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Everything posted by CHEqTRO

  1. In my opinion it will depend of how hard is the russian economy and army hit by this invasion. If the russian high command assumes that the economical situation has deteriorated beyond sustainability, and they expect even further deterioration, they might decide to strike into Poland before the hardships of the economy start to materialize and before the conventional balance of forces in Europe changes in favor of NATO with the pass of time and attrittion takes its toll. Also, I think that there is a possibility that we are going to see movement from NATO states, either acting by themselves (looking at you Hungary) or conjuntly, to secure Carpatho-Ukraine, East Galicia and Moldava/Izmail/Bukovina, which could result into confrontation with Russian forces. We will see. Even with this, I think is still to early, and its more likely that the war remains localized that it evolves into a huge european confrontation. But the possibility is there, and the longer the conflict last, the bigger the possibilities.
  2. Yeah, looking at all the information is coming out, It seems that either tonight or tomorrow the Russians will start the invasion. I wish you and your people the best and good luck. I wish our western leaders had been more decisive in order to stop the conflict or at least had helped more the Ukranian military. Europe will pay dearly for allowing this disaster. Godspeed. Слава Україні! Героям слава!
  3. In addition to what I said earlier, I have to repeat myself, that getting half or the totality of the Donbass is still, strategically speaking, a defeat. Here you have Lavrov esentially aknowledging this in 2018: https://twitter.com/KevinRothrock/status/1496137602046562304 Also, Putin has just esentially dropped an ultimatum to Ukraine with the following demands: The three first points would be non-starters really, but its in the fourth point that you can see that he is not negotiating in good faith. There is no way that a sovereign state would, in pursuit of being neutral, demilitarise. Neutrality is enforced, just ask Switzerland. So yeah, its hard to not get to the conclusion that Putin wants to get Ukraine, either free or by war.
  4. He, it has nothing to do about wether its worth to fight or not for that strip of land or wether we feel safely saying that they should. Our opinions in this are irrelevant. Which is not irrelavant, in the other hand, is that a pullback of forces would be extrimely destabilizing to the state. Not just the possibility of a coup against Zelensky in result to that, you also have to account the fact that there is a big part of the population that is pro-ukranian, that would have to abandon their homes and esentially turn into IDPs. How are the Ukranians going to organize such an evacuation? Just add to that, that it would esenteally mean a de facto recognitions of the republics and their constitutions, and in turn, damage Ukranian constitution and its sovereignety. It would be essentially be national suicide. But not only that, the thing is that the russians are still be deployed along the Ukranian border. Even after all the trouble of leaving those areas, risking internal desestabilization, the russians could just invade anyway, with the big difference that its enemy has just humilliated itself, it has abandoned good defensive positions (althought being fair in the ocurrence of a full scale war, they would be somewhat irrelevant there in the Donbass, as the main thrusts of the russian army would be directed toward other areas), and esentially made itself weaker internally. If anything, due to the destabilization caused by this decision, the possibilities of a russian invasion would increase, as the cost of such invasion would be drastically lower.
  5. The question is how high the russians consider that cost. It doesnt matter if is true or not, if Russian high command assumes that its cost would be bearable, or that the cost of inaction would be higher, they would still act. Also, we now have confirmation, Russia is going to recognize the republics at their full extent: At the very least, there is going to be a limited war, thats certain now.
  6. (He doesnt need such an approval to enter into the Republics, as the "friendship" agreements already allowed russian troops to do so)
  7. In my opinion, Putin did not need to recognise the republics in order to start a small scale operation in hopes of a landgrab in Kherson. If anything this situation has made it more difficult. The water problem, althought it still exist, have aliviated considerably since last year, is still a problem of course, but not as urgent as before. There is of course cost to any war, but there are also costs for inaction. Both from an economic and a military point of view. In case of the later, the Ukranian army, even if completely shunned out of NATO, will still improve its capabilities (I mean, if anything they will probably put more money into weapon procurament if they do not get into NATO). Right now the Ukranian army has no deep strike capabilities, neither high quantities of anti-ship weaponry, neither modern anti-air systems; just to name a few examples. That will change in the following years, making the prospect of military intervention, AKA, the only leverage that Russia has over Ukraine, apart from the twins republics, which are mantained thanks to that hard power themselves (and well, it has just lost due to the recognitions); more costly. If the assumption in the Kremlin is that Ukraine its going to be a long term enemy of Russia, without counting wether they finally enter NATO or not, it might be decided that it would be better for them to start an invasion now than in the nearby future. A simple land grab would not change this reality, by the way. Thats just from a military point of view, there are also economical and long term strategic reasons in relation to positioning towards NATO and China that might push Russia into this direction. Like I said before, we shall see.
  8. That would depend in which borders end up recognizing both republics. In their current ones, or in the ones they claim? There has been a lot of discussion about this, and for now Russian officials have been a bit ambiguous about it: However, the leaders of the republics claim that they have been recognized in their claimed borders: https://twitter.com/MarQs__/status/1496110612862095366 Of course, claiming the totally of the Oblasts would mean either that the Ukranians must withdraw totally from the territory they control (That is not going to happen), or well, direct confrontation. Also considering that, from a strategic point of view, if the situations ends as it is, it would have been a gigantic blunder for the russians. As of right now, they have just made official a situation that was already de facto the same. Ukraine is forever going to be outside there sphere of influence, the EU and NATO gets out of this stronger and generally more united, and its economy its going to take a hit due to sanctions for no gain. Due to this, I doubt that this is the endgame of all this. Getting the rest of the territory claimed by the republics will not really change this, by the way, except maybe in the sense that it would desastibilize the Ukranian goverment. Maybe that is the plan, to hope for a collapse of the government? I find it dubious, honestly, specially with western assistance. Unfortunetly, due to this, I think that the most likely course of action for the Russians now is to start hostilities at full scale with the intention of securing the government of Ukraine. ( Well, if you watched the Putin adrees yesterday, if they decided to annex it downright I would not be surpirsed). Russian media is already claiming that Grads are being used against Donestk: https://twitter.com/MarQs__/status/1496107298158219267 , so yeah, the most probable conclussion to this is that somewhere between today and the next days some false flag incident happens and the green light for an invasion is given. At least that is how I see the situation. We will see.
  9. Meh, dont know what to say, it definitively seems to be as entertaining as keep hammering the idea in the echo chamber that you guys have built, that Ukranians are just a collective brainwashed genocidal nation, and that oh poor old Russia is just constantly being martirized by the evil west, and has never done anything wrong, the poor thing. Not as nice as that sense of superiority that has to give to think that everyone who disagrees with you in the west must be because it is a brainwashed shill, thats for sure. Honestly, how envious, who could get to live in such a deluded world, it defenitively seems nice. Maybe I should watch some RT and Sputnik for some time, who knows, it might help a bit.
  10. Fair. It just sums up as to stop parroting bull**** propaganda and derailing the conversation, really.
  11. Okay this is just clownish at this point. I can also put images of Russian soldiers in the Donbass wearing Swastikas and other far right wing stuff (Example: https://twitter.com/jpereztriana/status/1485703957263667209). And of course I can search for more, not only of Donbass soldiers, but also of United Russia MPs, Orthodox clerics and whatever. I aswell have images of Ukranian civilians being hit by Russian fire during the hot phase of the war (Not going to, but you should know how easily is to find them, if you want to). Thats the thing with war, that people die. Or do you think that in case of Russian "intervention" to ""save"" the """""free"""" people of the Donbass from """"""""""Genocide""""""""", there would not be Ukranian civilian casualties? Also, I have been keeping up with declarations from some Russian United Party officials and some are quite delightful. I remember one of some bearded dude claiming that they need to cleanse western Ukranians, among other things. And lets not forget Putin quote, that Ukraine, its beauty; is going to be raped. The whole argument that the Ukranian goverment is in its way to genocide half of its population its so ****ing laughable that it hurts. If anything, russian speaking people in Ukraine have more political liberties in ****ing Ukraine than in ****ing Russia (Good luck getting anyone else apart from the supreme leader, and oh please for the love of god, do not bring the law to make Ukranian the main languaje of the state as genocide. You will have to explain me then why its not genocide to have the russian language as the official one in regions as Kalmykia, Karelia, Daguestan, Komi, Yakutia etc...). Holy **** you also claimed that the shut down of television close to the Kremlin was a sign of Ukranian fascistic behaviour, as if Ukranians should accept to have its agressors having a voice in its ****ing country. I mean, you literally wrote that they were accomodating the country in case Putin cames to power in Ukraine XDDDD. Why in God´s Earth any nation should accept that. Also rich that the russians in general talk about genocide considering what its hapening to the tartars in Crimea. But you know what, the thing is that at the end of the ****ing day, this is all just ****ing stupid whatabouthism. What doesnt change, is still the fact that one nation is actively trying to undermine the sovereignity of another one, has actually occupied territory of said nation, against all international law; and is threathening with further military action, as well as creating a gigantic future loophole for nuclear proliferation (Budapest memorandum, does ring a bell?). Ukraine, as a sovereign nation, has all the right to decide its allies and economic partners, and there is no moral neither legal justification for Russia to alter this decision. That its the main issue behind this crisis, and what this thread is about. So yeah, stop muddling and derailing the discussion with ****ing propaganda, half-thruts and ****ing whatabouthism, because at this point its close to just a pathetic echo chamber. PS: Also, the thing with democracies, is that people have the freedom to say or manifest whatever they like. Story time: Here in Spain some months ago some weirdos of the Falange party wnet and took the main street of Madrid to talk about the threat of the "Jews" and all that stupidity. There was a gigantic backlash in the media and wathever. At the end they were like 500 randoms at best which hardly represented even a fraction of our society, but they there were, the spotlight of our media for like a week, parroting their ****ty ideas in one of the main streets of our capital. There are also still a lot of people who venerate Franco, and he still has some cultural places dedicated to his image and regime. Despite all of this, I think that consider my nation as an authoritarian genocidal fascistic hellhole would be quite unreasonable, in any circles away from ignorants and ideologues, of course). I do also wonder. Considering what you are all saying, does the people of Spain deserve destruction and subjugation to a foreign power? Do I, and my family deserve that? If you find that prepostorous, as you ****ing should, then you should start looking back into your argument, because esentially you are claiming that Ukranians do, under a very similar situation)
  12. Okay lets go one by one. First of all, isnt this all pre-November 2021? So esentially before the beginning of the "crisis"? How is that relevant? I would like to know how much gas was supplied from December till now, and how it compares to gas flow in previous years during these winter months. I know by a fact that gas reserves are unusually low, and that was after an emergency supply of LNG of the USA, which was reggistered in a marine traffic, so the numbers deffinitively dont add up. I will look up spenditure of western countries to compare, just in case there has been an unusual higher use of gas, but I doubt it XDD Okay, you cannot be serious, right? https://twitter.com/RALee85 There are hundreds of both ground videos and satellite images showing Russian mobilization and its scope. This is just one of the accounts which sum up and compiles all of the media available. Go take a look and you tell me if there is no mobilization. I mean, just ****ing look at this: https://twitter.com/COUPSURE/status/1492983544909545486 https://twitter.com/KaptainLOMA/status/1492812101961846789 https://twitter.com/DragonLadyU2/status/1493186330288918531 (This is just an example, add so movement of helicopters and planes towards Ukraine, airlift towards the border, mobilization of Rosguardia, etc..., you can find more in the shared profile) XDDDDDDDDDDDDD. This just takes the cake honestly. First of all, I would like to know what you would consider as a an Ukranian large assault into the Donbass. It implies an actual full scale offensive by the Ukranian army, or just some bombardment of military positions/use of drones?. In the first case, Darwin awards would go to the Ukranian leadership honestly, consediring the gigantic military blunder that they have just comitted. If there was any benefit in case of full scale invasion I could see it happening as a preemptive attack, but what would the Ukranian army achieve by getting the Donbass, apart from getting itself encircled as the Russian army attacks via Kharkiv and Kherson?. Then there is the "possibility" of a """"""bombardment""""""" against a military post or civilians. In that case, the russian high command should really, really thank the Ukranians because of their consideration. They could have made such an attack any moment, like for example, when there wasnt such a naval concentration in the Black sea (Russian ships crossed the bosphorus around the 8-9 of Febraury), or when the russians were starting its mobilization and just had like 60 BTG in its borders. But no, they decided to do it, just when the russian army had fully deployed. Extremely nice of them, really. Nah not really. All the contrary, really, as it raises the cost of a Russian invasion. The old roman catchphrase, "si vis pacem, parabellum"
  13. https://mobile.twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1473692008044716033 https://mobile.twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1488804292106592257 https://mobile.twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1483033422914326528 https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1491407633370259459 https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1482042466173919236 This is just some of the news that I found in just one particular account about gas flow in the last months. There are a lot more out there and of differents accounts, but I just dont have the time to search for more of them.
  14. XD I also find the "war hysteria" argument just golden. First of all, you are going to have to tell me what problem there is with the 1,4 and 5 point, which they are objectively good, and with the 2 and 3 point, you put it as if Rusia has not done that by itself, via moilizing its army towards Ukraine borders, and by cutting gas flow to European countries, which by the way, gets me to my second point All this war hysteria coming from the USA and NATO, or wherever, could just ****ing be so easily disproven by Russia, as that, hysteria, by just ending its mobilization. Plain and simple. Stop ****ing mobilizing 60 %( that we know) of your army towards Ukraine borders (military occupying Belarus along the way), resume gas flow towards european countries, return the 150+ armada of ships that have assembled in the Black Sea back towards their original ports, stop with the diplomatic play against NATO and the EU, stop trying to fragment both alliances, and in general stop with all the war proping propaganda against Ukraine (I cannot find it, but I saw a tweet some hours ago one of the principal RT journalist fake crying about the necessity of invading Ukraine because they are about to start setting up concentration camps and gas russians for **** sake, if I find it, I will edit it here. EDIT: https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1492973389971173382, here it is. Being fair its just a screeenshot so we would have to trust the tweeter about what she was really talking) .If they do that, and just like that; the war hysteria loses all of its strenght, and then they can show the world how wrong the Americans, and all of the people who thought that war was coming, were, and avoid such unfair losses towards their image and their economy. Easy peasy. Until then, there is nothing hysterical about the reaction.
  15. I have just skimmed over the interview, but if supposedly there must be some hidden hints,I would say that one could be the 3D representation of aircraft, which is talked about around the minute 41. At least by the way Stephen talks about it, it gave me that impression, IDK
  16. Its definitively not that. The syrian side surrendered as you can see in the photo you posted, and in that case all of the ground objectives should have gone to you, even if there were non surrendering syrian units in there. I dont know why the game didnt gave you the points thought. Maybe like you said it was because you damaged the building too much? IDK
  17. Thats Interesting. I remember reading some while ago that following the azeri victory in the 2nd Nagorno Karabakh war, the British MOD visited Turkey and was suppossedly very impressed by the results of their drones. I wonder if the reducement of the number of british tanks is also related to the percived threat from drones, and is not only being done out of economical and strategic considerations, but also tactical ones. What it would be also interesting to know is what other, more discret, improvents are also being added (or being actively developed for their eventual inclusion in the program), apart from the old tried method of just putting more armor into the tank (EW, Jammers, maybe even new system of APS capable of hitting top-down threats etc).
  18. I of course cannot be 100% sure, but it is most likely, as Fusselpi pointed out, an error arising out of the way the game is coded. An ATGM cannot fire while on the move (if you check the vehicle parts tab you will see the ATGM parts greyed out while on the move); and the game recognises that a vehicle is moving if it has a waypoint plotted, not if its actually moving; hence why despite the vehicle being actually stationary thanks to the use of a pause command, because it still has an unfinished waypoint; the game thinks that that vehicle is still in the move, and is not capable of firing the ATGM. Also, as Chibot says, you can see this problem in CMSF2 and BS with more modern vehicles and systems. Thats why I initially said that it will be nice if a solution came in a form of engine upgrade, as this is not really bug, that can be easily solved via a patch, as it needs somewhat of a code rewritting.
  19. Yeah I fully understand that. My point of complain is not wheter that kind of scenario design is viable or not, I can see why its really pushing the engine to its limit. However, what I mean, is that you cannot, as of right now, select an ATGM vehicle, plot a movement to a crest, give it a pause of 30 seconds, fire its ATGM, and then reverse it to safety. That is a real life tactic ( and a very useful one) and as such it should be able to be replicated in a game that strives to be the closest it can be to a tactical simulator. That is true in the case of long range engagements, which I suppose are more common in CMCW, however in case of shorter ranges (and better and faster ATGM systems, which make an appearence in SF2 and BS) you can achieve a hit in like 15-20 seconds. In that case, giving it a full minute interval its just excesive and calling for the vehicle to get toasted, specially in the more lethal modern setting
  20. I think the real issue here is not so much that he cannot do that particular experimental scenario, as much that ATGM vehicles are deprived of doing shoot and scoot tactics in CM games, which is basically the lifeblood of such kind of vehicles in real life (and as such, they should also be in the game). This actually explains some till now unexplained situations where i tried using this tactic in SF2 to not avail. I think the coding team should look into this, hopefully for the 5 version update; as one of the main ways of use of ATGM vehicles is impossible to replicate in the engine (specially now with the release of Cold War, where ATGM vehicles were so predominant)
  21. In my idillyc world, yet still grounded on reality (or so I hope ), the sequence of module release should be something like this: 1st. CMCW Mad Wargames: An extension of the base game to add the year 1983 (together with winter textures) and the Archer Able exercises, together with the inclusion of both West and East German Armies. (The soviets during that year were convinced that the Americans were about to invade them, campaigns with the americans in the offensive would be an interisting change from the usually depicted soviet invasion) 2nd. CMCW Race to the Wesser: A module depicting the push to the Wesser by the soviets. The british, belgians and dutch are included, together with the Poles. 3rd CMCW "Le Garde Sur Le Rhin" : The french are added, with campaigns depicting the defense of the Rhine by french forces in case of a effective Soviet bretrought. The rest of Warsaw Pact, together with Canada; are also added. And with that, you have a hot war in 80s Germany mostly covered. From there, you can go wherever you want. Extend the year coverage to the early 70s or late 80s, add the southern and asian fronts, do some Alt-history scenarios, etc.
  22. Good to see I was not imagining things. Considering how obvious it is I was surprised that no one else reported it. Nevertheless I think this bug only happens in some graphical settings. Atleast since changed the graphical settings to "best" I have not seen it again, so for a temporary solution you could do that, (If your computer can handle it, mine is defenitively not happy about the upgrade in graphics) as I assume that you were playing in the medium graphical setting, right?
  23. You could always give it the Hypothetical rarity tag, in the same way that it was given to the PZ3 in BN.
  24. The only unit that needs to cross the river is the Schwimmwagon so the river should not be a problem. (Plus there is a fordable site to the left of the map in case you want to cross with your full force). For the AI, well, isnt the scenario presented to be played as Axis only? Or atleast it was Axis prefered, thats for sure.
  25. Has anyone else seen a graphical bug with the wheels of the T34? If you view them at a determinated distance, specially when they are moving, their wheels start to spin out of place, rotating across the entire vehicle. Its somewhat comedic to see, although it completely ruins inmerssion. I have tried to snatch a picture but when I take a snapdhot for some reason the games goes to the lowest graphical setting avaible, as if it was loading, and the graphical bugs dissapears. So yeah, anyone else has seen this? I have not seen it report it anywhere.
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