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Everything posted by borg

  1. Hi All - Since upgrading to engine 4.0 my CMFB - when i hit target - gun sounds and muzzle flash are ok.. however when i hit target light, the troops 'appear' to be firing, but i can't hear any sounds nor see muzzle flash ? Is it only my bug ? Mod issue ? Best
  2. Considering it was an upgrade for all major CM titles... it's a big bone. Thanks for that can u please keep the modern era kicking too? CMBS is competing with four others that are WWII GOODNIGHT ! It's past midnight here & im sleeping after participating in operation Neptune spear (hint hint)
  3. So... since it's 23:59 here in Malta, and that means 26th dec is almost over, and since the big man himself is seeing and reading and replying in these fora - any final bones Steve ? some really really nice ones to drool about ?
  4. Hi @Combatintman and hi @MOS:96B2P After MANY weeks of radio silence on my pakistani border... i had a good go at the mission. Sorry i cannot paste any jpeg's or tiff's. Browser keeps telling me i have to upload files less than 501Kb whereas mine are around 160Kb !! I don't know why. Maybe i should swap browser? am using Mac OS (Safari). Anyways.. the MISSION is a blast. I honestly, did it a bit with haste, for the first round.. to see what it entails. And hell yeah >:) i guess the first 10 - 15 mins are crucial. I managed to blast the target with 2 casualties, and a wounded HQ infantry man. After i believe 15mins, the trigger to get the agent and his companion crop up. By that time, i already cleared the compound (I also realised i WASTED rockets), and took position on roof tops, with the majority walking/running to the HLZ. Some interesting facts i never knew before. It seems the CIA agent runs really well, and doesn't tire quick, is it coz he's veteran ? Whilst his companion, as a conscript, really and i mean REALLY tires much easily. I managed to reach the trenches, before any Uncon took position, and managed to kill off those that were approaching. Then, Blood Hell, i noticed, how many - around 4 BMPs ? started closing in really rapidly to the original position of the compound, they managed to kill off two more of the regular troops. The original wounded guy of HQ, continued limping to the HLZ. All in - All, i got a US Tactical Victory. played as Veteran. And i gave points away to the OPFOR since they killed my troops. I secured my objectives with haste. I really really Enjoyed this short, but tense mission... i am a strong believer, that CM would benefit of similar missions, ESPECIALLY with the newer Engines coming out. Please @Combatintman can you every now and again, continue doing some SOF missions ? How about British forces, SAS
  5. Did you activate using the 3.0 license key first ?
  6. imagine the full use of drones & latest tech - mixed with usual hard core tactics as evidenced in latest Iraq/Syria border
  7. Having engine upgrade 4.0 to all CM family - doesn't it make u crave for an update to CMSF (and maybe CMA)
  8. Is there a public game engine 4.0 Manual ? 10x guys.
  9. Thought this might entertain you for few mins also - shows how interesting it might be to 'add' libya and it's waring factions for the new CMSFII http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/72869/hijacked_libyan_aeroplane_lands_in_malta_#.WF1TPIGkqEc
  10. hmmmm, i have copied pasted my CM folder from my laptop, onto an external HD, then plugged that into my iMac, and copy pasted onto that HD.. And everything worked without a hitch ! However, this is apple mac I'm talking about.. i don't about Windows System. Goodluck !! and enjoy Rocking the hell out of those pixeltruppen >:)
  11. running CM off an external HD will always be slower to an on board internal HD (a little to a lot, depending on more details of whether its USB 2.0 or 3.0, whether external HD is SSD or not) - at least this is from my experience. Others might add on to this.
  12. Not being an extreme regular player of CM. And having fallen trap to owning ALL CMx2 except CMA... it's true - that keeping tabs in all sub fora becomes daunting.
  13. How would operation mercury fit in ? Crete & Greece..
  14. Thanks MOS, i must have missed that one.. let me dl asap.. These real-life / inspired scenarios are my favourite... Libya although seemingly quite now, is sprawling with uncon- and con-. + special forces boots on the ground activity. It must be a CM editor / developer festival if one had to tamper in it. Tripoli, Bayda, the VERY WELL KNOWN Sirte, Bani Walid, and more.
  15. Hi all. I just found the time to dl stalingrad mod + some maps that go with it - and it's simply WOW. - amazing works guys. i was thinking - mods that make such an overhaul of a whole major city such as stalingrad... can anyone recommend any other CM mod that also overhauls a town or city ? I'm not sure there are so many. And I'm not being limited to CMRT either.
  16. I had managed to gobble most you mention before BFC repository closed. So I have them.
  17. ..Am still hoping for a Mosul scenario @MOS:96B2P @Combatintman I second that !
  18. I think THIS would be welcomed. Good work, for a newbie poster !
  19. Yeah... that is 'partially' true. Temp rarely falls below 15'C here., and cold is never a major issue... but when it decides to rain - oh boy it rains. Shouldn't we talk more of CMSF2 ? I think - @Combatintman would be the ideal person to create a 'soldiers of benghazi' scenario. Two lovely compounds.. the private CIA complex, and the embassy. If OBL rocked... this came later, and shocked us all - not in a nice way. I had a blast playing 'Zawiya uprising'
  20. Was it Assburger ? Or u meant asperger ? I think I knkw what you meant about graphics and more... I do agree , hell we should all agree, that an improvement of graphics on top of what is already great, will be welcomed.
  21. Was there ever a mission in CMSF featuring the lions of Kandahar / op North Star ? In Afghanistan .. just gently asking.
  22. Hmmm not exactly sure what you meant by Iraqi army is no more. I believe there is a special branch of special forces in Iraqi SF, that do an excellent job getting rid of hostiles. You can google it.
  23. I have to say it - but this forum, and actually not just SF but all the other CM, are full of life and cool characters. Thank you all guys.. its a really gloomy day here in the Mediterranean island, and so i have every excuse to stay indoors. and play. PLAY? Actually - making very important tactical decisions that can cost lives... of pixeltruppen.
  24. I stumbled over this post. And i just had to wave my flag also.. to get @Battlefront.com attention. Hell @MOS:96B2P just showed me how to link the profile names and shout at people. So I'm giving it a spin and make people aware of the NEED.
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