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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. "Russia didn't become communist" Well you're right there, The Bolsheviks failed miserably to create a communist society, in the words of one Czech socialist back in '68 they only established a "party oligarchy". Of course, I was too busy watching Man Utd win the European Cup to bother about such things. I know that Ricky Lenin, Terry Trotsky and Stevie Stalin did go on to play for Felchester Rovers but that is a tad outside of the realm of CM.

  2. Sadly Amiens Tonight is cursed by troops missing from certain missions. But, if you can live with that it is still playable.

    Courage and Fortitude is a work of fiction. But again, if you can live with that it is still playable.

    Poppies  is fun, and worth giving a go.

    Carpiquet is best played if you have a powerful comp, due to both map size and troop numbers.

    Scottish is a realistic portrayal of Operation Epsom. Awful weather, and SS reinforcements being thrown in to the battle. "Punishingly hard?" No. A tough challenge, yes.

  3. 8 hours ago, Erwin said:

    In terms of war films am not sure I have seen any really good ones recently - ie memorable ones that I would watch again (and again).  My all-time favorites include Apocalypse Now, Lawrence of Arabia, Saving Pvt Ryan, Patton, Bridge Too Far, The Longest Day, Hunt For Red October...  Am sure there have been some newer good ones, but they simply don't come to mind immediately - so could not have been that compelling/memorable. 

    What do you guys like/remember immediately?

    2 out of 7 ain't bad.

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