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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Well I changed my title with no trouble. So not totally clueless. But without seeing what happens when you click on "Edit Profile" I can't really help any more.
  2. I think you'll find that it is a documentary, not a "Doco". And a very fine one too.
  3. That raid was conducted against the German defenses in general. Panzer Lehr was just a remnant of it's June 6th self by that stage.
  4. I didn't know there was such a thing as an "upgrade". The "Enable status updates" takes you from Junior to Senior. After that you can call yourself what you like.
  5. Ah, sorry it didn't work for you guys. I'm quite enjoying seeing "Dead Puritan" beneath my portrait.
  6. They way it should work if you follow Peter Panzer's tips is that when you click on Edit Profile, the first section is called Basic Info. One field will have you date of birth, the other field in your case should read Senior Member, which you can edit with something witty. Or, not as the case may be.
  7. Inspired by the above. I decided to change my description, I was getting bored with "Senior Member". And I just followed the helpful hints given earlier in the thread.
  8. You should be able to still get both Airborne and Glider Infantry mods on Bootie's site.
  9. @Bulletpoint Best leave the gags to Sandi.
  10. Whatever happened to capital letters in your neck of the woods?
  11. @Vacilllator Good to see that @Pete Wenman helped you out. And my apologies to him for forgetting that he was the designer.
  12. "I think it's burning, but I ain't gonna be the first one to take a look."
  13. Some, but not all designers do mention the long call in time and suggest creating your arty mission during the Set-up Phase. It's what I always do with them.
  14. Sorry I should have specified the game. CM English Civil War (Currently in development in a TARDIS somewhere).
  15. I abhor violence. But, maybe severed heads should be allowed in game.
  16. The Renault Flammpanzer came with the Vehicle Pack a few years ago. So the revised version of Borderlands has -vp stuck on the end of it. Although when I played it I gave it the name "Charred Borderlands" in my results log. I don't know if it still available in the Scenario Depot if anyone wants to give it a go. Here's one of Renaults after it was charred.
  17. Is that the original version? Or the revised one with the Flammpanzers?
  18. Hahaha. Poor old Aunty she ain't what she used to be. I've even had to lodge a few complaints along the lines of "Lord Reith would be spinning in his grave" in recent months. In the meantime, I'd like to know which scenario the OP was playing.
  19. Paddy lifts his eyes from his copy of the Sporting Post. "Did yer'se hear this gob****e, Mr. Jorrocks, Sir. He felt so British, that he said that he was playing as "the Brits". "Don't worry about it Paddy old boy. By the time the Dictatorship of the Semi-Literate take power we will both be in our graves." "Ah, right you are Sir. Another G'n'T will it be?"
  20. Perhaps whoever designed that particular building will explain what inspired the sign.
  21. You're right that slit trenches and fox holes were dug in gardens during the battle. Just unlucky with your choice of picture. Thankfully the location of that mortar pit has never been built on. ...
  22. I think you'll find that these guys weren't in the garden of a house, they were on the edge of a wood.
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