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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I vaguely remember some years back this topic cropped up, and a video was posted of an invisible tank making a hole in a fence.
  2. Wasn't it Sun Tzu who said, "Never tell your enemy your secret plans."?
  3. Yeah in this mission all you have are the 81mm Mortar Half-tracks.
  4. Which is why Little Jimmy Osmond uttered the immortal words, "Dear Stinkpot".
  5. Use the four small buttons above the red start button. You can go forwards or back as many times as you want, or jump in five second increments.
  6. This is the crucial phrase. We the player don't have to be aware of active enemy units nearby. As long as the guys with their hands up are within a certain distance of their mates then the white flag won't appear, irrespective of whether we have sight, sound or no knowledge at all of those nearby enemy units. So, the rule is, if no white flag appears, either blast any place where you suspect other enemy might be or kill the guys with their hands up.
  7. Ah, OK. Thanks for explaining. I was scratching my bonce trying to think what your comment had to do with my previous one, about my new mod. I vaguely remember from six years back, that playing as the Germans was a lot of fun. Although just taking a look at my result, I think that some players might find it a bit too easy.
  8. Inspired by this thread I think it is time to have another crack at this battle after six years. Of course the battlefield looks completely different thanks to the modders. I have however begun to tire of the News and Music Mod, no offence to it's creator, and shall be sending my boys into battle with a new mod "Hot Club de Limeyland", which as it's name suggests feature tunes recorded by Django, Stephane and the other boys in the band either in the UK or with a UK subject matter.
  9. @John 1966Yes, flail tanks were introduced in the Vehicle Pack. And are used in a couple of community made campaigns, "For King and Country" which is set in June and "Operation Clipper" which is in the Autumn. Meanwhile remember that dismounted tank crew can be used in your M5s if they have got nothing better to do. Of course, being from the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry they might head off to the nearest radio to check the footy results ... East Fife 4 - Forfar 5.
  10. I've just run a little test. In this battle some of your M5s contain both a Rifle Section and a Platoon HQ. When you give a Target and Open Up command to the M5 one of the riflemen will man the gun and fire. In a later turn if you dismount the Rifle Section a member of the HQ Section will then take over on the gun without a new Target order needing to be given. Even if you then dismount the HQ the Target order remains in place, and firing will resume when you remount. Happy shooting.
  11. Yes, you will have to "Open Up" in order for someone to man the gun. The Limey M5 doesn't have a Gunner and it needs one of the passengers to do the firing. The reason that you don't need to "Open Up" a Bren Carrier is that it has a firing slit, rather than a exposed gun mount.
  12. Going back through my records I only managed a "Draw" when I played this as the Limeys, and lost 56 tanks in the process. Ah well it's only a game as Jimmy Greaves used to say.
  13. @mjkerner The Governor is a servant of the Crown. and I blotted my copybook with them some years ago, so sadly can be of no help. Meanwhile I wondered if the briefing was meant to reflect the orders given at the time, with the designer leaving it up to us whether we followed them or not.
  14. It's years since I played this, so I've forgotten what the briefing said. But, having read your post, I must have taken one look at the map and said "sod the briefing". In the meantime, if anyone is interested our colonial convict pal Ithikial did put out a 21 episode video of this battle on youtube about six years ago.
  15. Didn't the assault on communism end when some bloke wrote a pamphlet called "Left-wing Communism :- An infantile disorder" about 100 years ago? I hope that BFC aren't going to waste their time on a game with that title.
  16. The original version of the Big Bundle only comprised of BN, CW and MG. It did not include the Vehicle Pack or the Battle Pack as it does now. So depending on how "previously" you bought it could explain the problem you are having. Either way the Help Desk should be able to sort things out for you.
  17. I would suggest clicking on "Support" on the home page. And sending a message via the Help Desk. They should get you up and running fairly quickly.
  18. Elizabeth looks at the screen, "Noddle Head, stop teasing Mr. Intman or you wont be getting your hands on my Entire Butt this evening."
  19. It's one of my favourites from my younger days. It was taken in Brixton in 1982 when he was fronting his own band. And a pure fluke that he seems to be looking straight at me.
  20. "You want this bottle round yer 'ead? Furts up, it ain't the trout farmer's band, it's mine. 'n' secund we ain't motley." ...
  21. @Lucky_Strike Personally I don't think the boy from Woking would actually consider himself the "Mod God". From talking to his long time drummer on a number of occasions I think that he left the ego tripping to others. So you should be pretty safe.
  22. Nope, it is a documentary. And thankfully a very literate one too.
  23. That is very weird that some people a different layout to others. I was hoping to see you change yours to "Cider Boy", and Lucky Strike change his to "Smoke 'em if you got 'em". Or, something along those lines. Meanwhile it's back to the hedgerows for me.
  24. Well I changed my title with no trouble. So not totally clueless. But without seeing what happens when you click on "Edit Profile" I can't really help any more.
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