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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. 2 hours ago, laurent 22 said:

    Thank you for your answers. There was a third kubel, they are necessary for me to supply my troops with ammunition. I play this scenario PBEM:

    I haven't played this battle. But, I did take a look at it and was unable to get the Kubelwagen's out of the churchyard. It does seem to be a poor piece of design on an otherwise great looking map.

  2. It looks like you are trying to move them through a corner AS. And sometimes the game has a trouble with corners, whether they be formed by walls, fences, or hedges, which can effect both vehicles and infantry. 

    You mentioned that on one occasion a Kubelwagen got through the gap. But you didn't tell us if it is one of the ones shown in the pictures above.

    Also, it would help if you told us which scenario this is from so that we can test it for you.

  3. On 10/4/2021 at 4:09 PM, Erwin said:

    what no govts want to discuss is that the real world cause re greenhouse gases and pollution is the exponential growth of the numbers of people.  Producing products for ever growing numbers of people is what causes pollution.  More factories, more cars, more power stations, more animals and food production, more water demands... 

    "Ah, if only people had listened to The Diggers back in the 1650s."

    Elizabeth lifts hers eyes from her Whitehall Gazette, rolls them and mutters, "They couldn't listen them cuz you had 'em killed. You dozy plonker!"

  4. Sadly, to my old eyes it looks like none of the mods really fit properly. They seem to creep over into the surrounding terrain. One side of the road sloping up, and the other sloping down. In some battles I've tested it is more pronounced than in others, but it still looks off putting. It is something that doesn't occur with the vanilla roads, not with the paved road mod created by Aris. 

  5. 24 minutes ago, JM Stuff said:

    Did some of you downloaded the little zipped file in the link below, I would like to know if the link work, let me know, and if yes give me also some advices about the tiles in your own game that I can go ahead with the job !

    Thanks in advance 


    The link does work.

    I've taken a little look this morning. Number 1a1 comes complete with the bright coloured dots as shown in one of your earlier posts, which is a bit off putting. But as a road surface it does look good. I'm not sure if other forumites will agree with me, but the main problem with this as a mod is where two different types of road tile meet. The contrast is very stark.

    I shall have a look at the rest as and when I get time.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    A large road would be paved so one wouldn't have that much muddy tracks. 

    You're wrong I'm afraid. Firstly you're forgetting that vehicles having gone off road and then returned to a "large" road would deposit mud on it depending on the weather conditions. And secondly, paved roads in Normandy hadn't been particularly well maintained during the depression and German occupation, and were fairly quickly ground to dust after the D-day landings. Add, allied bombing and arty fire and you soon got roads looking like this... 


  7. You've obviously put a lot of work into this. But, two things spring immediately to mind.

    1. The track markings are too "black". They look like the tanks have driven through oil over and over again. Using different shades of brown would look more realistic.

    2. Some kind of mod tag or variation similar to Falaise's June, July, August method might be handy. A road that has seen no previous tank traffic is not going to look the same that one that has seen weeks of use.

  8. Elizabeth looks up from her copy of the Westminster Gazette. "Oi! Noddle Head, did they really have those underwater thingamajigs on the Nederrijn when that Anglican prig was trying to end the war by Christmas?"

    "I don't think so dear, but I'm not particularly au fait with maritime warfare. Particularly when it is 300 years in the future."

    "Well, if that's the case, let me put you straight. There weren't any, and according to my friend Mrs Miggins they don't have a place in a thread about Market-Garden." 

  9. I think that by "Administration" he is referring to using the "A" button on the UI. It enables us to break our squads down into a variety of teams. And it does take some time to find the right combinations that best suit the situations that you face in a particular battle. 

    Speaking from personal experience I really enjoyed "Blunting the Spear". It is a great introduction to playing as the Germans in Red Thunder. 

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