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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Well that is the date when Berlin is fought over, and relevant to CMRT . @NPye's photo comes from 1938 and I have found one taken from a slightly different angle where there are no flags draped down the front of the building. I suspect they were just put out for ceremonial occasions, Mad Addy's Birthday, Bald Benny's State Visit etc ...



  2. 3 hours ago, zaybz said:

    (Sorry if this seems moany).

    It's nothing to be sorry about, you're just asking questions. Having to fight over the same ground again and again can feel more like a chore, than fun. 

    In 1944 the US Airborne faced a heavy counter-attack around Riethorst and the neighbouring villages. In fact the situation got so bad that the Guards Armoured Divsion had to send tanks from the Coldstreams to help force the Germans back. It would have nice if the scenario designer had worked that into at least one mission.

  3. 15 hours ago, zaybz said:

    I have just played the Heuman Lock Bridge scenario and can confirm that the bridge is still bugged / broken / impossible to cross. Likewise, the ditches do not provide any cover (in fact it was straightforward to attain enough suppression to cross the open ground on the far left of the map, so this wasn’t game-spoiling).


    I have now reached Night Fight and am somewhat dumfounded that, having taken Riethorst Hotel and the Windmill objectives during For Those About To Die, I now have to retake them. I can’t fathom why this is. Is this a glitch or as intended but underexplained? Perhaps a glitch due to me ‘losing’ with a tactical defeat despite taking those two objectives during FThoseATDie??

    It isn't a glitch, it is how the campaign designer created it. It is a representation of the ebb and flow of the battle around Riethorst.

  4. 9 hours ago, Combatintman said:

    I'd ask @Warts 'n' allabout that ... closer to his time than mine 😏

    I have to say that I was a bit surprised when I got a notification saying I was mentioned in a CMCW post, given the fact that I have no intention of buying it. For what it's worth I always call the Dutch, "the Dutch", as for "Cloggies", surely they are Lancastrian mill workers. 

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