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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. the extra commands were because you had multiple units selected when you gave subsequent commands. Or you double-clicked on a unit to select it, which brings up entire unit's formation. Look at what unit symbols are highlighted in orange -- that's who's getting commands. That's not normal for AT gun either. Any chance you set up an "armor arc" -- that would tell unit to only fire at armor. These issues you are having are just learning issues, CM does not behave like that.
  2. why do the new, zipped cam files have same date as the old cam files already in my campaigns directory?
  3. so folks are working on CMx3? yes please, lock them up at home w no distractions until they are done. Send money & food & beer as needed.
  4. well, that settles what my next challenge will be, thank Elvis et al. Just finished a nice CMBN battle as Brits but time to join this century's UK contingent, which I haven't yet played.
  5. Article does BFC some disservice by leading w ancient CM1 stuff. Should have put the modern stuff first, older stuff second.
  6. Thanks everyone. Please don't fall prey to the "simple solution" bull****, like it's all some easy fix -- that's just propaganda so that folks don't have to face the really difficult reality. Like the lies told last year ("they won't release water from the resorvoirs" - lie; "they sent all the water to the ocean"-- lie). Classic blame the victims stuff. Western US had a dry & hot summer following a relatively dry winter. And recently had very hot w abnormally low humidity, so perfect for fires. Once fires got going we had many days of crazy strong east winds, driving the fire -- we almost never get east winds this time of year, especially ones that strong. Plus lots of lightning. This is not due to negligence or some lack of effort, it's a natural disaster that came from a perfect storm of conditions. CA already has a plan w forest service to clear dead wood out of 1 million acres a year (hundred of millions of dollars per year) -- except that there's 20 million acres to clear, at least -- so many years and many BILLIONS of dollars (and that's just CA). 100 years of fire suppression, plus millions of dead trees (much of this due to warmer climate that has caused bug infestations), plus ridiculous weather, and we get catastrophic fires. We always have summer fires, we don't always have this kind of catastrophe. Commanderski: orange skies in NH? welcome to the club! that is crazy you have smoke ~2000+ miles away. And combat mission is indeed the only bright spot these days -- oh, that and football.
  7. Oh, actually I no longer need F&R. I have plenty right here in Oregon. My wife's manager's house burned down. She volunteered at local evacuation center, one shaking family came in had barely escaped as they were chased down the road by fire. Air is horrific, especially last week, though today air is only "unhealthy" which is better than previous "hazardous". I think I have had enough fire & rubble for now.
  8. that was a fender amp?? I'll be darned. I thought sure it was a Vox. My Vox sounds just like it I thought. I have an AC15 (modern) and guitar w P90s instead of humbuckers but sure sounds similar. Of course, this being a F&R thread, back to business. Please oh please oh please let this ready for the rainy season (starts in earnest usually mid to late October). Western Oregon can go weeks of endless cloudy/overcast and wet every day.
  9. Guitar riff in Rebel Rebel: coolest thing ever. How come sh*thead musicians seem to live forever and all the good ones die early. Pat Boone is still alive. I wonder if BFC will have Steam RT release going before F&R release? that would be cool for the Steam folks.
  10. Very sad. I remember buying his scenario sets (nowadays called DLCs) for games like Wargame Construction Set: TANKS! by Norm Koger. this was ~100 years ago it seems now.
  11. Dumb question: Other than BFC getting lots more love & money, what advantages do y'all see from Steam? I get that purchasing is easier. what else do you see that makes this good for existing BFC customers? -- honest question, I really don't know the answer but given the excitement I am obviously missing something. I used to use steam to play Assault Squad and COH, and I really didn't like how much Steam took over my computer, causing delays on startup. Fortunately I found BFC and can no longer imagine why I played those very silly games. My current plan is to continue to purchase outside of Steam.
  12. UK seems like a terrible place to me. It's like The Purge with all the murders! Even the little college town of Oxford has huge murder rate. I know this because I've been watching a documentary series on it called "Endeavor". Oh, not to mention all the killings in Hastings area in another totally true not made up series called "Foyle's War". Sounds dreadfully dangerous.
  13. I am playing the modified version that someone made. Called RDM-colossal crack. Randomized version. Gotta grab two little towns then the giant tank fight begins. great example of the frontal armor and optics of panthers vs my poor shermans. I am brits. What a fight! I am currently trying to use smoke to isolate and take on panthers in small packets.
  14. well, that went poorly. I didn't realize the wave would be rushing a panther. OUCH
  15. now, that is funny I love playing as the brits though I don't know why. All that goofy gear, goofy tanks
  16. Oh, my two best friends are getting married. Congrats! All I ever really play are CM (~90% of gaming time) and field of glory empires from Slitherine so I like and trust both companies. I hope for greatly increased sales and community!
  17. If you launch desperate human wave attack you just gotta save it as video
  18. I expect they will go path of least resistance. Early war means nearly entire new OOBs. So I expect we'll see east front 1943, CMBS module, and maybe module for CMFB. Those would be the least disruptive. Then they'll work backwards again to 1942, then 1941. 1939-40 means all new allied OOB, so that probably is a long way off. So in order to not go completely dark for long period of time, I think they'll expand off what they already have in order to get products out that folks will buy.
  19. Ha! Lucky Strike, that worked. It's like "this one simple trick will....". Super cool trick, thanks Here's view from behind the big battle. I have last screen of T34-85s that can engage anything that gets too far. Looks like a proper eastern front battlefield, wrecked tanks everywhere. the panther frontal armor was quite a problem but got hits into weak spots before this became more of a crisis. Meanwhile, on the ridge facing my center/right, a group of PZ4s is attacking. This one hit by an SU152 shell -- what a hole!
  20. oops, I have now used up my total allotted file size.
  21. first post now trying w pictures: multiple hits on panther, incl nice new viewing port on left gun mantle. Other panthers advancing, one w six hits, other w two.
  22. Hey MikeyD, this only works for small files if one is a customer. I max out at 1.95Mb. And my screen shots are all ~4Mb. I was told in earlier posts a while back to "use imgur" but that just gives link so far. maybe folks are saving screenshots to smaller file formats?
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