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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. 37 minutes ago, mjkerner said:

    One has to wonder at the armor knowledge of a 400-year-dead fellow, let alone his ability to communicate with us about it, eh LutzP? This and many other wonders await you here!

    Hahaha. The didn't call me "Ironsides" cuz I sat in a wheelchair in a TV studio all day. I knew a thing or two about armour in my time, young fellow me lad. And now me and my mate Raymond Burr are off for a pint.

  2. 1 hour ago, BornGinger said:

    Most crimes have a period when they are viewed as still being a crime and someone accused of a crime has to stay hidden until that time has passed and there's no need to worry about having to go to prison or to defend oneself from being falsely accused.

    Only murder doesn't have that kind of period in some countries and in other countries murder has a period of 40 or 50 years, if I'm correct.

    What time period are we talking about for calling someone a mother ****er before it's more or less forgotten?


  3. 5 hours ago, Vet 0369 said:

    Well, whatever names were called in what must have been a very heated and energetic “discussion,” he at least still purchased Fire & Rubble. Times have changed, and while we don’t have to use or accept such language, we must understand that many people see those terms as simply emphasizing their statements. One of the women I worked with used it all the time, even though I’d admonish her with “You know, profanity is the mark of a weak mind attempting to forcibly express itself.” She’d just laugh and tell me to go “F” myself. Regardless, we were still a very good writing team because I didn’t accept them as insults.


  4. It is annoying when you find something interesting on the net, but then when you try to find it again it has either disappeared, or you can't quite remember how you found it in the first place. It happens to me quite a bit with local history. 

    Hopefully one day someone will find an answer to your query.

  5. 2 hours ago, rtdood said:

    The first mission is quite a slog I'll admit and the casualty parameters harsh. Did you try concentrating on just 2 of the objectives or all 3? 

    I haven't started yet. I've just read through all your notes and impressed by the details that you've put into them. Once I've rearranged my "z" folder from my last campaign I'll get slaughtered, oops, I meant cracking on with it.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    In this case I really wonder why the Russians bothered to recrute Blunt, Philby, Maclean and Burgess...😁

    Cuz, they couldn't understand a farkin' word that 'arry Pollitt said. And needed some posh gits to translate. Know wot I mean John?

  7. 23 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    It's been more than a couple of years and Lille is dead on, the waiting has been and still is brutal.

    I got stopped by Customs once in Lille, there weren't brutal, but it did mean that I missed my ferry back to Limeyland. I've hated the place ever since. Ooops, sorry, wrong Lille.

  8. It still amazes me that people who post stuff like this on the net think that they are telling us something new. It might be new to them, but it isn't to anyone who has been reading books for the last fifty or so years.

    "Wakey wakey" as Billy Cotton used to shout. 

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