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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Going through my mod warehouse. If Aris created mods or "mod packs" specifically for Final Blitzkrieg then he put "CMFB" or just "FB" in the title. If they don't appear, then you are using one of his earlier mods. Or at least, that is how I understand it to work.
  2. @Lucky_Strike Thanks for that explanation of the underlying problems of modding the hedgerows. I've always thought that the "straight poles" in particular looked out of place.
  3. "In a turn or two," Your men could get shot to pieces. The rest of your advance could grind to a halt etc etc. This bug should have been sorted once and for all, within weeks of the release of the Big Bundle six, or however many years ago. And that is coming from someone who regularly got abused for being a "fanboi".
  4. Hedgerows could certainly do with some attention from the modding community. It would be good to see some earthen banks, tree roots, fallen branches etc.
  5. Never trust anyone who uses the word "issue", when they mean a problem. That's what my old granny always used to say, except when she was moaning about the Stewarts.
  6. Nope, there aren't vines in FB. I assuming that is because the stock campaign set in Germany takes place in the streets of Aachen in autumn, and the stock battles set on the Franco-German border take place in mid winter.
  7. @Bulletpoint I concur, even simple orders can trigger this behaviour. Although most missions on my recent stumble up the road to Montebourg were bug free, there were two where it happened so many times I was having to replay turns over and over... Grrrr!
  8. I've found that with Teams it will be one guy getting left behind. Whereas with Squads it will be two or three. I've also found that the behaviour is hit and miss, you can play seven or eight missions without it occurring at all, then suddenly you'll get hit by it multiple times in a single mission. Ho hum.
  9. That was the one that I had in mind, although I haven't played it, which probably explains why I couldn't remember the title. Now that CMBN has had it's most annoying bug fixed I will hopefully return from CMFB soon.
  10. The competition is already over. But, if you had posted a video of Phil Harding singing this then I might have bent the rules.
  11. There was a thread about this recently. but I can't remember the title. My experience re artillery was that infantry only ran through a gap towards the enemy if arty rounds landed right behind them and cut off any route back to hard cover. And that only happened once through an entire campaign. Sadly, infantry getting stuck whilst moving through gaps in a hedgerow, or even moving away from a hedgerow into open ground happened more often than I would have liked.
  12. Hedgerows have always been treated differently in CMFB because it is set in winter, and the hedges are considered to be either devoid of leaves, or for them to have turned brown and brittle. Unlike in CMBN neither infantry nor vehicles are blocked by hedgerows.
  13. Final standings Vergeltungswaffe- 31 Points Warts 'n' all - 18 Points LongLeftFlank - 6 Points Falaise - 4 Points Umlaut - 0 Points altipueri - Minus 5 Points So our winner by a very long margin is @Vergeltungswaffe. His prize is a hogshead of Elizabeth's St. Jemes Infirmary Thorney Isalnd Entire Butt, described by Rate Beer as being full-bodied, well-rounded, and a cheeky little number all at the same time.
  14. @Falaise Thank you for your comment. If the competition had been run when the Big Bundle was originally released then the South of France pictures would have been disallowed. But we now have at least one community made battle from Dragoon so that is why The Committee of 100 allowed the pictures posted on page 1 and the one above.
  15. They are indeed interesting. Although I'm more interested in the fact hat he played with Spike Hughes in the 30's, and that the vocalist on this track had the surname "Churchill".
  16. I think that No. 6 was taken at Vernon on the Seine, just to the west of where the first mission from "Amiens Tonight" is set.
  17. I think that someone has got this in the bag. No.6 looks like it only has Limey troops in it, but all the others are fine. So that is 12 points to you. I'm now going to annoy my neighbours by playing "Just You, Just Me" rather loudly. I love Slam Stewart's playing on it.
  18. If you are having trouble loading more pictures, you might want to check the "My Attachments" section of your profile. It could be that it is full, you can always create more space by deleting some of your older posts from it. They will still remain visible in the thread in which you posted them.
  19. Hahahaha. A nice shot of Kay Summersby in fancy dress.
  20. As much as I love El Clash Combo, the only way troops could've heard those tunes during WW2 is via the TARDIS.
  21. Updated standings @Vergeltungswaffe - 19 Points Warts 'n' all - 18 Points All other scores remain unchanged.
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