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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. While it is true that soldiers would routinely be told to dig in upon reaching an objective, the timing for them to dig in and the enemy counterattack would typically not happen within the scope of a single scenario in CM.

    I concur with this totally. As I said in an earlier post. CM has always been, for me at least, about the "moment" of action for the men at the sharp end. I think digging in has to be treated in much same way as the game treats things such as:- Heavy Bombers, Preparatory Arty, The march up to the start line, Evacuation of the wounded to a Field Hospital etc. These things are taken as read, and therefore are outside of the games remit.

    I know that it is never fun when you reach an objective and your men get stonked by the enemies mortars. But, organised counter-attacks by the AI are pretty rare. Things of course, could be different in H2H depending upon your opponents victory points situation.

  2. That kind of behaviour could possibly be replicated in the game at the campaign level as I said before. For example, if someone could string the four "In the Shadow of the Hill" battles into a campaign and somehow design it so that the British could begin missions 2, 3 and 4 in foxholes.

    Although for me I find it awkward enough getting my HMG's into decent LOF positions amongst the hedgerows as it is. I certainly wouldn't want them to sink 1 or 2 feet into the ground just because they'd remained in one spot for a certain length of time.

  3. local security while they were halted was also pants]

    Although Eric Lefevre mentions the usual cigarette and "brew up" in his Panzers in Normandy book, he also talks about men taking the opportunity to stretch their legs. It does beg the question, did some of them go off into the bushes or the roadside ditch to answer the call of nature, and therefore get caught with their "pants" down both literally and metaphorically? Not a pleasant thought.

  4. Jon, I certainly agree with you that it does always seem to be portrayed, whether in movies, or in books, in a negative fashion. And, also, to my mind having a drink mid-battle does also seem to get viewed differently depending upon the nation being referred to.

    U.S. troops have a "hot, strong coffee" and get straight back into the fight. Whilst the Limey's "stop for tea" in some terribly English fashion. Almost as if they were laying out scones and cream. It would have been a world apart from how the average "Tommy" had his tea.

    I just think in the example that I cited at Villers-Bocage, they stopped in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy just happening to turn up.

  5. A lot of fun to watch. Very bloody.

    It looked the Germans were positioned further back than I remember when I tackled that mission.

    As I'm currently working my way through the single battles chronologically, it will be quite a while before I start playing the Campaigns again. I'll have to save your video on youtube and give it another look when I go a'campaigning again.

    I'd still be tempted to re-jig things to reflect what the German commander on the ground, Major Kerutt said about not being able to position his guns where he wanted to. Although whether my computer skills are up to it is very much in doubt. And I'd probably still get my arse kicked by the A.I.. Haha.

  6. As for Brits stopping for tea in a battle, think that's mostly Hollywood directors taking the usual cheap shot, bit like the scene in bridge too far where the US airborne implore the Brit armour to steam down the single road. I read a very different reason from a British tank officer in his memoir.

    Don't worry I would never confuse Hollywood's A Bridge Too Far with history. That is why I cited the example of the British stopping for tea on the road out of Villers-Bocage. Just before Wittmann gave them a hand with their "Brewing up".

  7. I certainly agree with postfux123 about being able to merge squads. When you are down to 3 or 4 men having them still split into 3 teams is a real pain.

    It would be especially helpful in campaigns when squads are badly depleted. It could either done "manually" via a "Merge" command in much the same as we split teams. Although that would take a redesign of the UI. Failing that it could be performed by the AI automatically between missions at Squad, Platoon and Company level.

    I suppose the other option is for me to get better at the game, so that I don't lose so many PBI.

  8. I agree that there are plenty of references in books about Normandy to British troops "digging-in" fairly quickly. But, there are also loads of references to them "stopping for tea", most notably, just up the road from Villiers-Bocage. So perhaps we ought to be careful about what we wish for.

    Yes, the Germans were very adept at counter-attacking quickly. But CM has always been about the "battle" going on at the moment, whether it be 15, 30, 45 minutes, or a couple of hours. So any counter-attack would be in another battle. I think that we have to take it as read that troops "dig-in" after they have reached the objectives set in a particular battle.

    Of course, if at some time in the future BFC reintroduce the original style of "Operations" then the ability to prepare field fortifications during each and every set-up phase would make sense.

  9. Although I feel your pain. Lots of aspects do have to be taken into account.

    How long will it take to dig slit trenches... How deep will they be... How much protection will they give.... How many AS do they take up... How do they affect LOS/LOF.... How long will the unit digging take to react to approaching enemy vehicles or infantry.

    I'm sure it could be made to work. But, I suspect it might be v.5... 6.... or 7 before we see it, if at all. In the meantime hit that "Hide" command and pray.

  10. Zenith... Another thing that you might like to keep in mind. All the threads that have ever been posted about the game are still available to view, so any problems that you have either technical, or tactical, should have been discussed on here previously.

    Also, if you play in turn-based mode. Use the replay facility as often as you like. If you are taking casualties, and can't work out why at first viewing, just watch it again and again, changing the camera's elevation or rotation, and you should find the answer.

  11. I agree that it can be very annoying when you have LOS only to find out that you don't have LOF. I'm losing count of the amount of times I've turned the air blue screaming at an MG team for not opening fire. I'll have to try keeping Womble's explanation in the back of my head.

    Also, I agree that it did seem to be less of a problem in the original game. I suppose it is just something we will have to work around for the time being.

  12. I wondered could it simply be a lack of good ale there, but a quick check revealed New Zealand ranks 21st in per capita beer consumption. :eek: Maybe they just take their beer drinking too seriously.

    Haha... Being from Limeyland I don't know anything about New Zealand beers. Are there any worth drinking?

  13. If you're just shooting the breeze, then sure.

    If you are attempting to advocate a change in the game, then the required standard of proof is a little higher than "I think I saw a photo, and I've seen one in a museum! I might have read a book once, too!"

    I don't see how my original comment was in any way "attempting to advocate a change in the game". I quite clearly used the words "can't be replicated in the game". NOT "I want to see it replicated in the game". Perhaps being from Venus you have trouble understanding English.

    To be honest I do think that this matter should be closed for the benefit of other forum members as I suggested in my last posting.

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