease that makes it sound like it's not a threat UNLESS YOU READ THE WHOLE STATEMENT. That designation is clearly stated to be about the treatment facilities needed for Covid19 not needing to be special, isolated facilities. IT DOES NOT MEAN IT'S NOT F-ING DANGEROUS. That same site says: The need to have a national, coordinated response remains, but this is being met by the government’s COVID-19 response.
  24. Bud Backer is clearly an undercover marketing agent for BF. I am finally going to buy CMBS. I had put it off because so busy w the other titles, and the lethality scares me, but it's time. No sports, lots of time around the house, why not a nice trip to Ukraine. That gives me all the titles except afghanistan.
  25. Thanks Elvis, this is getting ridiculous. I for one know the cure -- open pre-orders for F&R! that will give us all something new and at least harmless to make conspiracy theories about. "they are never going to release it, I saw a picture on the internet showing someone that was clearly Steve from BF with a sack full of money leaving the country! And he was with another guy in a Philly Eagles Tshirt!"
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